The Holy Grail: And Other PoemsFields, Osgood, 1870 - Всего страниц: 202 |
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ALFRED TENNYSON answer'd arms art thou ask'd beast beauty behold blood bold Sir Bedivere brake brother Caerleon call'd Camelot circlet cloud cried crown'd damsels dark dead dearest dreams Dubric earth Ettarre Excalibur eyes face fail'd feast fell fire flash'd follow'd Galahad Gawain glanced glory Gods golden Gorloïs Guinevere hall hand hath heard heart heathen heaven Holy Grail horse jousts Julian King Arthur King Uther knew knights lady Lancelot land Leodogran light Lionel look'd Lord LUCRETIUS luvv Lyonesse maiden Merlin merry maidens Modred moon munny noble o'er once pass Percivale phantom proputty Queen quest return'd rode rose seem'd seen Sir Bors Sir Pelleas slay spake stars stood strange sware sweet sword Table Round thee thine thou art thou hast thought thro thyself turn'd Uther Vext vision voice wail walls wind