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relating to matters of commerce and navigation. By the terms of the alliance the contracting parties bound themselves "to guarantee the integrity of their territories, and to coöperate against whatever foreign power should attempt to alter, by force, their respective boundaries, as recognized before their emancipation or subsequently in virtue of special treaties." They also bound themselves not to conclude treaties with the Spanish Government until the independence of all the states formerly Spanish should be recognized by the mother country. It was further agreed that in respect of the alliance the coöperation of the contracting parties should be regulated conformably to their respective circumstances and resources. 48 Upon the interpretation of this latter provision there arose a lengthy discussion in the Chilean congress, which resulted finally in the rejection of the treaty. Under the existing circumstances, when no part of the territorial domain of Chile was in dispute, and when on the other hand the United Provinces were engaged in a war with Brazil to recover the Banda Oriental and were maintaining rights over Upper Peru and Paraguay, it was thought that the terms of the treaty involved Chile in a grave promise without possible reciprocity.19 Although public opinion had been openly expressed in favor of Buenos Aires as against Brazil, yet it was realized that it would be impossible for Chile to take part in the struggle. Hence the caution in declining to ratify a document generally expressive of the strong friendship and hearty coöperation which had always characterized the relations of the two countries.

48 British and Foreign State Papers, XIV, 968–73. 49 Barros Arana, Historia Jeneral de Chile, XV, 95.


THIS study is based almost wholly upon printed sources. The newspapers and periodicals included in the list below have been consulted in the library of the Hispanic Society of America, in the New York Public Library, and in the Library of Congress. Of papers published in Spanish America between 1809 and 1830, none covers both decades, and none of the collections is complete for the period of publication, however brief that may have been. The dates set opposite each title should be understood, therefore, merely to signify the years for which these incomplete collections were available. This limitation, however, does not apply to the other newspapers and periodicals in the list.

Among the books and pamphlets are included a few bound volumes originally published in periodical form. Here are also included, for ready reference, under the authors' names, a number of useful articles appearing in periodical publications. Owing to the difficulty of tracing a clear line of demarcation between the secondary works and the sources, both classes of material have been included in a single alphabetical list. The bibliography does not pretend to be exhaustive


La Abeja Argentina, 1823.

Aguila Mexicana, 1824-1828.

The American Historical Review, 1895

The American Journal of International Law, 1907

Anglo-Colombiano (changed to El Venezolano), 1822-1823.

The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1890

El Centinela (Buenos Aires), 1822-1823.

La Concordia Cubana, 1823-1824.

Correo del Magdalena, 1825.

Cuba Contemporánea, 1913

Diario de Documentos del Gobierno (Chile), 1825-1827.

The Examiner (London), 1824.

Gaceta de Colombia, 1822-1827.

Gaceta del Gobierno (Perú), 1825–1826.

Gaceta del Gobierno Supremo de Guatemala, 1824-1825.

The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1918

Iris de Venezuela, 1822-1823.

El Nacional (Buenos Aires), 1824-1826.

National Gazette and Literary Register (Philadelphia), 1821-1830. National Intelligencer (Washington), 1810–1830.

Niles' Weekly Register (Baltimore), 1814-1830.

North American Review, 1815—

The Pan American Union Bulletin, 1890–

El Patriota Chileno, 1826.

El Patriota de Guayaquil, 1821-1825.

Political Science Quarterly (New York), 1886

Reforma Social (Habana, New York), 1914

Revista Argentina de Ciencias Políticas, 1910

Revue Generale de Droit International Public (Paris), 1894

El Sol (Mexico), 1821-1825.

The Times (London), 1810-1830.

Weekly Register, later Niles' Weekly Register (Baltimore), 1811-1814.


Abranches, Dunshee de. Brazil and the Monroe Doctrine. Rio de

Janeiro, 1915. 72 p.

Adams, Ephraim Douglas.

Baltimore, 1910. 267 p.

British interests and activities in Texas.

Adams, Henry. History of the United States of America, 1801-1817. New York, 1889-1891. 9 vols.

Adams, John. The Works of John Adams. Boston, 1850-1856. 10 vols.

Adams, John Quincy. Memoirs; comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. Philadelphia, 1874-1877. 12 vols. -Writings of John Quincy Adams; edited by W. C. Ford. New York, 1913. 7 vols. Other volumes to follow. Those published cover the period from 1779 to 1823.

Alamán, Lucas. Memoria Presentada a las dos Cámaras del Congreso General de la Federación, por el Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciónes Exteriores e Interiores, al abrirse las sesiónes del año de 1825. 51 p.

-Historia de Méjico. Mexico, 1849-1852. 5 vols.

Alberdi, Juan Bautista. El Imperio del Brasil ante la Democracia de América. Paris, 1869. 432 p.

-Organización de la Confederación Argentina. Nueva Edición con un estudio preliminar sobre las ideas políticas de Alberdi por Adolfo Posada. Buenos Aires, 1913. 2 vols.

Alvarez, Alejandro. American Problems in International Law. Reprinted from the Journal and Proceedings of the American Society of International Law. New York, 1909. 102 p.

-La codification du droit international; ses tendances, ses bases. Paris, 1912. 294 p.

-La Diplomacia de Chile durante la Emancipación y la Sociedad Internacional Americana. Madrid, 1915. 274 p.

-Le Droit International Américain; son fondement, sa nature; d'après l'histoire diplomatique des états du Nouveau Monde et leur vie politique et économique. Paris, 1910. 386 p.

-La Solidaridad Americana. (In: Revista Argentina de Ciencias Políticas. Tomo I, 159-168 p. 8 vo.) Buenos Aires, 1910. American Annual Register. New York, 1825-1833.

8 vols.

American State Papers, Foreign Relations. Washington, 1832–1854. 6 vols.

American State Papers; Naval Affairs. Washington, 1834-1861. 4 vols.

Americus. Cartas Políticas, London, 1825. 2 vols.
Amunátegui, Miguel Luis. Santiago de Chile, 1893. 4 vols.

-La Crónica de 1810. Santiago de Chile, 1911-1912. 3 vols.
-La Dictadura de O'Higgins. Santiago de Chile, 1914. 463 p.
-Ensayos Biográficos. Santiago de Chile, 1893-1896. 4 vols.
-Vida de Don Andrés Bello. Santiago de Chile, 1882. 672 p.
Amunátegui, Miguel Luis and Gregorio Víctor. La Reconquista Es-
pañola. Santiago de Chile, 1912. 512 p.

Antokoletz, Daniel. La Doctrine de Monroe et l'Amérique latine. Paris, 1905. 208 p.

-Histoire de la Diplomatie Argentine. Buenos Aires, 1914.

528 p.

Apuntes para la Biografía del Exmo. Sr. D. Lucas Alamán, Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores. México, 1854. 56 p.

Aranda, Ricardo. Colección de los Tratados, Convenciónes, Capitulaciones, Armisticios y otros Actos Diplomáticos y Políticos celebrados desde la independencia hasta el día. Lima, 1890. 16 vols. Arcaya, Pedro M. Personajes y Hechos de la Historia de Venezuela. Caracas, 1911. 346 p.

Arcos, Santiago. La Plata. Etude Historique. Paris, 1865. 588 p. Armitage, John. The History of Brazil. From the period of the arrival of the Braganza family in 1808 to the abdication of Dom Pedro the First in 1831. London, 1836. 2 vols.

Arosemena, Justo. Constituciónes Políticas de la América Meridional. Havre, 1870. 2 vols.

-Estudios Constitucionales sobre los Gobiernos de la América Latina. Paris, 1878. 2 vols.

Bagot, Josceline. George Canning and his Friends. London, 1909. 2 vols.

Bancroft, H. H. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Vol. 8, History of Central America, 1801-1887; Vols. 12 and 13, History of Mexico, 1803-1861. San Francisco, 1885-1887.

Baralt, Rafael María, y Díaz, Ramón. Resumen de la Historia de Venezuela desde el año 1797 hasta el de 1830. Paris, 1841. 2 vols.

Barros Arana, Diego. Compendio de Historia de América. Buenos Aires, 1904. 557 p.

-Historia Jeneral de Chile. Santiago, 1884-1902. 16 vols. Benedetti, Carlos. Historia de Colombia. Lima, 1887. 961 p. Beneski, Charles de. A Narrative of the last moments of the life of Don Agustin de Iturbide, ex-emperor of Mexico. New York, 1825. 41 p.

Benton, Elbert Jay. International Law and Diplomacy of the Spanish-American War. Baltimore, 1908. 300 p.

Benton, Thomas Hart. Thirty Years' View. New York, 1861-62. 2 vols.

Bemis, George. American Neutrality; Its honorable past, its expedient future. Boston, 1866. 211 p.

Bigelow, John. American policy; the Western Hemisphere in its relation to the Eastern. New York, 1914. 184 p. Biografía del Libertador Simón Bolívar, o la Independencia de la América del Sud. Reseña Histórico-Biográfica por L. C. Paris and Mexico, 1877. 180 p.

Blaine, James G. Foreign policy of the Garfield Administration. Peace Congress of the two Americas. Chicago, 1882. 8 p. (An article published in the Chicago Weekly Magazine, September 16, 1882.)

Blanco-Fombona, R. (editor). Simón Bolívar; Discursos y Proclamas. Paris. 302 p.

-Cartas de Bolívar, 1799 a 1822; prólogo de José Enrique Rodó y notas de R. Blanco-Fombona. Paris. 459 p.

Blanco, J. F. and Azpurúa, R. (editors). Documentos para la Historia de la vida pública del Libertador de Colombia, Perú y Bolivia. Caracas, 1875-77. 11 vols.

Blanco White, Joseph.

1825. 2 vols.

Variedades; Mensajero de Londres. London,

Bocanegra, José María. Memorias para la Historia de México Independiente. México, 1892. 2 vols. Bonnycastle, R. H. Spanish America; or a descriptive, historical, and geographical account of the dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, continental and insular. London, 1818. 2 vols.

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