GB/T 10058-2023 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB/T 10058-2023, GBT10058-2023): Specification for electric lifts [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 21/10/2023 - 31 من الصفحات This document specifies the technical requirements, reliability, test rules, as well as marking, packaging, transportation, storage and technical files for passenger electric lifts and freight electric lifts. This document applies to traction electric lifts with a rated speed not greater than 6.0 m/s and forced electric lifts with a rated speed not greater than 0.63 m/s. For traction electric lifts with rated speeds greater than 6.0 m/s, refer to this document. The non-applicable parts shall be determined through negotiation between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This document does not apply to hydraulic electric lifts, utility electric lifts, household electric lifts, freight-only electric lifts and inclined electric lifts. |
Reliability | 5 |
Introduction | 8 |
Annex A informative Technical files retained by the manufacturer after product sales | 29 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accidental movement protection Add the requirement additional requirements balance weight braking component buffer car accidental movement car door car upward overspeed Change the requirements composite filler weights control cabinet counterweight block covered rope belt document door locking device driving host Edition electric lift car Electric lift China Electric lift Co electric lift machine electrical safety device emergency and test exceed Gao Xiang group of brakes Guangdong Hangzhou hoistway Jiajie landing door Li Yang lifts GB/T Liu Jun manufacturer Mitsubishi Electric movement protection device Ningbo operation control devices overspeed protection device passenger electric lift press filler weights provisions of GB/T pulley rated speed regulations of GB/T requirement of additional requirements for electric requirements of GB/T rope or covered safety gear Shanghai Special Equipment Inspection speed limiter Suixian suspension device technical files temperature test operation screens thermal insulation traction electric lifts traction sheave upward overspeed protection wire rope Xie Jun Zhang