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"Long have I loved what I behold,

The night that calms, the day that cheers;

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The common growth of mother earth

Suffices meher tears, her mirth,

Her humblest mirth and tears.

"The dragon's wing, the magic ring,

E shall not covet for my dower,
If I along that lowly way

With sympathetic heart may stray,

And with a soul of power."



ERMONS, all of them, but sermons found out of doors during the occupied vacancies miscalled "vacations." They were once delivered to a Chicago audience, and are now redelivered to a reading audience in the hope of quickening a love for Nature in her everyday and near aspects, for the Human Nature that is always at hand, and for the Science that translates these near marvels into near beauties and high duties, emphasizing thereby the Religion which includes all those that love and serve.

Acknowledgments are due Miss Evelyn H. Walker of the Publication Committee of All Souls Church, without whose painstaking labor these manuscripts could not have been prepared for the press, and to the Publishers whose copyrighted poems are here used.

J. Ll. J.

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