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to be taught in it are honest in conviction and inspiring to higher ideals.

But why should just this first of the new group of permanent buildings given by the State be named Benjamin Ide Wheeler Hall?

The average length of service of former presidents of the University of California has been but three and one half years, and President Wheeler has told us that in coming here he saw no reasons why his should be a longer term. But today, in his seventeenth year of service, he is the dean of the forty-two state university presidents. While the faith of sister institutions and of other states in this University which was so well conceived by the founders and the people of the State was formerly shaken at times on account of frequent changes in administration, the long and successful service of President Wheeler has given the institution a stamp of permanence in the eyes of

The first building erected by the State on the permanent could produce. It is the permanence of high scholarship and of high ideals, the performance of high citizenship and of loyal service, of those who toil within the institution and of those who go forth from it.

The first building erected by the State on the permanent plan as a home for its students stands there below us to the northwest and with eminent fitness is named after our glorious state-California Hall. But now the faculties of the University rejoice over and concur in the happy decision of the Regents to name this new permanent building Benjamin Ide Wheeler Hall in honor of the man with whose coming the University entered upon an era of permanence in the service of American civilization.

And this permanence will endure as a monument to the man whom we honor today, long after this mass of steel and stone shall have crumbled into dust and disappeared from the face of the earth.


Within the recesses of the cornerstone of this building has been placed a box containing the following material:

Architect's Drawing of the completed building.

Photographs of the architect's drawings of the plan of Benjamin Ide Wheeler Hall.

Photograph of Benjamin Ide Wheeler, taken 1915.

Biography of President Benjamin Ide Wheeler.

Copy of the Daily Californian published by the students of the University of California, date of Wednesday, March 22, 1916, Vol. XVIII, No. 53, containing an account of the programme for Charter Day.

Copy of Berkeley Daily Gazette, for Tuesday, March 21, 1916.

Copy of the Stanford Palo Alto News, of Friday, March 10, 1916, containing President Benjamin Ide Wheeler's address at the Founders' Day exercises of Leland Stanford Junior University, at Palo Alto, California.

Copy of the President's Annual Report for the academic year 1914-15.

Copy of the Directory of Officers and Students, issued February, 1916.

Register of the University of California for the academic year 1914-15, containing Circular of Information of August, 1915, Announcement of Courses for 1914-15, and other Announcements of the University.

Copy of Alexander the Great, by Benjamin Ide Wheeler, published in 1900.

Copy of Unterricht und Demokratie in Amerika, lectures by Benjamin Ide Wheeler, as Roosevelt Professor at the University of Berlin, 1909-10, published in 1910.

Reprints of various writings and speeches of Benjamin Ide Wheeler.

Remarks of Professor A. O. Leuschner, Dean of Graduate School, at Corner Stone Laying Ceremonies, Benjamin Ide Wheeler Hall, March 23, 1916.

When this stone descends into its resting place, this material will be sealed from human eyes forever. The Summer winds may come and the storms of Winter occur,

but I give you the hope that the contents of this box will never by by any act of nature, or otherwise, revealed to the eyes of the world until time shall be no more.

It is absolutely unnecessary for me to introduce to you the man in whose honor we are met today, and who will speak to you in his wonted way of his love not only for the University of California and all that it stands for, but his love for our great commonwealth, of which the University is an integral part.


The typical activity of a university is teaching-but teaching inspired by fresh thinking.

The buildings of a university are of two sorts: on the one hand library and laboratory, on the other the halls of instruction. The laboratories for the sciences and the library for the humanities yield the oxygen of the university life.

Back to back with the library and its seminaries representing discovery stands this new building representing teaching. Research and teaching-we must have them both and have them blended. Teaching without the quickening force of discovery will soon grow stale. Research, without telling its story to the quickening of others, and without embedding its lessons into the uses of human society, will grow selfish and die by the hand of its own zeal.

Here in this stately hall, for centuries to come, each generation will transmit to its successors the lessons of the past; here, by the contagion of sympathy, each generation will inspire its sons and daughters to nobler living; here by the mystery of inspiration, vision shall awaken vision and personality shall give its spiritual life-blood to the handing on of life, like as fire by the handing on of the racer's torch.

Go now to thy place, old stone. Take up thy long burden of the years.



We live in days of sedition, privy conspiracy and rebellion, of plague, pestilence and famine, of battle, murder and sudden death. The waves of the great world-earthquake spread and disturb the most deep-fixed of spiritual strata. Matters and values which we have always taken for granted now provoke searchings of heart. In particular we of the ancient society of Phi Beta Kappa, whose work and interest have lain largely in the invisible regions of thought and art, at times view them with new eyes. To talk of poetry when men are bleeding and empires are crashing seems at times like offering a plantain-leaf for a broken leg, like thinking of social precedences when the ship is sinking. But after the earthquake and the fire in the days of King Ahab came the still small voice; it is the so-called unpractical studies, the humanistic disciplines, that give men insight and enable them to understand; that give us faith and courage, for which we appeal to science in vain. We come back to our former associations with a new understanding, and feel a new value in them.


Of the various ways of studying literature the commonest may be called the appreciative. No doubt it is the primary method. Literature is a form of art, and before

*The Phi Beta Kappa Address delivered at the University of California, May 16, 1916.

everything else we must feel and lead others to feel the beauty and ideality which make it art. In the secondary schools the teacher who does this is a good teacher, he who does not is a bad teacher. This is so all-important that it is exaggerating wholesomely to say that all the teacher has to do is to inspire a liking for good reading, so that the future store-keeper, contractor, mother, may be able to leave for a season, if they will, the fret and dust of life for this cool pure air. In colleges some of the most celebrated and influential of teachers of literature have done nothing else. Any broad and humane scholar will wish to do the like. He may be jarred and piqued by meeting at times a childish conception of this work; he may not like to be asked if his business is "teaching English classics,' because that suggests holding hands with young ladies over the character of Silas Marner, or expounding the philosophy of the Psalm of Life. But no interest in research, or in the esoteric beauties and strange hints as to origin to be found in primitive literature, will take away the zest, they will rather increase the zest, in leading future lawyers, physicians, bankers, to find in books daily inspiration and repose

This is the port of rest from troublous toile,

The worldes sweet in from paine and wearisome turmoyle.

Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more. A man who does all this extremely well is worth a high salary.

The appreciative study of literature means the study of it for what it means to us, for the beauty and ideality in it to which we respond. In this spirit most men will read literature who read it for pleasure in the intervals of business. But what is agreeable and ennobling for a short time may become enervating or palling if we live in it. This method does not take us down to the bed-rock of truth. The ultimate reality in any literary work is what the author intended. What it means to us may interest and inspire

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