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Babb, Benjamin. On the bill (S. 1735) for the relief of...

Bacon, James M. On the bill (S. 758) for the relief of..

Baird, Richardson K. On the bill (H. R. 4759) granting an increase of
pension to

Baker, J. H. On the bill (S. 781) for the relief of..

Baker, Samuel. On the bill (H. R. 5542) for the relief of......
Baldwin, Herman. On the bill (H. R. 3861) granting a pension to
Bampton, Benjamin C. On the bill (S. 542) for the relief of

Barkley, R. W. On the bill (H. R. 4842) to reinstate in the Naval
Academy, &c.

Barnes, Ann. On the petition of

Barr, James A. On the bill (S. 50) for the relief of.

Bass, Elisha. On the bill (S. 553) for the relief of..
Baum, George A. R. On the petition of....

Beddo, William. On the bill (S. 927) for the relief of
Beeson, John.

On the memorial of...

Bell, Charles H. On the credentials of. (First session).

Benner, Della. On the bill (H. R. 3980) granting a pension to.
Benton, Edward T. On the bill (S. 1031) for the relief of..

Biggs, Herman. On the bill (S. 254) authorizing the President to place
on the list of retired officers of the Army.

Binnamon, H. On the bill (S. 680) granting a pension to.
Black, John H.

sion to...

On the bill (H. R. 2862) granting an increase of pen-

Blair, Lewis J. On the bill (S. 1295) granting a pension to
Blanck, Dederick. On the bill (S. 338) granting a pension to..
Bohn, C. On the bill (S. 687) for the relief of..

Boll, Joseph, &c. On the petition of. (To accompany biil H. R. 3099).
Boreland, James M. On the bill (H. R. 254) granting an increase of
pension to

Bowen, Emery. On the bill (S. 635) granting a pension to..
Bowers, Van B. On the bill (S. 298) for the relief of......

Bowman, William. On the bill (H. R. 2290) granting a pension to.
Boyd, Carlile. On the bill (S. 1150) for the relief of...

Boyden, N. On the bill (S. 715) for the relief of....

Braden, Edward, &c. On the bill (S. 56) for the relief of.

Braden, Spruille. To appoint him an ensign in the United States Navy.
(To accompany bill S. 125, first session).

Bradeen, Jason C. On the bill (S. 1178) for the relief of..

Brady, Bernard. On the bill (H. R. 2120) granting a pension to..
Braunstetter, Philip. On the bill (S. 336) granting a pension to..
Brawner, Thomas S. On the bill (S. 748) granting a pension to..
Brevet appointments. On the bill (S. 219) relating to..

Bridge. On the bill (H. R. 1381) for the construction across the Potomac
River, at or near Georgetown, of a free..

Bridges, Thomas S. On the bill (S. 229) for the relief of...
Briggs, C. H. On the bill (S. 230) for the relief of..

Brightman, Samuel B. On the petition of..

Brocchus, Perry E. On the petition of. (To accompany bill S. 1395).
Bronson, Calvin. On the bill (H. R. 2269) for the relief of........
Brown, Judith. On the bill (H. R. 4264) granting a pension to.
Brown, Martha E. On the bill (S. 801) for the relief of....

Browne, William R. On the bill (S. 1234) amending an act granting a
pension to..

Brownlow, Alexander S. On the memorial of..

Bruner, Frederick R. On the bill (S. 848) granting a pension to.
Bryant, William. On the bill (H. R. 3017) granting a pension to.

Bunker, Isaiah W. On the bill (H. R. 2864) granting an increase of pen-
sion to...

Burbank, Jacob E. On the bill (S. 313) for the relief of..

Burbridge, J. W. & Co. On the bill (S. 1545) for the relief of.
Burchard, Jabez. On the bill (S. 543) for the relief of..

Burgess, Lawrence. On the bill (S. 1652) granting a pension to the
minor children of...

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Burk, Harvey. On the bill (H. R. 751) granting a pension to.
Burke, James. On the bill (S. 952) for the relief of..
Burnett, Ward B. On the bill (S. 477) for the relief of..
Burr, Mary. On the bill (S. 181) granting a pension to.
Burroughs, Thomas. On the petition of..
Busby, W. W., &c. On the petition of..

Byrne, Edward. On the bill (S. 1311) for the relief of.


Cahill, Margaret. On the petition of..

Caldwell, John W. On the bill (S. 784) for the relief of..
Campbell, Joseph B. On the bill (S. 445) for the relief of..
Campbell, J. B. On the bill (S. 317) for the relief of.............
Candee, G. W. On the bill (S. 904) for the relief of...
Cantwell, L. C. On the bill (S. 307) for the relief of...
Carpenter, Thomas H. On the bill (S. 129) for the relief of..
Carroll, Maxwell. On the petition of....

Carter, Ellen W. P. On the bill (S. 382) granting a pension to.
Case, Luman. On the bill (S. 1114) granting a pension to..
Castleman, Samuel. On the bill (S. 187) for the relief of..
Caton, Noah. On the bill (H. R. 2-54) granting a pension to
Census. On the resolution in relation to supervisors of..
Chamberlin, Lowell. On the bill (S. 1300) for the relief of..
Chambliss, William P. On the bill (S. 1660) for the relief of..
Chandler, Theophilus P. On the bill (S. 22) for the relief of.
Chaplains of the United States Navy. On the bill (S. 48) to promote the
efficiency of

Chapman, Amos. On the petition of. (To accompany bill S. 1809).

Cheeks, John W. On
Chickering, John W.
Chickering, John W.
Churchman, Henry J.

the bill (S. 468) for the relief of..
On the bill (S. 131) for the relief of..
On the bill (S. 131) for the relief of..

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On the bill (S. 475) granting a pension to

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Claesgens, Peter. On the memorial of. (To accompany bill S. 1197)..
Clancey, John F. On the bill (S. 1087) for the relief of........

[blocks in formation]

Clark, M. F. On the bill (S. 76) for the relief of..

[blocks in formation]

Clarke, Lizzie D. On the bill (S. 1478) for the relief of.

Clay, Cecil. On the petition of. (To accompany bill S. 1815).

Clinton, Charles. On the bill (S. 436) for the relief of...

Coffey, Moses. On the petition of

Cogley, Thomas S. On the bill (S. 1654) granting a pension to.

Colby, Seymour. On the bill (S. 1318) granting a pension to.

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Collins, Charles. On bills (S. 285 and S. 689) for the relief of. (To ac-
company bill S. 1346).

[blocks in formation]

Colorado. On the bill (S. 769) to enable the State of, to take lands in
lieu of sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections, &c...

[blocks in formation]

Combs, David W. On the bill (S. 1521) granting a pension to

[blocks in formation]

Connor, James O. On the bill (S. 551) granting a pension to

[blocks in formation]

Court of Claims. On the resolution relative to the rooms lately occupied
by the..

Cooper, Wickliffe. (To accompany S. Res. 8.) Correcting the military
record of..

Cooprider, Eli. On the bill (S. 1363) granting a pension to.

Cook, Daniel M. On the bill (H. R. 2019) to authorize the extension of
the patent of

On the bill (S. 66) for the relief of.

Cook, Hortensia H.
Corselius, Edward. On the bill (S. 876) for the relief of.
Costello, Margaret. On the bill (S. 1584) granting a pension to
Coston, Martha J. On the petition of. (To accompany bill S. 1761)
Council Bluffs. On the bill (H. R. 1064) to authorize the corporate au-
thorities of, to use a certain lake, &c..

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Cowpens centennial committee. On the bill (S. 84) to furnish a bronze
statue of General Daniel Morgan to the.

Cox, John. On the petition of..

Crain, Simeon. On the bill (S. 335) granting a pension to.

Crawford, G. W. J.
Creek orphan fund.
Cunningham, John S.
Curtis, Belinda. On

On the petition of .

On the bill (S. 451) to reimburse the
On the bill (S. 286) for the relief of..
the bill (H. R. 2407) granting a pension to.

Curtis, Belinda. On the bill (H. R. 2407) granting a pension to.
Custer, Elizabeth B. On the bill (S. 459) for the relief of..

[blocks in formation]


Dakota Territory. On the bill (H. R. 5502) granting certain lands for
an insane asylum and for school purposes.

[blocks in formation]

Darling, Mrs. Flora A. On the petition of.

[blocks in formation]

Dart, Anson. On the petition of..


Davenport, Patsey. On the bill (S. 1597) granting a pension to...
Davidson, Francis S. On the bill (S. 517) for the relief of

[blocks in formation]

Davis, Samuel B. On the bill (S. 578) granting an increase of pension to.
Davis, William H. On the petition of. (To accompany bill S. 1208)..
Davis, Mary A.

On the bill (S. 98) granting a pension to

Davis, John B. On the bill (S. 72) for the relief of...

On the petition of.

On the bill (S. 1090) for the relief of

the petition of

On the bill (S. 1084) granting arrears of pensions to

Davison, John.
Defrees. John D.
Dennis, Ann. On
Dent, Capt. J. H.
the heirs of
Denton, Charles W.
Deponia, Martin J.
De Witt, J. Clinton. On the bill (S. 497) granting a pension to...
District of Columbia. On the condition of the water supply of the
District of Columbia. On the bill (S. 1125) to provide for building a
market-house on square 446 in the
District of Columbia. On the bill (S. 894) for the relief of certain offi-
cers of the United States courts for the....

On the bill (S. 1291) for the relief of
On the petition of

[blocks in formation]

District of Columbia. On the bill (S. 1681) to provide for funding the
8 per cent. improvement certificates of the

Dodd, Brown & Co. On the bill (S. 1181) for the relief of .
Doddridge and Davis. On the bill (H. R. 2803) for the relief of

Dodge, Israel. On the bill (S. 310) for the relief of the heirs, &c., of
Dolan, John. On the bill (S. 556) appointing him second lieutenant
and placing him on the retired list

Donoho, Monroe. On the bill (S. 996) for the relief of

Donohue, Frank, On the bill (S. 427) granting a pension to..
Dorsey, John M., &c. On the bill (S. 212) for the relief of.
Dougherty, Charles. On the bill (H. R. 270) for the relief of.

Dougherty, Elizabeth. On the bill (H. R. 3261) granting a pension to..
Doxsie, James W. On the bill (S. 370) granting an increase of pension


Driscoll, Benedict J. O. On the bill (S. 1576) granting a pension to
Dunbar, Robert W. On the bill (S. 214) for the relief of..
Durkee, Stephen. On the petition of .............


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Elections, report of the Select Committee to inquire into alleged frauds
in the late

[blocks in formation]

Elections, report of the Select Committee to inquire into alleged frauds
in the late...

3 427

Elections, report of Select Committee to inquire into alleged frauds in
the late. (To accompany bill S. 1721).

Elgie, W. J. On the bill (S. 1077) granting a pension to...
Ellis, Marshall D. On the bill (S. 552) granting a pension to ................

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Employés of the government in the District of Columbia. On the bill
(S. 831) for the relief of....

[blocks in formation]

Epping, Carl, &c.

English, William. On the bill (S. 332) authorizing the appointment to
a second lieutenancy in the Army of..
On the memorial of.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Fort Abercrombie, &c. On the bill (H. R. 1305) abolishing the military
reservations of

Fairchild, Stephen. On the bill (S. 1517) granting an increase of pen-
sion to

Fairly, Agnes. On the bills (S. 1452, H. R. 11) granting a pension to..
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Paris, Texas. On the bill (S. 625) for
the relief of (first session).

Farrar, Abram F. On the bill (S. 672) granting a pension to..
Farrar, W. B. On the bill (H. R. 393) for the relief of.

Farrow, Edward S. On the bill (S. 933) for the relief of..
Ferrell, John H. On the bill (S. 412) granting a pension to....

Fifth Infantry, U. S. A. On the bill (S. 106) for the relief of the officers

Finley, Mrs. E. S. M. On the petition of....

[ocr errors]

Finn, Masach. On the bill (H. R. 2603) granting a pension to.....

Fisher, John, guardian, &c. On the bill (H. R. 3544) granting a pen-

sion to.

Fisher, Henry H. On the bill (H. R. 2468) granting a pension to

Flagg, Harriett. On the petition of

Flagg, Sarah S. On the petition of..

Fletcher, Ann. On the petition of..

Fletcher, Bird L. On the bill (S. 198) for the relief of.

Florida, State of. On the resolution (S. 79) directing the Secretary

of the Treasury to settle the accounts between the United States
and the

Flynn, John. On the petition of..

Foley, Jerry. On the bill (H. R. 3783) for the relief of..

Foote, Rear-Admiral A. H. On the bill (S. 1538) authorizing the clos-
ing of the accounts of....

Ford, Nehemiah. On the petition of........

Fort Stockton, Texas. On Executive Document No. 25. (To accompany
bill S. 1205).

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Fort Union. On the bill (S. 916) to authorize the United States to
secure a title to certain timber reservations within the limits of....
Fort Leavenworth military reservation. On the bill (S. 159) to pro-
vide for the sale of certain portions of.....

[blocks in formation]

Fort Harker. On the bill (S. 194) for the disposal of the military reser-
vation of....

[blocks in formation]

Fort Larned. On the bill (S. 193) for the disposition of the military
reservation of.................

[blocks in formation]

Fort Logan, Montana Territory. On the bill (H. R. 5894) to authorize
the sale of..

[blocks in formation]

Fort Ripley reservation. On the bill (H. R. 1153) to restore to the pub-
lic domain a part of....

[blocks in formation]

Fort Sedgwick military reservation. On the bill (S. 1742) in relation
to the..

Fox, Susan. On the bill (S. 1097) granting a pension to...
Frank, Charles H. On the bill (S. 1334) granting a pension to...
Franks, Margaret B. On the memorial of. (To accompany bill S. 1203).
Freedmen's Saving and Trust Company. (To accompany bills S. 711
and S. 1581.) Relating to the........

French, L. C. On the bill (S. 1307) granting a pension to......

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Frick, Eliza M. On the bill (H. R. 3021) granting a pension to..
Fritschy, John F. On the bill (S. 663) granting a pension to
Fuller, E. C. On the bill (S. 779) for the relief of...
the bill (S. 955) granting a pension to..

Fultz, W. S. On

[blocks in formation]


Gaines, William. On the bill (H. R. 2902) to place on the retired list...
Gallagher, Hugh. On the bill (S. 183) granting a pension to..
Gamble, William J. On the bill (S. 1063) for the relief of..
Gano, Phineas. On the bill (S. 1323) granting a pension to.
Gardner, Jared. On the bill (S. 691) for the relief of....
Gault, John, jr. On the bill (S. 105) for the relief of..
Getert, Peter. On the bill (S. 341) granting a pension to.








Gettysburg. On the letter of the Secretary of War, relative to the maps

of the battle of. (To accompany bill S. 1490)...


Gibbes & Co. On the bill (S. 185) for the relief of


Gibson, Narcissa. On the bill (S. 855) for the relief of..
Gill, Ira. On the petition of. (To accompany bill S. 46).
Gill, William H. On the bill (S. 1710) for the relief of.




Gillen, Paul E. On the bill (H. R. 3351) for the relief of..


Gillespie Ellen. On the bill (H. R. 1890) granting a pension to..
Gillis, Catherine I. On the bill (H. R. 2377) for the relief of...



Gotshall, John. On the bill (S. 149) for the relief of.

Graham, George W. On the petition of

Goldsborough, Elizabeth Wirt. On the bill (S. 3) granting a pension to.
Goodlow, Armstead. On the petition of...

Granery, Michael, &c. On the bill (S. 695) for the relief of...

Grapeshot. On the bill (H. R. 2802) for the relief of the owner of the

[blocks in formation]

Greene, J. B., &c. On the memorial of. (To accompany bill S. 1366)
Views of the minority on same. (Part 2)...

[blocks in formation]

Grubb, Jackson. On the bill (H. R. 710) for the relief of..


Guest, Anna I. On the bill (S. 972) granting an increase of pension to..


Gunn, Charles E. On the bill (S. 1340) for the relief of..


Gustin, Samuel I. On the bill (S. 549) for the relief of.
Guthrey, William B. On the petition of....




Hale, William H. On the bill (S. 617) granting a pension to



Hall, P. P. G. On the bill (S. 175) for the relief of...



Halleck, Walter F. On the bill (S. 536) for the retirement of, with the

[blocks in formation]

Hamilton, Schuyler. On the bill (S. 664) for the relief of....
Hancock, Robert L. On the bill (S. 184) granting a pension to.
Handley, Walter S. On the petition of....

[blocks in formation]

Hansell, William S., and Sons. On the petition of. (To accompany bill
S. 1768)

Harben, Nathaniel P. On the bill (S. 200) for the relief of.
Hardin, W. M. On the bill (S. 786) for the relief of................
Hargrove, James E. On the bill (S. 609) granting a pension to..
Harner, John. On the bill (S. 1169) granting a pension to.

Harris, Catharine. On the bill (S. 1454) amending an act granting a
pension to...

Hartridge, Theodore F., &c. On the bill (S. 816) for the relief of..

Haskin, Rebecca E. On the bill (S. 1535) granting an increase of pen-
sion to..
Hatcher, Aaron. On the bill (S. 1360) granting a pension to.
Hayne, Michael. On the bill (S. 1133) granting a pension to.

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