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cruciform cartilages, as they are also designated, are developed within the aryteno epiglottidean folds, one on each side of the rima glottidis, or chink of the glottis. Of all these intrinsic pieces forming or supporting the windpipe, none are so inconstant, and, when present, even variable as to size, as the Wrisberg cartilages; scarcely any larger than the Santorini cartilages, they, at best, are concealed within the mucous folds of the aryteno epiglottic larynx, and are very difficult to find. In the white subject I have never met them, and when to the touch and sight they were discernible, it has always been in the negro. I have made a special investigation of this point, and I would caution those who seek to discover these delicate nodules of fibro-cartilage, that, when the scalpel would fail to discover them, their presence is often satisfactorily revealed by simply rolling the aryteno epiglottic folds between the thumb and forefinger, as then the touch at once detects the firmer resistance of an extremely delicate body enfolded within these mucous layers and embedded among the minute granules of sparsely-scattered laryngeal glands.


Thus it is that, hardly ever encountered and even overlooked when present in the Caucasian race, the larger development of Wrisberg cartilages in the negro have led some to affirm that they existed only in black persons, constituting another racial distinction."

At the South the negro is believed to be exempt from certain diseases, one of which is hydrophobia, and certainly they are less liable to and suffer less from yellow and malarial fevers than white people. Hydrophobia is unknown amongst negroes, and it is well known that they have been bitten by rabid dogs. It is also believed that the gums of some negroes, known as "blue gums," secrete a poison which makes their bite a dangerous wound. This is testified to by respectable physicians and others,

and is, no doubt, true. These negroes probably belong to some African tribe with whom this is a peculiarity. Some insects, as the chigger, or red bug, so annoying to white people of the South, are harmless to the negro.

The moral diversities are greater and more marked than the intellectual and physical. The distinguished author above quoted (Prof. Keane), who is an Englishman and cannot be charged with prejudice against the negro, makes a suggestion which has frequently occurred to some close observers of the negro, viz.: "It is more correct to say of the negro that he is non-moral than immoral."

The monogenists maintain that all these differences can be accounted for on natural laws, and result from climate, food, mode of life and other physical causes, and, further, that the Bible requires belief in the unity theory. They also maintain that all races have certain mental and moral qualities which are inconsistent with the idea of difference of species. Great weight is also attached to the argument from philology, or the science of languages, by which it is supposed that all languages can be traced to a common source. According to some of these theorists, differences in races are not fixed and permanent, but the different types, or species, being only varieties of the same original stock, will, under favorable circumstances, run into one another; in other words, the Caucasian may degenerate into the

Mongolian, Indian, or Negro, and these latter may develop into the former. Other monogenists believe the diversities of races, however they may have originated, arẻ fixed and permanent. Others, recognizing the fact that these diversities, or physical characteristics, have existed as far back as our knowledge extends, and admitting that they cannot be accounted for on natural causes, but unwilling to give up the unity theory, attribute them to the hand of God.

The logical outcome of this theory, as boldly maintained by some, is the universal brotherhood of man, political and social equality, and the admixture of races. Blood purity and antipathy of races, or instinctive repulsion, are mere prejudices inconsistent with Christian charity and the general good of the whole body of humanity.

This theory is so offensive to our natural instincts, and is prima facie so absurd and preposterous, that it never could have been entertained by intelligent minds, but from the apprehension that belief in it was required by the Bible; and that is the only reason why it is now esteemed the orthodox faith of Christians. It is because of this prejudice, too, that Christians, who have been compelled to abandon the theory as utterly untenable, are afraid to encounter the prejudices that exist against the conclusions to which polygeny leads. Why close the eyes to palpable facts, and force the Bible to an issue with science and common sense?





'HE polygenists deny the propositions of the monogenists, and insist that no satisfactory or reasonable account of the origin and differences of races can be given except on the theory of different origins. They believe that Mongolians, Malays, Indians and Africans are not descendants of Adam, and are not brothers in any proper sense of the term, but inferior creations. They believe this view is entirely consistent with Scripture, and reject as inconsistent with the character of the Almighty the thought that He would degrade, by a special act of His providence, the great majority of the human race, especially as nothing of the sort is hinted at in the Sacred Volume, and no satisfactory cause for such an act can be assigned. They believe polygeny is the only theory reconcilable with Scripture. All that is necessary is to construe the Bible as an account of the creation of a man (Adam) in God's image and after His likeness, without denying what is plainly intimated, that other races were on earth when Adam was created. We have

his history from his creation, which cannot, consistently with the Bible, be put back beyond some six thousand years. His family have always been the representatives of religion, civilization and progress. History and tradition point to Southern Asia as the cradle of the Adamic race, and there we find the descendants of Adam, in the earliest days of history, a small family, with a language as perfect as any now spoken; and from that centre they have gradually extended their authority and influence over the world, and everywhere the inferior races have disappeared before them. The fact that they had such a language proves the contemporaneous existence of a high state of civilization. The idea that tribes. diverged from this historic family into Eastern Asia, Oceanica, America and Africa, and degenerated into the inferior races that have occupied those regions, as far back as we have any information, is an assumption without proof from any source, and is really nothing more than a superstition. Since Adam's creation, the world has not been without civilization and religion in his family. His race has always been, on the whole, progressive, but on the theory of monogeny, there has been degeneracy and degradation in the great majority of his descendants. But the process of degradation is against science, history and the Bible, for all prove progress in science, art, and all the material elements of civilization, but not in powers of mind, nor in morality and religion.

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