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Morris, Gouverneur, 753, 756.
Morris, Robert, 565-569; 753-780,

Morris, William O'Connor, Wellington,

Soldier and Statesman, by R. M.
JOHNSTON (Review), 692.

Morse, A. E., and E. C. Richardson,
Writings on American History, 1902,
by W. D. JOHNSTON (Review), 207.
Moustier, Count De, 257, 278.
Muñoz, 45, 50.

Munro, D. C., 499.

Murray, Alexander, manuscripts relat-

ing to, 329.

Myers, P. V. N., Ancient History (Re-
view), 230.

Napoleon, 36; acquires Louisiana, 277;

Napoleon, I, II, by T. A. Dodge, by F.

L. HUIDEKOPER (Review), 183.
Napoleon the First: a Biography, by A.
Fournier, by F. L. HUIDEKOPER (Re-
view), 412.

Napoleon, The Plot of the Placards at

Rennes, 1802, by G. Augustin-Thierry,
by H. M. BoOWMAN (Review), 216.
Napoléon et l'Angleterre, 1803-1813, by
P. Coquelle (Review), 692.
Napoleonic Confederacy in the United
States (Paper), 491–492.
Napoleonic Empire in Southern Italy,

The, by R. M. Johnston, by H. N.
GAY (Review), 661.

Napoleonic Studies, by J. H. Rose (Re-
view), 658.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

New England, Nova Scotia and, dur-
ing the Revolution, by E. P. Weaver,


New England, notes of Simon d'Ewes
on, 329; manuscripts relating to, 329,
335, 340.

Newe, Thomas, manuscripts, 327-328.
Newfoundland, manuscripts relating to,


New Granada, 323; treaty with, 793.
New Hampshire, by F. B. Sanborn (Re-
view), 172.

New Hampshire, manuscripts relating
to, 327, 330.

New Jersey, manuscripts relating to,
327, 340; and requisitions, 762.
New Mexico, 311, 314-315, 320, 323.
New Orleans, The Battle of, by Z. F.
Smith, by J. S. BASSETT (Review),

New Orleans, 834-840.

New York, manuscripts relating to,
327, 328, 329, 330, 335, 339, 340.
New York, Ecclesiastical Records of
the State of, III, IV, edited by H.
Hastings, by A. L. CROSS (Review),

Nicaragua, treaty with, of November
16, 1857, 810, 811.

Nicaragua, William Walker and the
Steamship Corporation in, by W. O.

Nichols, Francis Morgan (editor), The
Epistles of Erasmus, II, by E. EMER-
TON (Review), 686.

Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron,
Keltic Researches, by F. N. ROBIN-
SON (Review), 210.

Nicholson, Francis, letters to (Docu-
ments), 814, 815.
Niese, Benedictus,



griechischen und makedonischen Staa-
ten seit der Schlacht bei Chaeronea,
by W. S. FERGUSON (Review), 911.
Nineteenth Century, Lectures on the
History of the, edited by F. A. Kirk-
patrick, by C. M. ANDREWS (Review),

Niver, Harmon B., A School History
of England (Review), 439.
Norman, Henry, All the Russias, by A.
C. COOLIDGE (Review), 455.

North America, Burnaby's Travels

through, edited by R. R. Wilson (Re-
view), 445.

North America, The History of, I, II,
III, IV, edited by G. C. Lee, by C. R.
FISH (Review), 375.
North Carolina, manuscripts relating
to, 329, 343.

North Carolina, by C. L. Raper, by E.
B. GREENE (Review), 174.
North Carolina, Internal Improvements
in, previous to 1860, by C. C. Weaver,
by C. L. RAPER (Review), 451.
North Carolina, The Life of Nathaniel
Macon, by W. E. Dodd, by P. S.

PEIRCE (Review), 191.

North, Lord, 778.

[blocks in formation]

steamer, 800, 801.

Nova Scotia and New England during
the Revolution, by E. P. WEAVER, 52.
Nova Scotia, attitude in Revolution,

52; population, 52-53, 57; Acadian
lands, 53; settlement by New-Eng-
landers, 53-54; discontent at Liver-
pool, 54-55; trade regulations, 55-
57, 62-63; occupations, 56-58; con-
ditions at Halifax, 57-58; reception
of Stamp Act, 58-59; reception of
Massachusetts circular letter, 59-60;
removal of English troops, 60-61;
publication of Chronicle, 61; feeling
on taxation, 61-62; administration
of Legge, 62-68; disaffection, 62,
65-66; trade, 62-63; interference
from New England, 63; raising
troops, 63; lack of supplies and de-
fenses, 63-64; enforcement of regu-
lations, 64; quarrels between offi-
cials, 65; arrival of English army,
66; loyalist refugees, 66-68, 69-71;
prices, 67; attacks, 68; Indian re-
lations, 68-69; commerce and pri-
vateering, 69; importance of loyalist
emigration, 71; manuscripts relating
to, 329, 331, 340.

Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, Abraham
Lincoln, by C. R. FISH (Review),

Oceania, The History of the World,
II, edited by H. F. Helmolt, by K.
ASAKAWA (Review), 134.

[blocks in formation]



Schweiz im Neunzehnten Jahrhun-

dert, I, by C. BORGEAUD (Review),


O'Ferrall, Colonel Charles T., Forty
Years of Active Service, by W. E.
DODD (Review), 925.

Ogden, Rollo, William Hickling Pres-
cott, by G. P. WINSHIP (Review),

Ogg, Frederick Austin, The Opening
of the Mississippi, by F. W. MOORE
(Review), 154.

Oglethorpe, manuscripts relating to,

Oglethorpe, James, the Founder of
Georgia, by H. C. Cooper, by J. H.
T. MCPHERSON (Review), 175.
Oliver, Andrew, manuscripts, 330.
Oman, Charles W. C., Seven Roman
Statesmen of the Later Republic, by
H. A. SILL (Review), 622.




Spanish Conquest, by G. P. WIN-
SHIP (Review), 641.
Oriental Nations, Outlines of Greek
History, with a Survey of Ancient,
by W. C. Morey, by A. L. CROSS
(Review), 371.

Ortelius (Oertel), 50.
Oswald, 254.

Oviedo, 42, 45, 50.

Owen, Thomas M., paper by, 493.
Paine, Albert Bigelow, Th. Nast, his
Period and his Pictures, by C. H.
LEVERMORE (Review), 907.
Pais, Ettore, paper by, 501.

trating Early Discovery and Explo-
ration in America, by E. L. Steven-
son (Review), 863; Winslow Papers,
A. D. 1776-1826, edited by W. O.
Raymond (Review), 882.
Paris, efforts to organize a


ment, July, 1789; influence of Paris,
280; popular movements in Paris,
280-281; previous administrative
system, 281-283; elections to States-
General in districts, 283-288; efforts
for a single assembly, 283-284;
Paris districted, 284; district
semblies restricted, 285; character
of the district assemblies, 285-288;
electoral assembly installed at the
Hôtel de Ville, 288-289; composi-
tion of electoral assembly, 289;


guard established, 289; mob at Hôtel
de Ville, July 12, 290; disorder con-
tinues, July 13, 290-291; attempts
to restore order, 291-294; "perma-
nent" committee formed, 292;, dis-
trict guards, 292-293; committee in
charge, 293-294; fall of Bastille,
294-296; Hôtel de Ville threatened,
295; killing of Flesselles, 295-296;
city administration, 296-297; La-
fayette and Bailly elected, 297-299;
Louis comes to Paris, 299; electors
superseded, 300-305; summary of
work and difficulties of electors,

Paris in July, 1789, Improvising a
Government in, by H. E. BOURNE,


Paris, Le Grand Bureau des Pauvres
de, by L. Cahen, by E. F. GAY (Re-
view), 688.

Paris, The University of, in the Ser-

mons of the Thirteenth Century, by

Paris, University of, in thirteenth cen-
tury, importance of, 1-2; sources of
information on, 2-3; sermons as
sources, 3-5, 27; exempla, 4-5;
chancellors, 5-8; studies, 8-12; non-
residence, 10-11; examinations, 12-
15; masters, 15-16; student life,
16-26; servants, 24-25; festivals,

Parkman, Francis, by H. D. Sedgwick,
by C. W. COLBY (Review), 452.
Parliament, The Coming of, England
from 1350 to 1660, by L. C. Jane,
by E. PORRITT (Review), 917.
Parrott, William S., 310-311.
Paul, Herbert, A History of Modern
England, I, II, by W. C. ABBOTT
(Review), 430.

Paulding, Commodore Hiram, 808.
Years under the Flag, by W. S.
Schley (Review), 927.

Payne, Edward John (deceased), 704.
Pearce, C. H., The Sons of the Clergy,
by E. PORRITT (Review), 442.
Pearce, James A., letter to (Docu-
ment), 368.

Pearson, Henry Greenleaf, The Life
of John A. Andrew, by W. B.
WEEDEN (Review), 203.

Peirce, Paul Skeels, The Freedmen's
Bureau, by J. W. GARNER (Review),


PEIRCE, PAUL S., The Life of Nathan-
iel Macon, by W. E. Dodd (Re-
view), 191.

Penn, William, manuscripts of, 329.
Pennsylvania, Whiskey Rebellion, Fau-
chet's opinion of, 265, 266; manu-
scripts relating to, 330, 331, 339, 341;
meeting of soldiers, 779.
Pennsylvania, The Life and Times of
Thomas Smith, 1745-1809, by B. A.
Konkle, by H. V. AMES (Review),

Pepys, William, A Later Pepys, edited
by A. C. C. Gaussen, by E. D. ADAMS
(Review), 688.

Percy, Baron, Journal des Campagnes
du, by É. Longin, by H. M. Bow MAN
(Review), 417.

Perignon, General, 268-269.
South in American History, by W. G.
Brown (Review), 192.
Persecution, Religious: a Study in Po-
litical Psychology, by E. S. P. Haynes
(Review), 841.

Perth, The Ancient Capital of Scot-
land, by S. Cowan, by G. T. LAPSLEY
(Review), 139.

Pfister, Albert, Die amerikanische Revo-
lution, by C. H. VAN TYNE (Review),
Philadelphia, evacuation of, 753, 755;
convention at, to limit prices, 761-

Philippe de Grève, 20.

Philippine Islands, manuscripts relating
to, 326.

Philippine Islands, The, 1493-1898,
XIV, XV, edited by E. H. Blair and
J. A. Robertson, by JAMES A. LEROY
(Review), 168; XVI, XVII, XVIII,
392; XIX, XX, 875.
Philippine "Situado" from the Treas-
ury of New Spain, The, by E. G.
BOURNE (Communication), 459;
by J. A. LE ROY (Communication),


Philipp von Hessen, Die Doppelehe des
Landgrafen, by W. W. Rockwell, by
W. WALKER (Review), 634.

PHILLIPS, ULRICH B., The History of
Negro Servitude in Illinois and of
the Slavery Agitation in that State,
by N. D. Harris (Review), 697.
Phillips, W. Alison, George Canning.
by E. D. ADAMS (Review), 693.
Philosophy of history, 513-516.
Phips, William, manuscript relating to,

Pickering, Timothy, letter to (Docu-
ment), 591.

Pierce, Franklin, letters from (Docu-
ments), 355, 362, 365, 367, 368; let-
ters to (Documents), 350, 354, 356,
357, 358, 360(2), 363, 364, 366, 368.
Pierce, Franklin, Some Papers of,
1852-1862, I (Documents), 110; II,


Pierce, H. D., letter to (Document),

Pierce, Hon. Kirk D., 110.
Pinckney's, Charles, Reply to Jay, Au-
gust 16, 1786, regarding a Treaty
with Spain (Document), 817.
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 275.
Pinckney, Thomas, 267.


Pinzon, Vicente Yañez, 42, 43.
Pitt, William, 258, 259,
papers, 348; 827-828.
Platea, The Campaign of, by H. B.
Wright, by W. S. FERGUSON (Re-
view), 616.

Platner, Samuel Ball, The Topography

and Monuments of Ancient Rome, by
J. B. CARTER (Review), 617.
PLATNER, S. B., Storia degli Scavi di
Roma e Notizie intorno le Collezioni
Romane di Antichità, II, by R. Lan-
ciani (Review), 161.

Poetry, English, and English History,
by G. SMITH, 28.

Police Power, The, Public Policy, and
Constitutional Rights, by E. Freund,
by S. E. BALDWIN (Review), 702.
Political Psychology, Religious Perse-
cution: a Study in, by E S. P.
Haynes (Review), 841.
Political theory, Introduction à la Doc-
trine de l'État, by G. Jellinek, by W.
W. WILLOUGHBY (Review), 128; The
Evolution of Modern Liberty, by G.
L. Scherger, by C. E. MERRIAM (Re-
view). 131.

AM. HIST. REV., VOL. X.-63.

Political Theory in the West, A His-
tory of Medieval, I, by A. J. Carlyle,
by J. SULLIVAN (Review), 629.
Polity, The Development of European,
by H. Sidgwick, by V. COFFIN (Re-
view), 129.

Polk, James K., and treaty of Guada-
lupe-Hidalgo, 309-318, 320-324.
Pollard, Albert Frederick, Thomas
Cranmer and the English Reforma-
tion, by R. B. MERRIMAN (Review),

Pollio, Alberto, Custoza, 1866, by H.
N. GAY (Review), 219.
Pope, 34.

PORRITT, A. G., The Life and Letters of
the Great Earl of Cork, by D. Town-
shend (Review), 163; Charles II, by
O. Airy (Review), 442.

PORRITT, EDWARD, A Journey to Eden-
borough in Scotland, by J. Taylor,
edited by W. Cowan (Review), 215;
Memoirs of Sir Edward Blount, edited
by S. J. Reid (Review), 220; Per-
sonal Reminiscences of the First
Duke of Wellington, by G. R. Gleig
(Review), 415; Historical Manu-
scripts Commission Reports (Re-
view), 435; The Sons of the Clergy,
by E. H. Pearce (Review), 442; An
Irishman's Story, by J. McCarthy
(Review), 454; A History of the
Colony of Victoria, by H. G. Turner
(Review), 676; The Coming of Par-
liament, England from 1350 to 1660,
by L. C. Jane (Review), 917; Illus-
trations of Irish History and Topo-
graphy, by C. L. Falkiner (Review),

Portland, Duke of, letter from (Docu-
ment), 575.

Postel, 50.

Pownall, manuscripts of, 331.

Prescott, William Hickling, by R.
Ogden, by G. P. WINSHIP (Review),

Preston, 92, 93.

Price, Richard, 566.

Princeton, battle of, 753.

Princeton College, in latter half of
eighteenth century, 544-545.
Prussia, Frederick the Great, and the
Rise of, by W. F. Reddaway, by E.
F. HENDERSON (Review), 652.

Pryor, Mrs Roger A., Reminiscences of
Peace and War, by W. E. DODD (Re-
view), 924.

Public Archives Commission, report,

Putnam, Ruth, A Medieval Princess,

by B. TERRY (Review), 917.
Quary, manuscripts relating to, 331.
Quebec, royal proclamation establish-
ing separate government in, 783.
Quénard, 285, 286, 302.
Quesada, Vicente G., Recuerdos de Mi

Vida Diplomatica: Misión en Estados
Unidos, by W. F. McCALEB (Re-
view), 927.

Rae, W. Fraser (deceased), 704.
Raleigh, 30, 31, 32.

Randolph, Edward, manuscripts relat-
ing to, 327, 337.

Raper, Charles Lee, North Carolina, by
E. B. GREENE (Review), 174.
RAPER, CHARLES LEE, Internal Improve-
ments in North Carolina previous to
1860, by C. C. Weaver (Review), 451.
Ratzel, Friedrich (deceased), 463.
RAY, P. O., editor of Some Papers of
Franklin Pierce (Documents), I,
110; II, 350.

Raymond, Rev. William O. (editor),

Winslow Papers, A. D. 1776-1826,
by V. H. PALTSITS (Review), 882.
Rayneval, 253, 254.

Reconstruction, The Freedmen's Bureau,

by P. S. Peirce, by J. W. GARNER
(Review), 205.

Reconstruction, The Political History

of Virginia during the, by H. J. Eck-
enrode, by W. E. DODD (Review), 700.
Reddaway, W. F., Frederick the Great

and the Rise of Prussia, by E. F.
HENDERSON (Review), 652.

Reed, George Edward, 375.
REEVES, JESSE S., The Treaty of Guada-
lupe-Hidalgo, 309.

Reeves, Jesse S., paper by, 491–492.
Reformation and Thirty Years' War,
Lectures on European History, by
W. Stubbs, by H. D. FOSTER (Re-
view), 160.

Reformation, The, The Cambridge Mod-
ern History, II, by J. H. ROBINSON
(Review), 382.

Reformation, Die Doppelehe des Land-

grafen Philipp von Hessen, by W.
W. Rockwell, by W. WALKER (Re-
view), 634.

Reich, Emil, Success among Nations
(Review), 229.

Reid, Stuart J. (editor), Memoirs of
Sir Edward Blount, K.C.B., by E.
PORRITT (Review), 220.

REINSCH, P. S., The Policy and Ad-
ministration of the Dutch in Java,
by C. Day (Review), 391.
Religion, of the French Revolution,
La Théophilanthropie et le Culte
Décadaire, 1796-1801, by A. Ma-
thiez, by G. M. DUTCHER (Review),

Religions, Manuel d'Histoire des, by
P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye, by
E. W. HOPKINS (Review), 132.
Religious Persecution: a Study in

Political Psychology, by E. S. P.
Haynes (Review), 841.

Rennes, The Plot of the Placards at,
1802, by G. Augustin-Thierry, by H.
M. BOWMAN (Review), 216.
Republican Party, The, by F. Curtis,
by J. A. WOODBURN (Review), 194.
Requisitions, 762, 770, 775, 780.
Revolution, Nova Scotia and New
England during the, by E. P.

Revolution, American, manuscripts re-
lating to, 329–347, passim; character
of, 559; Connecticut and, 559-564.
Révolution dans les Départements du

Cher et de l'Indre, Les Débuts de
la, by M. Bruneau, by F. M. FLING
(Review), 890.

Révolution Française et les Congréga-
tions, La, by A. Aulard, by F. M.
FLING (Review), 889.

Revolutionary Army, The Administra-
tion of the American, by L. C.
Hatch, by C. H. VAN TYNE (Re-
view), 401.

Rhode Island, manuscripts relating to,
335, 339.

Rice, Emily J., 497.
Richardson, E. C., 508.
Richardson, Ernest C., and A. E.
Morse, Writings on American His-
tory, 1902, by W. D. JOHNSTON (Re-
view), 207.

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