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schools in the United States. I have recently revised it, and trust that it may be extensively serviceable in education. The principal alterations from the original are a new and more convenient division of paragraphs, and entire omission of the conversations annexed to the chapters. In place of these I have affixed questions to every page, that may at once facilitate the work of the teacher and the pupil. The rational and moral features of this book first commended it to me, and I have used it successfully with my own scholars.

The real author was Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. John Penrose, a native of England. Mrs. Penrose was a woman of rare gifts and accomplishments. She died at Lincoln, January 24th, 1837.

NEW YORK, March 8, 1848.




Scots and Picts-Departure of the Romans-Saxon Invasion-Intro-
duction of Christianity into Britain.

Saxon Successors of Alfred-Clergy-St. Dunstan Edwy and El
giva The Northmen-Danish Kings of England.


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William II.-Injures his brother Robert-Robert goes to the Holy
Land-William killed in the New Forest-Crusades.

Character of Henry I.-Robert returns to England-Succession of
prince William disputed-Prince William drowned-The Empress Ma-
tilda-Henry II. dies in Normandy-Arts, armor, and domestic man-
ners of the English-Chivalry.

Usurpation of Stephen-Civil war in England-Stephen taken prison
er-Matilda abuses her own power-withdraws into Normandy-The
succession settled on Henry Matilda's son-Stephen dies.

Henry II.-his education-his abilities-grants a charter to the people
-Invades and conquers Ireland-Thomas à Becket-his exaltation-
his death-Henry does nenance for the death of Becket-Henry's do
mestic affairs-his death-Learning and customs in England.

Richard I.-His foreign enterprises-Richard at Acre-Ruturns to Eu
rope-made a prisoner in Germany-Ransomed-returns to England-
Killed at Chalus-Disorders in England.

Henry III. succeeds his father-attempts to recover Normandy-Civil

-war between the king and the barons-Prince Edward defends his fa-
ther's cause--joins the last Crusade-Henry III. dies--Progress of so-
ciety and of science in England.

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