Why Not Eat Insects?Field & Tuer, 1885 - 99 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
appetizing Bartolozzi Bird's Nest Soup birds black slug boil brassica bread Buff-tip cabbage cakes carnivorous caterpillars Chinese chrysalids Cockchafers colour common Cossus creatures crops cultivate dainty delicacies delicate flavour delicious devourers dinner EAT INSECTS edible epicures excellent fatten feed Field & Tuer fleas flour foolish prejudice foul feeders fried in butter fruit garden gnawing gooseberry grasshoppers grey slug Grugru habit Hottentots imitate incredible quantities insect dishes insect food known la Chinoise lard larva larvæ Leadenhall Press leather-jacket Limaçons loathsome lobster locusts LONDON look Lucanus cervus luscious meal Meal-worms menu mollusks moth neglected nice numbers oysters palatable pepper and salt pests Phalènes plump poor properly cooked recipe relished rich Romans savoury Sawfly sea-slug season sidering slug Limax snail-preserve snails and slugs spoilt Stag Beetle starve swallow taste and smell tid-bits tion trees Trepang uncivilized vegetable wholesome food Wireworm Wood-lice worm yellow