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From November 1, 1881, to October 1, 1882.

C. J. Russell: fifty pounds codfish, two bushels apples, fourteen boxes fancy crackers, two bags of broken crackers, jar of sugar, box of pears, twenty-four boxes of candy, two dozen oranges, six volumes of Harpers Magazine, fifteen boxes of honey, one and a half bushels spinach, ten pounds farina, oatmeal, thirteen boxes berries, five watermelons, basket of grapes. Miss Williams: one dress.

Mrs. M. E. Rockwell: eight dresses, flannel sacque, navy blue cloak, furtrimmed coat, two trimmed hats, eight pounds of candy, pop corn, childs coat, four pairs hose, six pairs shoes, four hats, cash $5 for fruit and cake. Officers and pupil assistants: cash for fruit and cake, $5.75.

Mrs. E. H. Brodhead: turkey.

Mrs. Newhall: baby clothes.

Miss Mary Kneeland: cloak.

Miss A. Kneeland: three dresses.

Mrs. E. P. Bacon: four volumes magazines, Christian Weekly.

Mr. Burbank: trees and shrubs.

Van Pelt & Brewer: one hundred collars, twenty-four ties, one dozen handkerchiefs, five hoods, two sacques.

Carpenter and Underwood: one box broken cakes.

Emanuel Church Sunday School: large basket of cake.

Mrs. H. R. Vedder: baby flannels, etc.

Mr. Kling: one table.

Mrs. W. P. Lynde: papers, books, pictures, patchwork, hose, collars, two waists, one pair shoes, one pair slippers.

R. W. Patterson: four coffins.

Mrs. Ray: two dresses, six pairs of shoes.

Mrs. G. C. Swallow: three pairs of shoes and children's clothing, two tidies.

Mrs. A. J. Aikens, dress, skirt, stockings.

Miss L. D. Thompson, ten volumes for library, several volumes papers, pieces, remnants, etc., two pairs boys' pants.

Ball and Goodrich, five pounds tea.

Mrs. J. F. Cramer, one afghan, four pictures, books and papers.

Mr. Day, six and three quarter yards new carpet.

T. A. Chapman, one box corsets, collars, ruches, ties, pieces of trimmings, two boxes of hats.

Mrs. Major Dawes, one large carpet.

Dr. D. W. Perkins, fifty bibles.

Mrs. C. J. Kershaw, large bundle children's clothing.

Mrs. R. Menzier, children's clothing, two dresses.

Mrs. J. I. Fairbanks, package child's clothing.

Mrs. C. L. Colby, ties, ribbons, collars, etc.

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39, A.

No. 13, A. A bill to authorize the common council of the city of Mil-
waukee to extend 22d st., etc., 35, 493, 525, 527.
A bill to enlarge and extend the corporate limits of Mil-
waukee, 56, 220, 221, 239, 262, 325, 345, 734, 771, 789.
Relating to orders, societies and associations not organized
under the laws of this state, 93, 260, 273, 376, 388.
Relating to equitable taxation of property, 98, 201, 231,

123, A.

144, A.

148, A.

149, A.
289, A.

329, A.

Relating to the dredging of the rivers and canals in Mil-
waukee, and amendatory of chapter 40, laws 1878, 104,
284, 293, 300, 330, 371, 363, 384, 458, 641.

To amend that part of the charter of the city of Milwau-
kee relating to docking and dredging, 104, 493, 526, 527.
To amend section 4607, chapter 187 of revised statutes,
152, 280, 289, 293, 300.

Amending section 2, sub-chapter 17. chapter 184, laws
1874. relating to charter of Milwaukee, 169, 494, 526, 558,
597, 925, 646, 778, 769, 786.

330, A. Cities to acquire title to lands sold for non-payment of

331, A.

332, A.

taxes, 170, 494, 511, 526, 527.

City of Milwaukee to allow certain claims, 170, 381, 395,
396, 397, 486, 520, 537, 652, 787, 795.

Relating to city printing of city of Milwaukee, 170, 494,
565, 632 693, 702, 706, 718, 748, 749, 757, 776, 748, 794.


Jt. Res. No. 31, A. Instructing committee on Claims to draw up a cer-
tain bill, 350, 359, 557, 558.


Abert, Geo. A., 36, 74, 81, 121, 190, 194, 307, 371, 414. 423, 466, 467. 560,
666, 670, 713.

Adams, H. C., 58, 666.

Adams, Michael, 121, 124, 190, 307, 389, 398, 636,639.

Albers, Mr., 58, 81, 466, 548, 560, 670.

Anderson, Mr., 33, 74, 81, 85, 228, 307, 548, 560,

Apple, Mr., 67, 74, 81, 86, 121, 295, 301.

Bishop, Mr., 81, 181, 190, 295, 301.

Blyton, Mr., 110, 121, 358, 371, 531, 548, 743, 753.

Bolender, Mr., 113, 228, 234, 753.

Bow, Mr., 307, 466, 609, 636, 670.

Brand, Mr., 94, 121, 124, 134, 414, 423, 560, 609, 636, 670.

Brazeau, Mr., 121, 264, 278, 636, 670, 713, 737.

Britton, Mr., 55, 81, 85, 307, 392, 398, 446, 666.

Brown, Mr., 110, 164, 190, 194, 234, 398, 467, 573, 753.
Bruemmer, Mr., 164, 181, 190, 194, 636.

8-A. J. APP.

ABSENCE, LEAVE OE-continued.

Bugh. Mr., 102, 110, 121. 124. 143. 162. 163. 190, 24, 213, 228, 241.

Button. Mr.. 49. S1. 85. *8, 164, 159, 194. 257, 391, 397, 333, 371. 389, 39.

446, 531, 548, 560, 670,

Campion. Mr.. 27. 33. 36, 49, 466, €36, 670,

Cance. Mr.. 134, 531. 54s.

Carmicheal, Mr., 81, 85, 94. 121. 124. 228, 307, 467, 548, 670.

Champagne, Mr., 110, 121, 190, 194, 204, 213, 22*. 241, 247. ST. 301. 307.
333. 249. 3×9, 423, 507, 609, 636. 713, 753.

Comdohr. Mr.. 81, 94, 121, 143, 307.

Conley, Mr., 10, 81. 86. 287. 301, 307. 312. 670.

Craig, Mr., 49, 81, 164, 190, 301, 307, 446, 467, 490, 507, 670,

Curley, Mr., 86, 359, 398. 467, 548, 666, 670.

Curtis, Mr., 86, 88, 94, 507.

Dawson, Mr.. 81, 85, 121, 234, 307, 312, 398, 548, 560, 636.

Dickinson, Mr., 81, 121, 389, 398. 445, 636, 670, 678.

Egan, Mr., 81, 85, 121. 234. 389, 398, 670.

Ellefson. Mr., 10, 110, 121, 307, 312, 446, 666, 678.

Esser, Mr., 81, 110, 121, 307, 312, 446, 666, 678.

Everts, Mr., 67, 121, 143, 162, 163, 190, 194, 204, 213, 228, 241, 247, 264, 278,

287, 301. 307, 312, 349, 371, 398, 414, 446, 490, 507, 531, 548, 560, 573, 559.
609, 636, 670, 713, 787, 753.

Fairchild, Mr., 27, 33. 36, 371, 446. 531, 666, 713, 737.

Fellenz, Mr., 36, 49, 81, 85, 86, 88, 94, 102, 110, 194, 204, 213, 228, 228, 241,
247, 307, 312, 312, 467, 657, 670.

Foster, Mr., 74, 81, 121, 371, 531, 548. 753.

Friend, Mr., 81, 164, 713, 713, 787, 753.

Gabriel, Mr., 164, 466, 467.

Gallagher, Mr., 121, 446, 507, 531, 560.

Gardner, Mr., 81. 119, 121, 190, 301, 307, 398, 414, 423, 446, 466, 531, 548,
560, 573, 589, 609, 636.

Goedjen. Mr., 81, 301.

Grubb, Mr.

Hardgrove, Mr.. 110, 121, 134, 143, 467, 666, 670.

Hawks, Mr., 36, 49, 81, 121, 164, 666, 670.

Hinckley, Mr., 27, 33, 36, 49, 143, 162, 163, 228, 234, 301, 307, 467, 548, 560,

Hooker, Mr., 81, 307, 312,349

Huntington, Mr., 36, 49, 164, 190, 228, 241, 507, 548, 560, 573.

Huntley, Mr., 81, 85, 287, 301, 446, 467, 548, 670.

Johnston, Mr., 110, 190, 194, 204, 213, 228, 241, 548, 560, 573, 636.

Kennedy, Mr., 67, 74, 81, 121, 124, 190, 307, 466, 467, 531, 548, 589, 609, 636.
Kidd. Mr., 81.

Kuntz, Mr., 81, 85, 121, 264, 278, 466, 560, 666.

Lane, Mr., 164, 213, 228, 666, 670, 713.


Lennon, Mr., 36, 81, 85, 88, 121, 124, 194, 466, 507, 560, 670, 713.

Leahy, Mr., 110, 121, 234, 287, 301. 307, 459.

Leonhardt, Mr., 164, 190, 204, 213, 228.

Lynch, Mr., 110, 121, 666.

MacBride, Mr., 86, 121, 190, 194, 307, 312, 423, 446, 471, 507, 670, 713
McCoy, Mr., 713, 737.

MeDill, Mr., 86, 181, 190, 194, 301.

McKenzie, Mr., 81, 121, 134, 162, 228, 234, 466, 467, 670.

Macauley, Mr., 74, 81, 102, 110, 312. 548.

Martin, Mr., 81, 164, 190, 287, 295, 301, 446, 531, 636, 6770, 753.

Maxwell, Mr., 10, 33, 36, 49, 81, 103, 228, 241, 247, 466, 467, 666.

Meissner, Mr., 86, 121, 124, 228, 241, 247, 446, 531, 560, 636, 670.

Miller, Mr., 181, 190, 307, 446, 466, 560, 636, 670, 753.

Naber, Mr., 101, 121.

Nichols, Mr., 27, 33, 36, 49, 101, 121, 134, 162, 531, 548, 560.

Noller, Mr., 81, 85, 164, 190, 560, 573, 589, 670.

O'Neill, Mr., 110, 190, 194, 531, 548, 560, 573.

Packard, Mr., 74, 81, 85, 121, 124, 164, 190, 194, 204, 213, 228, 228, 241, 247,

278, 287, 301, 307, 312, 670.

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