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heart was fo wrung that I fainted quite away.

I afterwards learned, that my true and valiant fellows had refused to fubmit upon fummons: that the pirate, feeing them fo few, and being defirous of faving the frigate for their own ufe, had attacked them with fmall arms, which were warmly anfwered on our part; when, having dropped or difabled above half of our brave English, with two of Of myn's attendants who happened to be upon deck, they entered and mercilessly butchered the remainder, among whom was our old mate and furgeon.

Mean time I lay infenfible to all that paffed, till a ruffian feeing me pale and lifelefs, in all appearance, gave me a wring by the nofe. Hereupon 1 awaked to the bittereft fenfations. I remembered me of my gallant meffmates, who had fo loved and careffed me above my merits; and my tears, without figh groan, went in ftreams down my cheeks.

At length I heard a voice, a known voice, as I thought, crying, Where is my friend, where is my brother David? and turning my head a little, I faw my noble Ofmyn juft entering the ship.

O, Gentlemen! be not apt to judge hardly of all who have not learned Christ,


by the form and by the letter. Ofmyn, my Ofmyn proves, that he may be in the heart of those who never acknowledged his name, although they have felt his power. And indeed, as the apostle writes, those who never learned his law, yet, has ving his law, or rather himself, in their hearts, fhall be juftified.

Having inftantly caft an eye of fearching love around, he 'fpied where I lay, and coming and throwing himself befide me, he put one arm about, and cried, O, my brother! my brother David! is it thus that my people ufe you? I grieve, that Chriftians fhould beat us all to you nothing in honour and humanity. He then took out his knife, and, having tenderly cut my cords, he ftrained his own ability to help me to rife.

He then called for the captain, who came bowing to him with great respect. Their difcourfe was long and earnett. At length Ofinyn rofe high in paffion, and gave the captain a back stroke with his hand across the face. I oblerved his choler fwelling, almoft to fuffocation; but he fuppreffed his indignation, and retired in filence. I heard Öfmyn then giving fome orders to the men; but, as I was a Aranger to their language, I knew not the purport of any thing that paffed.




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Soon after, however, I faw my nine companions brought from the hold, and unbound. And Ofmyn, turning to me, defired me to tell my people, that they were all free; and that as soon as we landed in Barbary, he would take the first means of fending them with honour to their native country. Ah! my Lord, I cried, I am forry that you ftruck the captain; he has many adherents here, and will certainly feek fome method of revenge. He dare not, he dare not, replied my friend; the villain would have difputed with me the property of my own frigate, which I manned and fitted out at my own expence. But if I hear or fee any more of his infolence, as foon as we land, I will complain to the Dey my uncle, and have the rogue impaled alive.

He then ordered out the long-boat, and, turning to me, faid, I am going David, to take an account of what effects are left in my fhip; and I would take you with me if you were in a condition to go; but I will foon return, and, in the mean time order the furgeon to do his best for allaying the fwelling in your limbs.

During his abfence, the fhip's compa By, and even the captain, whose name.


was Barbar, behaved themfelves toward me and my fellows with great, though filent, civility; and a plentiful mess was ferved up to us for dinner. But during our repaft I obferved, that the captain called fuch and fuch of his men to the quarter-deck, where he held with them a long and whispering kind of conver fation.

Thefe fellows, as it feems, were the moft barbarous and bloody of all their barbarous and bloody countrymen. Has ving taken the ship wherein we then were, a merchantman, carrying about twenty guns, they had maffacred every creature on board, and then drefled themselves in the cloaths of the English, in order to inveigle others in the like calamity; while they dispatched their own frigate back to Tunis to get recruits..

My noble friend did not return. till late: in the evening. He then ordered supper to be got ready, and the state-cabin to be prepared for him and me to lie in; but I whispered and befought him to excufe me for declining that honour, as I percei ved that the favours which he did me, had already given much umbrage and offence to his countrymen.

I know not whence, or for what pur pofe, forebodings may come; but all


that night, my fpirits were exceedingly fad and depreffed; and though my fellows and I were put to lie in a part of the fhip, the moft remote from my friend, yet I imagined that I heard fecret treadings and mutterings; and again, at dead of night, that I heard the diftant found of trampling and ftruggling, as of peo ple in doing and receiving violence.

I was ftill fore from the tyings and the bruifes which I had received; when, toward the end of a fleepless night, a gang of armed ruffians entered the place where we lay, and loaded us with irons. They then took away all our cloaths and treafures, and threw to each of us a canvas fhirt and drawers, as flaves prepared for

the market.

The moment they laid their hands upon me, it occurred that they would not have dared to do it. if they had not first made away with my dear friend and patron; at which thought my foul grew inftantly fick, and a dark cloud of forrow fell heavily upon it.

Sore and fhackled as I was, I got im. mediately on deck, and looked wiftfully out to fea, but could discover no frigate. I then fhuffled along as faft as I could to the cabin, where I had parted the night before with my Ofmyn, and looking in at


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