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doubt; and the rest were satisfied that there was no mistake about it. I ordered him to be entranced before them, which was easily done, as he had been twice operated on for hydrocele, in the trance. I pulled him up, and set him on his feet sleeping, before the gentlemen, and begged them to deal with him as they pleased. He was catalepsed by them in the most painful attitudes, to which he was as indifferent as a man of clay; and Dr. Macauley now squeezed the painful part with as much effect as if the man had been a mummy. I stripped him naked; and when he awoke and found himself standing in the presence of gentlemen in this condition, his look of wonder and shame, if not natural, was most beautiful acting, and he certainly escaped being found out. As soon as he awoke, Dr. Macauley pressed the diseased part, and there could be no doubt about his feelings on the subject; the pain was evidently instantaneous and acute. On returning to the Charity Hospital, I removed the enlarged cellular substance from the whole penis; the man did not shrink in the least from the knife, and slept a good while after the operation. On questioning him, he said that he had been put to sleep to be operated on; but as he was now awake, he would wish it to be put off till to-morrow. We then showed him the liberties that had been taken with him, and he recognised his property; but how it had changed owners he had no conception.

Dec. 21st.-Samoo, a weaver, has got a bad sloughing sore of the prepuce and glans, of a year's standing. To be mesmerised.

Dec. 22d.-He was mesmerised for two hours yesterday, and slept an hour afterwards, apparently naturally. To-day I saw him after half an hour's mesmerising, when the trance was fully established, his whole body being rigid. As I had not time then, I left him, and returned in an hour, and found his body still stiff. I cut open and took off the prepuce; and finding the glans half eroded, I cut it off too. The man showed no sign of life; the body continued stiff, and the pulse natural. He awoke in half an hour afterwards, and did not discover that any thing had been done to him till he went to make water.

Dec. 29th.-Mahes, operated on last month. The sore is callous, and it will greatly advance his cure to have it pared. To be mesmerised in my absence. I went on to Chinsurah, and there met the Rev. Mr. Cahusac, and the Rev. Mr. Mullins, who requested to see any mesmeric cases in hand. They returned with me to the hospital, and we found Mahes entranced. I pared the sore, and he did not awake till a quarter of an hour afterwards. Mr. Mullins, who speaks Bengalee, asked him if he had been disturbed in his sleep. He said "No;" and that the pain was not greater than before he went to sleep.

We found another man entranced, whose elbow had been dislocated for twenty days. I tried to reduce it, using all my force, but did not succeed; he moved uneasily, but did not awake till ten minutes after I had desisted, and then said that nothing had disturbed him.

Dec. 26. Goluck Seit, a prisoner, has got a hydrocele on each side. A young Hindoo subdued him today in ten minutes, on the first trial. When about to operate, I saw that he possessed a consecrated nail, on one of his little fingers; and knowing the value attached to this, I resolved to get possession of it, if possible, as a moral test of his being insensible, for he would as soon have cut a cow's throat and eaten a beefsteak as allowed me to cut off his nail, while in possession of his senses. It is a common practice with the Hindoos to vow their hair, beards, or nails to Shiva, the Destroyer, in the hope of averting his anger; and this man had consecrated his little fingernail to Shiva Forakissore,-Forakissore, in this district, being a famous shrine of the god. I transferred the sacred excrescence to my pocket, without any remonstrance being made, and then performed the less formidable operation of withdrawing the water, and throwing in the injection, of which he knew nothing, on awaking two hours after. His only distress. was the loss of his nail, and he spent hours in hunting for it, supposing that it had been broken off by accident.

Dec. 29th.-I entranced Goluck Seit to-day in five minutes; and in the presence of Mr. Cahusac and Mr. Mullins, operated on the other hydrocele, to which he was as indifferent as on the first occasion. But before putting him to sleep, I showed the gentlemen how painful was the side operated on three days ago; and yet, in five minutes after, he allowed me to squeeze his testicle to any extent, without exhibiting

a vestige of uneasiness. I awoke him in half an hour, that Mr. Mullins might question him; and he said that he saw the water was gone, but how it had escaped he had no idea.

Dec. 30th.-Bungsee, operated on last month for a scrotal tumour. The wound, from his debilitated condition, is glazed and callous, and is wasting him with a useless discharge. It would greatly shorten his cure to pare the sore, and bring it together with deep sutures; but I could hardly bring myself to propose it to a person in his senses, as it would be as painful as the capital operation. Mesmerism, however, makes surgery pleasant to both parties; and having easily entranced him, I pared and shaped the sore very leisurely, (it was six inches long, by two deep,) inserted the deep sutures, and left him sleeping. He awoke after four hours.

Jan. 2d. The sutures were taken out to-day, and the sore is adherent throughout.

This power of remedying any defect in the operation afterwards, without inflicting pain, is not one of the least advantages of Mesmerism.


Hypertrophy of the Scrotum; different Causes of-Elephantiasis endemic in Bengal and Lower Egypt; probable Causes of-Example of Malarious Fever-True Elephantiasis of the Scrotum.-Hypertrophy from Hydrocele; from Syphilis; Condition of the Organs involved; Mode of operating; Mismanagement by the Native Doctors; Number of Operations for Six Years previous to April, 1845; in the Mesmeric Trance, for Eight Months.-First Case. Some Cause for the late Increase of Cases.-Operations in the Mesmeric Trance.

THIS disease is so common in Bengal, and attains such a magnitude, that it deserves a chapter to itself, in which it will be seen that if Mesmerism cannot prevent it, it is very effectual in assisting its removal. These singular, and often prodigious tumours are generally called "elephantiasis of the scrotum;" but, correctly speaking, this is a misnomer, many of them not having their origin in the constitutional affection called elephantiasis, but arising from local irritation and debility of the parts, caused by syphilitic sores, or simple hydrocele; and the appearance of the tumours and aspect of the patients are often characteristic of their respective exciting causes.

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