Autumn Hours and Fireside Reading

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Charles Scribner, 1854 - Всего страниц: 311

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Стр. 144 - There are who ask not if thine eye Be on them; who, in love and truth Where no misgiving is, rely Upon the genial sense of youth: Glad hearts! without reproach or blot, Who do thy work, and know it not: Oh ! if through confidence misplaced They fail, thy saving arms, dread Power!
Стр. 43 - Beauty is Nature's brag, and must be shown In courts, at feasts, and high solemnities Where most may wonder at the workmanship; It is for homely features to keep home...
Стр. 230 - All the sweetness of beauty, all the loveliness of innocence, all the tenderness of a wife and all the fondness of a mother showed themselves in her appearance and conduct.
Стр. 160 - TEARS, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy Autumn-fields, And thinking of the days that are no more.
Стр. 222 - ... with gore from a dreadful wound across the temple. I put my hand on the bloody face; 'twas warm; and an unknown voice begged for water. A small camp-kettle was lying near, and a stream of water was close by.
Стр. 144 - Serene will be our days and bright, And happy will our nature be, When love is an unerring light, And joy its own security. And they a blissful course may hold Even now, who, not unwisely bold, Live in the spirit of this creed; Yet seek thy firm support, according to their need.
Стр. 228 - The Marquis De Chastellux, who was in Philadelphia while these efforts were in progress, was delighted with the event. In describing a visit to several of the American ladies, he says, " We began by Mrs. Bache. She merits all the anxiety we had to see her, for she is the daughter of Mr. Franklin. Simple in her manners, like her respectable father, she possesses his benevolence. She conducted us into a room filled with work, lately finished by the ladies of Philadelphia. This work consisted neither...
Стр. 79 - So every spirit, as it is most pure, And hath in it the more of heavenly light, So it the fairer body doth procure To habit in, and it more fairly dight, With cheerful grace and amiable sight For, of the soul, the body form doth take, For soul is form, and doth the body make.
Стр. 222 - how came you here ?' "'Oh, I thought, 'replied I, 'you would need nurses as well as soldiers.
Стр. 223 - I believe you,' said Frank. Just then I looked up, and my husband, as bloody as a butcher, and as muddy as a ditcher,* stood before me. " ' Why, Mary ! ' he exclaimed, ' "What are you doing there ? Hugging Frank Cogdell, the greatest reprobate in the army?' " 'I dont care,' I cried. ' Frank is a brave fellow, a good soldier, and a true friend to Congress.

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