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cused my long slumber; you reproached me for sacrificing to my repose the great interests of the country. I have crossed the seas in the midst of dangers of every kind: I arrive amongst you to resume my rights, which are your's. All that individuals have done, written, or said, since the capture of Paris, I will be for ever ignorant of: it shall not at all influence the recollections which I preserve of the important services which they have performed. These are circumstances of such a nature as to be above human organization. Frenchmen! There is no nation, however small it may be, which has not had the right, and which may not withdraw itself from the disgrace of obeying a Prince imposed on it by an enemy momentarily victorious. When Charles VII. re-entered Paris, and overthrew the ephemeral throne of Henry V. he acknowledged that he held his throne from the valour of his heroes, and not from a Prince Regent of England. It is thus that to you alone, and to the brave men of the army, laccount it, and shall always account it, my glory to owe every thing. By the Emperor,

position which I had taken on the rear
of the enemy's army, by separating it
from its magazines, from its parks of
reserve, from its convoy and all its
equipages, had placed it in a desperate
situation. The French were never on the
point of being more powerful, and the
flower of the enemy's army was lost
without resource: it would have found
its grave in those vast countries which it
had mercilessly ravaged, when the trea-
son of the Duke of Ragusa, gave up the
capital, and disorganized the army. The
unexpected conduct of those two Gene-
rals, who betrayed at once their coun-
try, their Prince, and their benefactor,
changed the destiny of the war. The
disastrous situation of the enemy was
such, that at the conclusion of the affair
which took place before Paris, it was
without ammunition, on account of its
separation from its parks of reserve.
Under these new and important circum-
stances, my heart was rent, but my soul
remained unshaken. I consulted only
the interest of the country. I exiled
myself on a rock in the middle of the
sea. My life was, and ought to be, still
useful to you. I did not permit the
great number of citizens, who wished to
accompany me, to partake my lot. I
thought their presence useful to France;
and I took with me only a handful of Army.
brave men, necessary for my guard.
Raised to the Throne by your choice,
all that has been done without you is
illegitimate. For twenty-five years
France has had new interests,


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(Signed) NAPOLEON. The Grand Marshal performing the functions of Major-General of the Grand (Signed) Count BERTRAND.

Gulf of Juan, March 1, 1815. NAPOLEON, by the grace of God and


institutions, and new glory, which could the Constitution of the Empire, Emperor only be secured by a national Govern- of the French, &c. &c. &c. ment, and by a Dynasty created under these new circumstances. A Prince who should reign over you, who should SOLDIERS! We were not conquered; be seated on my throne by the power of two men risen from our ranks betrayed those very armies which ravaged our our laurels, their country, their frince, territory would in vain attempt to suptheir benefactor. Those whom during port himself with the principles of feudal twenty-five years we have seen traversing law: he would not be able to recover all Europe to raise up enemies against us; the honour and the rights of more who have passed their lives in fighting than a small number of individuals, against us in the ranks of foreign armies, enemies of the people, who, for twen-cursing our fine France, shail they prety-five years, have condemned them tend to command and control our in all our national assemblies. Your eagles, on which they have not dared tranquillity at home, and your conse- ever to look? Shall we endure that they quence abroad, would be lost for ever.- should inherit the fruits of our glorious Frenchmen! In my exile I heard your labours-that they should clothe themcomplaints and your wishes: you de-selves with our honours and our goods-manded that Government of your choice that they should calumniate our glory? which alone was legitimate. You acIf their reign should continue, all would

and esteemed by your fellow-citizens, they will hear you with respect while you recount your high deeds; you will be able to say with pride:-"And I, too, was part of that grand army, which entered twice the walls of Vienna, those of Rome, of Madrid, of Moscow; and which delivered Paris from the foul plot which treason, and the presence of the enemy, imprinted on it." Honoured be those brave soldiers, the glory of the country; and eternal shame to those guilty Frenchmen, in whatever rank fortune caused them to be born, who fought for 25 years with the foreigner, to tear the bosom of the country. By the Emperor,



The Grand Marshal performing the func
tions of Major-General of the Grand

be lost, even the memory of those im- | interest, your honour, and your glory. mortal days. With what fury do they Victory shall march at the charge step; pervert their very nature. They seek to the eagle, with the national colours, shall poison what the world admires: and if fly from steeple to steeple,even to the towthere still remain any defenders of our ers of Notre Dame. Then you will be able glory, it is among those very enemies to shew your scars with honour; then you whom we have fought on the field of bat- will be able to glory in what you have tle. Soldiers, in my exile, I heard your done; you will be the deliverers of the voice: I have arrived through all ob-country. In your old age, surrounded stacles and all perils; your General, called to the throne by the choice of the people, and educated under your banners, is restored to you: come and join him. Tear down those colours which the nation has proscribed, and which for 25 years served as a rallying signal to all the enemies of France mount the cockade tri-colour: you bore it in the days of our greatness. We must forget that we have been masters of nations; but we must not suffer auy to intermeddle in our affairs. Who shall presume to be masters over us? Who would have the power? Recover those eagles which you had at Ulm, at Austerlitz, at Jena, at Eylau, at Friedland, at Tudela, at Eckmuhl, at Essling, at Wagram, at Smolensko, at Moscow, at Lutzen, at Vurken, at Montmirail. Do you think that the handful of Frenchmen, who are now so arrogant, will endure to look on them? They shall return whence they came, and there if they please they shall reign as they pretend to have reigned during 19 years. Your possessions, your rank, your glory, the possessions, the rank, the glory of your children, have no greater enemies than those Princes whom foreigners have imposed upon us; they are the enemies of our glory, because the recital of so many heroic actions, which have glorified the people of France fighting against them, to withdraw themselves from their yoke, is their condemnation. The veterans of the armies of the Sambre and the Meuse, of the Rhine, of Italy, of Egypt, of the West, of the Grand Army, are all humiliated: their honourable wounds are disgraced; their successes were crimes; those heroes were rebels, if, as the enemies of the people, the legitimate Sovereigns were in the midst of the foreign armies. Honours, rewards, affection are given to those who have served against the country and us. Soldiers? come and range yourselves under the standards of your Chief; his existence is only composed of yours; his rights are only those of the people and yours; his interest, his honour, his glory, are no other than your

Declaration of His Majesty the Emperor of the French, to the French, and particularly to the Parisians.

After an abdication, the circumstances of which you are acquainted with; after a Treaty, all the articles of which have been violated; after having seen my retreat penetrated by numerous assassins, all sent by the Bourbons; after having seen the French Ministers intriguing at Vienna, to wrest from me the asylum to which I was reduced, and to take from my wife and son the States which had been guaranteed to them; from that son, whose birth inspired you with so lively a joy, and who ought to have been to all the Sovereigns a sacred pledge. All these attempts made in violation of plighted faith, have restored me to my throne and my liberty. Frenchmen! soon I shall be in my Capital. I come surrounded by my brave brethren in arms after having delivered our Provinces of the South, and my good city of Lyons from the reign of fanaticism, which is that of the Bourbons.

Countersigned, The General of Division BERTRAND, Grand Marshal of the Palace, exercising the functions of Secretary of State.

Fifteen days have sufficed me to unite these faithful warriors, the honour of France and before the 30th of this month, your happy Emperor, the Sovereign of your choice, will put to flight those slothful Princes who wish to render you tributary to foreigners, and the con Mr. COBBETT-I have observed for tempt of Europe. France shall still be some time past a series of letters in your the happiest country in the world. The Journal on Religious Persecution, by a French shall still be the Great Nation--- persón signing himself ERASMUS PERParis shall again become the Queen of KINS, whose writings I consider partiCities, as well as the seat of sciences and cularly dangerous. I have no fault to the arts. In concert with you I will find with his arguments against persecutake measures, in order that the State tion, because I deem it perfectly inconmay be governed constitutionally, and sistent with the genuine spirit of christhat a wise liberty may never degenerate tianity; nor do I object to the various into licentiousness, I will mitigate, to illustrations he has brought forward in the satisfaction of all, those imposts be support of his favourite positions; but I come odious, which the BOURBONS gave think his articles have a mischievous you their princely word, they would tendency, inasmuch as they are tinctured abolish under the title of Droits Reunis, with a profession of religion, when they and which they have re-established under are evidently aimed at the very foundathe title of indirect impositions. Pro- tion of it. This writer stands behind perty shall be without distinction re- the bastions of the Church, and is at spected and sacred, as well as individual the same time discharging his artillery liberty. The general tranquillity shall against her, by artfully directing your be constantly the object of my efforts; readers to the perusal of almost every commerce; our flourishing manufac- sceptical writer who has flourished since tures; and agriculture, which under my the birth of our Saviour. The principal reign attained so high a prosperity, shall reason of my troubling you with this, is, that be relieved from the enormous imposts I have lately seen a new monthly magawith which an ephemeral Government zine advertised, in most of the Country have burdened them. Every thing shall papers, under the title of, "THE THEObe restored to order; and the dissipation LOGICAL INQUIRER," and purportof the Finances of the State to gratifying to be conducted by a person of the luxury of the Court, shall be immediately redressed. No vengeance. It is far from my heart; the BOURBONS have set a price on my head, and I pardon them. If they fall into my power, I will protect them; I will deliver them to their Allies, if they wish it, or to that foreign country where their Chief has already reigned nineteen years, and where he may continue his glorious reign, To this my vengeance is limited. Be calm," koly religion."--I shall feel myself parParisians; and you, National Guards ticularly obliged, if any of your readers of that noble City-you who have al- will give me correct information on the ready rendered such great services subject; or if they are ignorant of the you who, but for treason, would have identity of the persons, they may perbeen enabled to defend it for some hours haps be able to acquaint me, through the longer,against those Allies who were ready medium of your Register, with the comto fly from France. Continue to protect plexion of the work, which will, of course, property and civil liberty; then you will guide me in forming a judgment as to have deserved well of your Country and how far it is worthy my support. of your Emperor.-From my Imperial General Head-quarters, Bourgoing, March 8, 1815.


the same name as your hypocritical correspondent; a circumstance that has deterred me from becoming a subscriber, as I could not form a high opinion of a Religious Journal under the controul of such a man as Erasmus Perkins, who appears, if I may judge from the general tenor of his letters, to be a decided enemy to revealed religion, notwithstanding he so often makes use of the phrase,

1 am, &c.

66 our


Sheffield, March, 20th, 1815.


in their infancy, solaced in the busy prime of life, and soothed in their declining years.

Tuesday, March, 21st. 1815.


Mr. COBBETT.-Nothing can be more serviceable to the cause of Reform, than the passing of the Corn Bill, through the House of Commons. The direct opposition which innumerable petitions have received cannot fail to impress the minds of the people with the necessity of radical alterations in the constitution of the Commons' House of Parliament. The people can never forget it. And in all the county meetings, when speaking of reform, (and every political and religious evil relates to it) we must never forget to produce this fact, in order to shew to the people, the importance of a true representation, annually assembled. 'It which the public will easily understand, will be a plain and irresistible argument, and acknowledge.

Whenever I think about reform, and constitution, and li

SIR,-Your zealous endeavours to prevent the few from oppressing the many, embolden me to apply to you on the present occasion; and however your attention may be occupied by weightier matters, I flatter myself you will not refuse a small portion of your paper, to my remarks. Whether the means adopted by Government for the last few years, have been beneficial or injurious to the country, I will not pretend to determine. Certain it is, that money must be raised for the exigencies of the state; and Mr. Vansittart has considered that men free from the expenses attendant upon a family, can best afford to contribute to this purpose. Is this a sufficient cause for the sarcasms now directed against women ?--Their foibles are exposed and ridiculed, and their respectability lessened, by attacks, which, but for their frequency would be undeserving of notice.-That state of life which enables us to confer,berty, I cannot help thinking about America. This is the land of freedom, as well as to receive happiness, will nanot false adulterate freedom, but freedom turally be preferred to one of unsocial, in the genuine sense of the word, civil though tranquil satisfaction. Nor need and religious; and it is to America we the avowal of this preference, raise a must look for the model of a good, free blush on any cheek.-Yet am I persuaded, and cheap government. With what from my own experience, that two thirds scorn and contempt did we speak of this of those distinguished by the appellation and now this same contemptible republic, noble republic, but a very little time ago, of old maids, owe it to their filial duty, victorious by land and sea, stands upon to their prudence, or to their rectitude of a prouder eminence than all the other principle.-Bachelors, when they ex- nations of the world put together!— claim against the present tax, forget that What a pity it is, that we should have thus exposed ourselves to the ridicule of they do not, like the Father of a family, all the world.-WHIGS and Tories, all present to their country a numerous and were for the American war, tho' obactive race, to adorn and to defend it; viously one of the most unjust that this nor do they, like women, add to the country ever entered into. The treaty is ratified; the war itself is over, but the sum of domestic happiness, by those ateffects of this war, are not over, and will tentions which soothe the wretched, and never be over, as long as the world lasts! assist the helpless. Let them then re- There is no event of so much consejoice at the opportunity now afforded quence to our country. I think America them of proving their patriotism; and will henceforth be the arbiter of all let not those, at least, among them, who other nations. All other nations must have a mother or a sister to respect, in- the lovers of freedom must remember keep their eyes upon America; and all sult that sex by whom they are succoured the republic. You are the only public

writer who has taken a just and masterly view of this subject; and you were perfectly right in following your own judgment, and in not taking the advice of those who wrote to you to desist. The government and people of this country are not yet aware of the consequences of this war against free men; and Napoleon's return is calculated to absorb all attention for the present. If war should be revived against France, will the people of England be ready to petition against it as they did against the Property Tax, which tax was only the effect of the war? A short time will determine this and many other questions. Let the people remember that the war is the cause of the taxes; that if the war is renewed, taxes must be collected; the debt will increase every day, and fresh taxes must be levied to meet the increasing interest | of the debt. It is foolish and absurd to petition against taxes, and not to petition against the cause of the taxes.

Your's &c. G. G. FORDHAM. Sandon, March 20th, 1815.

[blocks in formation]

+ (Continned from Page 352.) through the middle of said lake until it arrives at the water communication into the" Lake Huron, thence through the middle of said lake to the water communication between that lake and lake Superior." And whereas doubts have arisen, what was the middle of said river, lakes, and water communications, and whether certain islands lying in the same were within the dominions of his Britannic Majesty or of the United States: In order, therefore, finally to decide these doubts, they shall be referred to two Commissioners, to be appointed, sworn and authorised to act exactly in the manner directed, with respect to those mentioned in the next preceding article, unless otherwise specified in this present article. The said Commissioners shall meet, in the first instance, at Albany, in the state of New York, and shall have power to adjourn to such other place or places as they shall think fit: The said Commissioners shall, by a report, or declaration, under their hands and seals, designate the boundary through the said river, lakes, and water communications, and decide to which of the two

contracting parties the several islands lying within the said river, lakes, and water communications do respectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of 1788. And both parties agree to consider such designation and decision

as final and conclusive. And in the event of the

said two Commissioners differing, or both, or either of them, refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations or statements, shall be made by them, or either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state shall be made in all respects as in the latter part of the 4th article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein repeated.

Art. 7. It is further agreed that the said two last-mentioned Commissioners, after they shall have executed the duties assigned to them in the preceding article, shall be, and they are hereby authorised, upon their oaths impartially to fix and determine according to the true intent of the said Treaty of Peace, of 1783, that part of the boundary between the dominions of the two powers. which extends from the water communication between lake Huron and lake Superior, to the most noith-western point of the lake of the Woods, to decide to which of the two parties the several islands lying in the lakes, water communications, and rivers, forming the said boundary, do respectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of peace, of 1783, and to cause such parts of the said boundary, as require it, to be surveyed and marked. The said Commissioners shall, by a report or declaration under their

hands and seals, designate the boundary aforesaid,

state their decision on the points thus referred to them, and particularize the latitude and longitude of the most north-western point of the lake of the Woods, and of such other parts of the said boundary as they may deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such designation and decision as final and conclusive. And, in the event of the said two Commissioners differing, or both, or either of them refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or statements, shall be made by them, or either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state, shall be made in all respects as in the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein repeated.

Art. 8. The several boards of two Commissioners mentioned in the four preceding articles, shall respectively have power to appoint a secretary, and to employ such surveyors or other persons as they shall judge necessary. Duplicates of all their respective reports, declarations, statements and decisions, and of their accounts, and of the journals of their proceedings, shall be delivered by them to the agents of his Britannic Majesty, ani

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