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evidences of conscience, or spirituality, they may exhibit, they are not men by virtue of that triune nature in which Adam was created. They do not possess the pre-eminent principle which made Adam the crowning work on earth of the Almighty's hand, and made him the monarch of this world. Notwithstanding his sin and fall, his children have maintained their God-given pre-eminence and their dominion over all inferior creatures. That superiority they are bound to maintain in duty to themselves and to their Creator. To consent to a union of races, or equality in state, or in church, or in social life, is the betrayal of their own race and treason against their God. What God hath put asunder, let no man join together.

It is the image of God, or the spiritual nature, that makes man a man, and man cannot, by his sinful act, make God's image in any other creature but the children of Adam. This spiritual nature is different from mind or intellect, and the difference is not of degree, but of kind. Adamites may be degraded to the level of beasts, but still they are men with high capacities and possibilities. No animal, and none of the human race not created in the image of God, can possibly become a man unless by a miracle. To repeat: it is the spiritual nature that differentiates man from the beast, and the non-Adamites are as destitute of this nature as a dead man is of life. The spiritual and the non-spiritual can no more generate spirit than the living and the non-living can generate life.






the people of the United States, and to all white people living in proximity to yellow or black races, correct views in regard to the various. types of men are of great practical importance. These States are so bound together that prosperity or calamity in one extends to the whole. The people of each State know best their wants and necessities, and the others are interested in the accomplishment of measures to promote the general welfare of each. In the Southern States the highest and lowest races, the Caucasian and the negro, are living on the same soil and on an equal civil footing. This is true of the Northern States and of other countries also; but the small number of negroes in them excites less interest. All that is here said about the black applies also to the yellow races.

If the negro is really an Adamite, and the only differences of races are such as have naturally resulted from environment, then the negro is "a man

and brother," of the same original capacities and functions, and the same mental, moral and physical structure, entitled to the same rights, and with the same duties and responsibilities, and capable of the same advancement. He is embraced in the "brotherhood of man," and entitled to all the claims of kinship. To use a paradoxical phrase, he is a white man with a black skin, but degraded by circumstances to the lowest grade of humanity.

If evolution is true, the races are in the same relative position as on the unity theory: their genetic relations under both theories are the same. In the one case the negro is a degraded white man; in the other he is only in a lower state of development. On both theories, all races have a common origin, the difference being solely in culture and stage of development, and not in consanguinity. In both cases there is but one species of man, and the law of a common brotherhood, with all it implies, must prevail. The monogenist supposes that four-fifths of the human race have degenerated, and the evolutionist supposes that one-fifth has pressed forward and outstripped the balance in the evolutionary process; but on both theories all races are of “one blood." Moreover, the Christian monogenist, who accepts the dogma of the Adamic origin of all races, is confronted with the fact that the great majority of mankind, instead of advancing, have actually retrograded, which is inconsistent with his theory. On

both theories the lower races are capable of being raised to the level of the most highly cultivated and civilized Caucasian. On both theories the best way to elevate the inferior would be by miscegenation with the superior race. The only question to be considered would be, whether it would be better to commingle at once or await the improvement or development of the lower races. The effect of immediate union would, of course, be the immediate degradation of the white race for the supposed elevation of the black and yellow; but on these theories the resulting mongrel race would advance to the highest degree of human progress. Would it not be the duty of the Caucasian to submit to temporary degradation in order to elevate the inferior brother? Should not the law of love and self-sacrifice here prevail?

But if the polygenic or plurality theory is true, then the relations of races must be very different. In this case the races of mankind are not of the same origin, nor of "one blood," and it is plainly God's will that they should be kept separate and distinct. To preserve blood purity is a paramount duty, and the corollary of universal brotherhood is brutalizing and detestable; but nothing in it should prevent kind feelings towards the inferior, and a desire to promote the general welfare of all.

It has been seriously proposed to solve the race question at the South by miscegenation. The South

ern people naturally regard this advice not only as silly, impertinent and offensive to every sentiment of elevated manhood, but as doing violence to God's order of things, and to the implied command to keep separate what He has made different. They know that an enemy who wishes their utter ruin could not devise a more certain scheme to accomplish that result, for it would be to inoculate their blood with a loathsome and fatal poison. This proposition is made on the assumption of the natural equality of races, and in ignorance or disregard of the universally-admitted fact that all such commingling of blood has resulted in the degradation of the superior without elevating the inferior. Whilst this is undeniably true, it is also true that the union of different branches of the same race, as the Roman and Sabines, the Celts and Teutons, Norman and Saxon, has improved the stock and produced the highest Caucasian type. It is an admitted physiological fact that the offspring of equal mixed races is superior to either of the pure stock. But the curse of the Almighty plainly rests on the offspring of the white with the yellow and black races. The result of miscegenation at the South would be the production of a more wretched population than the mongrel races of South America and Mexico; for in those countries the admixture is, for the most part, of white people with Indians and aboriginal Mexicans, races superior to the negro. In the Southern States

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