The Life of Charles Sumner: With Choice Specimens of His Eloquence, a Delineation of His Oratorical Character and His Great Speech on KansasDayton and Burdick, 1856 - Всего страниц: 329 |
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Стр. 11
... voice - his intellect -- his learning - his imagination , & c . - his love of freedom -- his style of composition - compared to Fisher Ames -concluding remarks . 151 SPEECH The crime against Kansas . The apologies for the CONTENTS . 11.
... voice - his intellect -- his learning - his imagination , & c . - his love of freedom -- his style of composition - compared to Fisher Ames -concluding remarks . 151 SPEECH The crime against Kansas . The apologies for the CONTENTS . 11.
Стр. 33
... voice , for which Mr. Sumner is so distinguished , produced an over- whelming effect upon the audience , and was re- ceived with much applause . As an advocacy of the doctrine of universal peace among nations , we know of nothing of the ...
... voice , for which Mr. Sumner is so distinguished , produced an over- whelming effect upon the audience , and was re- ceived with much applause . As an advocacy of the doctrine of universal peace among nations , we know of nothing of the ...
Стр. 36
... voices of all good men demand it ; the conscience , even of the soldier , whispers ' Peace . ' There are consid- erations , springing from our situation and condi- tion , which fervently invite us to take the lead in this work . Here ...
... voices of all good men demand it ; the conscience , even of the soldier , whispers ' Peace . ' There are consid- erations , springing from our situation and condi- tion , which fervently invite us to take the lead in this work . Here ...
Стр. 43
... voices of the freemen of the North should help to bind anew the fetter of the slave ! -God forbid , that the lash of the slave - dealer should be nerved by any sanction from New England ! God forbid , that the blood which spirts from ...
... voices of the freemen of the North should help to bind anew the fetter of the slave ! -God forbid , that the lash of the slave - dealer should be nerved by any sanction from New England ! God forbid , that the blood which spirts from ...
Стр. 44
... voice , with the accumulated echoes of freedom that fill this ancient Hall , go forth with comfort and cheer to all who labor in the same cause everywhere throughout the land . Let it help to confirm the wavering , and to reclaim those ...
... voice , with the accumulated echoes of freedom that fill this ancient Hall , go forth with comfort and cheer to all who labor in the same cause everywhere throughout the land . Let it help to confirm the wavering , and to reclaim those ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
abolitionism admission American American Peace Society Apology Applause arms assailant assault authority beautiful blood blow Boston Catiline cause character CHARLES SUMNER Christian citizens civilization Congress Constitution Convention Crime against Kansas debate declared demnation Don Quixote duty efforts election eloquence emigration eminent Faneuil Hall fathers fellow-citizens Fisher Ames floor Free Soil Freedom Fugitive Slave Bill Government Governor honor human indignant justice labor land legislative Legislature liberty Massachusetts ment Michigan Missouri Nebraska never North occasion opinion oration oratory outrage party passage patriotic Peace person Phi Beta Kappa political Popular Sovereignty present President principle proceedings Prohibition of Slavery remarks Republic secure Senate chamber senator from Illinois sentiments Slave Power slaveholders Society soil South Carolina speech spirit Territory Territory of Kansas tion true truth tyranny Union United Usurpation uttered vindicated voice votes Washington Whig whole words wrong