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Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique (Vol. X. No. 1. January 1909. Louvain). J. Flamion: Les actes apocryphes de Pierre,' III. J. Mahé, S.J.: La sanctification d'après S. Cyrille d'Alexandrie.' A. Fierens: 'La question franciscaine. Le MS. II. 2326 de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique' (fin). J. Bois: 'L'Église catholique en Russie sous Catherine II. La création d'un évêché de Blanche-Russie et le maintien des Jésuites.' P. Demeuldre: A. Weiss Historia Ecclesiastica, I.' E. Tobac: Prat La théologie de S. Paul' (8 pp.). A. Brohée : 'Buonaiuti Lo Gnosticismo' (7 pp.). J. Flamion : ‘Turmel Histoire du dogme de la Papauté à la fin du quatrième siècle' ('Assez inégal '). L. van der Essen : 'Duchesne Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule, I.' (2me édition); 'M. Bondois La translation des Saints Marcellin et Pierre. Étude sur Einhard (827-34).' J. Lebon: Usener Der heilige Tychon'; 'Brewer Kommodian von Gaza' (5 pp.). M. Jacquin: 'H. v. Schubert Der sogenannte Praedestinatus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Pelagianismus ' ; 'Minges Ist Duns Scotus Indeterminist? und Die Gnadenlehre des Duns Scotus'; 'Messing Papst Gregors VII. Verhältnis zu den Klöstern.' R. Maere: 'Rivoira Le origini della architettura lombarda.' M. Legrand : 'Luchaire Innocent III.'; 'Gütschow Innocenz III. und England.' A. Fierens: 'H. Boehmer Chronica Fratris Jordani.' H. Nelis: 'Fayen Lettres de Jean XXII (1316–34)' (5 pp.). R. de Schepper: 'H. C. Lea The Moriscos of Spain and History of the Inquisition I-IV'; 'E. Schafer Beiträge zur Geschichte des spanischen Protestantismus u. der Inquisition im 16. Jahrhundert' (7 pp.). A. Dumortier: Richter Erasmus u. seine Stellung zu Luther.' L. Smet: Verelst Zumarraga eerste Bisschop, Aartsbisschop van Mexico' (1533-1548). A. Pasture: Calenzio La vita e gli scritti del Cardinale Cesare Baronio.' A. Leman: 'Delplanque Fénelon et la doctrine de l'amour pur.' J. Forget: 'Granderath Geschichte des Vatikanischen Konzils' (20 pp.). J. Verreth: 'Joly Le Christianisme en Extrême-Orient' ('C'est un fait indéniable: l'Extrême-Orient ne veut pas du christianisme ').

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Revue des Questions Historiques (Vol. LXXXV. No. 169. January 1909. Paris 5 rue Saint-Simon). P. Richard: 'Origines de la Nonciature en France.' L. Lallemand: 'Les maladies épidémiques en Europe.' A. de Boislisle: 'La désertion du cardinal de Bouillon,' II. P. Feret: 'Une négociation secrète entre Louis XIV et Clément XI en 1715.' A. Dufourcq: 'A propos de l'hagiographie romaine.' F. Jubaru: 'La Sainte Agnès des Actes grecs.' A. Roussel: 'Lamennais d'après ses correspondants inconnus' (suite). R. de Boysson: 'La ville de Sarlat anoblie par Louis XIV.' G. Péries: L. Marion Histoire de l'Eglise.' 'Toffteen Researches in Biblical Archaeology.' D. E. Bouvet: 'Rosadi Le Procès de Jésus.' 'Brutails Précis d'archéologie du moyen âge' ('un livre à lire et à relire '). J. M. Besse: Vaucelle La Collégiale de S. Martin de Tours (397-1328) et Catalogue des lettres de Nicolas V concernant la province ecclésiastique de Tours.' 'Halphen Recueil des actes de Lothaire et de Louis V, rois de France (954-87). L. G. Pélissier]: 'Ghetti Storia politico-nazionale d'Italia. II. 1073-1492.' 'G. L. Beer British Colonial Policy, 1754-65.' E. G. L[edos]: 'A. Manno Biblioteca di storia italiana recente (1800-1850), I.'

Theologisch Tijdschrift (Vol. XLIII. Nos. 1-2. January-April 1909


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Leiden: S. G. van Doesburgh). Agnotos": Reactie of Vooruitgang.' I. (March-April, II.). L. Knappert: 'Studiën over het godsdienstig en zedelijk leven onzer vaderen.' J. A. Cramer: 'Het historisch getuigenis aangaande de opstanding van Jezus Christus.' H. Y. Groenewegen : Een blik op het gebied der wijsgeerige Theologie.' March-April. I. M. J. Hoog: 'Uit het kerkelijk leven voor 60 jaar.' H. Oort: Lucas xx 18b.' H. P. S. van der Loeff: 'Een nieuwe Eusebius-vertaling' (by H. U. Meyboom). K. Lake: 'K. Ter-Mekerttschian and E. Ter-Minassiantz Des hl. Irenäus Schrift zum Erweise der apostolichen Verkündigung ' ; Grenfell and Hunt Fragment of an uncanonical Gospel from Oxyrhynchus'; 'C. R. Gregory Das Freer-Logion'; 'A. Souter Ps.-Augustini Quaestiones Veteris et Novi Testamenti CXXVII.'; 'H. v. Soden Die Schriften des N.T., I. 1-3'; 'Gregory Die Griechischen Handschriften des N.T.'; 'Sanday The Apostolic Decree, Acts xv 20-29.'

Teologisk Tidsskrift (Vol. X. No. 2. 1909. Copenhagen: G. E. C. Gad). O. H. Nyholm: Religiöse Synspunkter. Fortsaettelse af "Vor Opfattelse af det virkelige." L. Bergmann: Missionsliteratur (Indien).' J. Pedersen: 'Nowack Die Kleinen Propheten'; 'Duhm Das Buch Jesaja'; 'Strack Die Genesis.' C. Glarbo: 'Lobstein Études sur la doctrine chrétienne de Dieu.' E. Geismar: 'G. A. Coe Det religiöse Liv.' J. Paulli: 'G. Koch Praest og Menighed' (9 pp.). R. Thomsen: 'Peile Reproach of the Gospel' (8 pp.). N. M. Plum: 'Söderblom Sveriges Kyrka.'

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The Church Missionary Review (Vol. LX. Nos. 717-719. JanuaryMarch 1909. C.M.S.). R. Maconachie : Our Duty towards the India of To-day.' T. F. V. Buxton: 'Industrial Work in E. Africa.' E. Howard: Early Buddhism.' G. F. Smith: The Evangelical Party and the Jews,' I. (II. February). A. W. McGregor: Kikuyu and its People.' W. J. Richards: Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity.' R. F. McNeile: 'Gairdner D. M. Thornton.' February. Bishop Ingham : 'Tucker Eighteen Years in Uganda and E. Africa.' Sir W. M. Young: 'John Barton-An Appreciation.' T. R. W. Lunt: 'The Sunday School Teacher and Foreign Missions.' H. E. Fox: The World Missionary Conference, 1910.' 'J. Wells Stewart of Lovedale.' March. W. A. Rice: The Charm of the East.' W. S. Pakenham-Walsh: 'Buddhism in China To-day.' E. Howard: 'A. Lloyd The Wheat among the Tares.' P. G. Kawai: 'Characteristics of Japanese Morality.' N. H. Tubbs: The Indian Student. India in Transition.' A. L. Kitching: The Teso Country.' W. H. T. Gairdner: 'The Moslem and Christian Views of God.' 'A. Shab Miftahu 'l Quran : A Key to the Koran.' Ramsay Luke the Physician.'

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The East and the West (Vol. VII. No. 25. January 1909. S.P.G.). M. Honda: 'Through what Channel would Japan accept Christianity ? ' Bishop of Carpentaria: The Northern Territory of Australia' J. Sibree: 'Christian Missions in Madagascar and French Colonial Policy.' E. C. West: 'Clergy for the Front: how to get them.' M. E. Sadler: 'The Significance of Industrial Missions.' Bishop of Lahore: 'British Indians in the Transvaal. An Empire Problem.' C. H. Robinson: A Visit to the Armenian Church.' 'W. H. T. Gairdner D. M. Thornton.' 'C. F. Andrews North India.' 'J. Richter History of Missions in India.' Barnett The Heart of India.' 'Sell The Religious Orders of

'L. B. Islam.'

'Tucker Eighteen Years in Uganda.' 'Atlas of the Chinese Empire' (Stanford 10s. 6d.). C. H. S. Matthews A Parson in the Australian Bush.'


The more important will be reviewed in Short Notices or Articles as space permits.

BIBLICAL ANd Kindred Studies.

Box, G. H.-A Short Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament. 'Oxford Church Text Books.' Pp. vi+ 144. (Rivingtons.)

Is. net.

BURNEY, C. F.-Israel's Hope of Immortality. Four Lectures. Pp. 106. (Clarendon Press.) 2s. 6d. net.

CONDER, C. R.-The City of Jerusalem. Pp. viii+334. (Murray.)

125. net.

DRIVER, S. R.-Modern Research as Illustrating the Bible. 'The Schweich Lectures,' 1908. Pp. viii+96. (Published for the British Academy by H. Frowde.) 35. net.

GEDEN, A. S.-Outlines of Introduction to the Hebrew Bible. Pp. xvi +368. (T. and T. Clark.) 8s. 6d. net.

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The Bible

GILBERT, G. H.-Acts: The Second Volume of Luke's Work on the Beginnings of Christianity. With Interpretative Comment. for Home and School.' Pp. x+268. (The Macmillan Co.) HASTINGS, J. (and others).-Dictionary of the Bible. Pp. xvi+992. (T. and T. Clark.) 205. net.


JORDAN, W. G.-Biblical Criticism and Modern Thought; or, the Place of the Old Testament Documents in the Life of To-day. Pp. xii + 322. (T. and T. Clark.) 7s. 6d. net.

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LAW, R.-The Tests of Life: a Study of the First Epistle of St. John. Kerr Lectures,' 1908. Pp. xvi +422. (T. and T. Clark.) 7s. 6d. net. MORGAN, G. CAMPBELL.-The Gospel according to John. The Analysed Bible.' Pp. viii+266. (Hodder and Stoughton.) 3s. 6d. Oesterley, W. O. E.—Our Bible Text: Some Recently Discovered Biblical Documents. Pp. viii+44. (Skeffington.) Is. 6d. net. 3 Plates.

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Scorr, R.-The Pauline Epistles: a Critical Study. The Literature of the New Testament' Series. Pp. viii+376. (T. and T. Clark.) 6s. net. WESTCOTT, B. F., and HORT, F. J. A.-The New Testament in the Original Greek. Pp. iv+620. (Macmillan.) 5s. net. A wonderfully cheap reprint with wide margins.

The Authorised Version of the English Bible, 1611. Edited by W. ALDIS WRIGHT. Five Volumes. Vol. I. Genesis to Deuteronomy. Pp. xxiv +496; Vol. II. Joshua to Esther. Pp. iv+618; Vol. III. Job to Malachi. Pp. iv +776; Vol. IV. Apocrypha. Pp. iv +426; Vol. V. The New Testament. Pp. iv +576. (Cambridge University Press.) 20s. net, or separately 4s. 6d. net per volume. A reprint it is hoped with literal accuracy' of the first issue of the Version of 1611, beautifully produced.


CLARKE, W. N.-The Christian Doctrine of God. Theological Library.' Pp. xiv + 478. (T. and T. Clark.)

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COLCHESTER, H. B.-Christ in the Early Apostolic Age. Pp. 48. (S.P.C.K.) 6d. Two Lectures delivered to the London Diocesan Church Reading Union.

FOLEY, G. C.-Anselm's Theory of the Atonement. 1908. Pp. xiv + 328.

(Longmans.) 5s. net.

'Bohlen Lectures,'

GIBSON, W. R. BOYCE.-God with us: a Study in Religious Idealism. Pp. xx+230. (A. and C. Black.) 3s. 6d. net.

HALL, F. J.-The Being and Attributes of God. Dogmatic Theology, Vol. III. Pp. xvi+310. (Longmans.) 6s, net.

HOLMES, E. E.-Immortality. 'Oxford Library of Practical Theology.' Pp. xvi + 320. (Longmans.) 5s.

MURRAY, J. O.—Christianity and Human Thought. Pp. 40. (S.P.C.K.) 6d. A Paper read before a joint meeting of the Clergy of the Deanery of St. John's and the Rural Deanery of Selkirk (Canada), January 13, 1908, by the Professor of Systematic Theology at St. John's College, Winnipeg. PALMER, W. SCOTT.-Studies in the Teaching of Religion. Pp. viii+94. (Longmans.)

IS. net.

PEAKE, A. S.-Christianity: Its Nature and Its Truth. (Duckworth.) 2s. 6d. net.

Pp. xxii + 298.

RANDOLPH, B. W.-The Precious Blood of Christ: Being Thoughts on the Doctrine of the Atonement. Pp. xiv +62. (Longmans.) 25. net.

RICHMOND, W.-The Creed in the Epistles: a Survey of the Creed of the First Age of the Church as exhibited in the Early Epistles of St. Paul. Pp. xxii + 114. (Methuen.) 2s. 6d. net.

STONE, DARWELL.-A History of the Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist. Two Volumes. Pp. xii + 410, x+664. (Longmans.) 30s. net.

WORCESTER, E.-The Living Word. Pp. xvi + 280. (Hodder and Stoughton.) 6s. net.


BESANT, A.-The Pedigree of Man. Second Edition, with Appendix and Index. Pp. iv +152+ xxvi + xx. (Benares and London: Theosophical Publishing Society.) 1 Rupee. Four Lectures delivered at Adyar, December 1903.

FRAZER, J. G.-Psyche's Task: a Discourse concerning the Influence of Superstition on the Growth of Institutions. Pp. x+84. (Macmillan.) 2s. 6d. net.

MACDONALD,D. B.-The Religious Attitude and Life in Islam. 'Haskell Lectures,' 1906. Pp. xviii+318. (University of Chicago Press.) $1.75



BURN, A. E.-Facsimiles of the Creeds from Early Manuscripts. With Palaeographical Notes by the late DR. L. TRAUBe. 'Henry Bradshaw Society,' Vol. XXXVI. Pp. viii+54 +98. (H.B.S.)

CRUTTWELL, C. T.-The Saxon Church and the Norman Conquest. 'Handbook of English Church History.' Pp. xviii+268. (Methuen.) 2s. 6d. net. Debout, Mgr. H.-Jeanne d'Arc. Nouvelle Vie Populaire Illustrée. Pp. viii+364. (Paris: Maison de la Bonne Presse.) FLETE, JOHN.-The History of Westminster Documents relating to Westminster Abbey,' No. 2. ROBINSON, D.D., Dean of Westminster. Pp. University Press.) 5s. net.

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Abbey. Notes and Edited by J. Armitage viii+152. (Cambridge

FROTHINGHAM, A. L.-The Monuments of Christian Rome. From Constantine to the Renaissance. Pp. viii+412. (The Macmillan Co.) 10s. 6d.

GLOVER, T. R.-The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire. Pp. viii+360. (Methuen.) 7s. 6d. net.

MAUDE, J. H.-The Foundations of the English Church Pp. xiv +232. (Methuen.) 2s. 6d. net.

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ROBINSON, J. ARMITAGE, and JAMES, M. R.—The Manuscripts of Westminster Abbey. Notes and Documents relating to Westminster Abbey,' No. 1. Pp. viii+108. (Cambridge University Press.) 5s. net.

WRIGHT, J.-Some Notable Altars in the Church of England and the American Episcopal Church. Pp. x + 384. (The Macmillan Co.) 25s. net. With 114 full-page Plates.

Studi e Ricerche intorno a S. Giovanni Crisostomo. A Cura del Comitato per il XV Centenario della sua Morte. Fascc. II. III. Pp. 245-970, 971-1152. (Roma: Libreria Pustet.) 8s. complete.


ARBUTHNOT, VEN. G.-A Plain Guide to the Communion Office. Pp. 32. (Mowbray.) id.

BALL, C. R.-Confirmation: Before and After. Being Instructions in Preparation for Confirmation and Holy Communion with Suitable Prayers and Questions. Pp. xii+ 120. (Skeffington.) 1s. 6d. net. BELL, C. C.—The Treasury of Jesus. Days of Lent. Pp. iv +88.

Brief Reflections for the Forty (Mowbray.) 6d. net.

BRETT, J.-The Divine Friendship. Pp. viii+162. (Longmans.) 3s. net. CHAMPNEYS, A. C.—Holy Communion: Simple Teaching and Prayers. Pp. viii+54. (Skeffington.) 6d. net.

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COLE, W. J.-Temperance. English Church Manuals.' Pp. 32. (Longmans.) Id.

HALL, E. VINE.-The Services for Holy Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion Simply Explained. With Chapters on the Church Catechism and the Commination Service. Pp. 80. (S.P.C.K.) 1s. 6d.

HAWKINS, SIR J. C., BART.-The Use of Dante as an Illustrator of Scripture. Pp. 92. (S.P.C.K.) 15. 6d. Reprinted with Additions from the Expository Times.

HOYT, A. S.-The Preacher: his Person, Message, and Method. A Book for the Class-room and Study. Pp. xii+ 380. (The Macmillan Co.) 6s. 6d. net.

HÜGEL, F. VON.-The Mystical Element of Religion. Two Volumes. (Dent.) 21s. net.

NELIGAN, RIGHT REV. M. R. (Bishop of Auckland).—Bible Teaching and Church Teaching. 'Churchman's Penny Library,' No. 21. Pp. 46. (Mackay.) Id.

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ROGERS, E.-The Puzzle of Prayer: A Talk to Boys. Churchman's Penny Library,' No. 22. Pp. 46. (Mowbray.) Id.

SANDERS, H. M.-The Message of the Church in Collect, Epistle, and Gospel. Vol. II. Trinity Sunday to All Saints' Day. Pp. xii+244. Longmans.) 3s. 6d. net.

SKRINE, J. H.-Pastor Ovium: the Day-book of a Country Parson. Pp. viii+344. (Longmans.) 5s. net.

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