King. Take thy fair hour, Laertes, time be thine; (3) And thy best graces fpend it at thy will. Ham. A little more than kin, and less than kind. [Afide. King: How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Ham. Not so, my Lord, I am too much i th fun. Queen. Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off, Ham. Ay, Madam, it is common. Why seems it fso particular with thee? Ham. Seems, Madam? nay, it is; I know not feems: 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, (3) Take thy fair hour, Laertes, time be thine, And thy fair graces; spend it at thy will.] This is the pointing in both Mr Pope's editions; but the Poet's meaning is loft by 't, and the close of the sentence miferably flattened. The pointing I have restored, is that of the best copies, and the sense this; "You have my leave to go, Laertes; make the fairest use you please of your time, and spend it at your will with the fairest graces you are ma fter of." But I have that within which pafleth shew: To give these mourning duties to your father: (4) But you must krow, your father loft a father, That father bis.] This fuppofed refinement is from Mr Pope; but all the editions elfe, that 1 have met with, old and modern, read; That father lost, loft bis. The reduplication of which word here gives an energy and elegance, which is much easier to be conceived than explained in terms. And every judicious reader of this Poet must have obferved how frequent it is with him to make this reduplication, where he intends either to affert or deny, augment or diminish, or add a degree of vehiemence to his expreilion. A And with't no less nobility of love, (5) I pr'ythee, stay with us, go not to Wittenberg. (5) And with no less nobility of love Than that which dearest father bears his fon, Do I impart towards you. But what does the King im part? We want the substantive governed of the verb. The King had declared. Hamlet his immediate fucceffor, and with that declaration, he must mean, he imparts to him as noble a love, as ever fond father tendered to his own fon. I have. ventured to make the text conform with this fenfe. (6) For your intent In going back to school to Wittenberg;] The Poet ufes a prolepfis here; for the university at Wittenberg was opened by Frederick III. elector of Saxony, in the year 1502, feveral ages later in time than the date of Hamlet. But I defign this remark for another purpose. I would take notice, that a confiderable space of years is spent in this tragedy; or Hamlet, as a Prince, should be too old to go to an university. We here find him a scholar refident at that univerfity; but, in act fifth, we find him plainly thirty years old; for the gravedigger had taken up that occupation the very day on which young Hamlet was born, and had followed it, as he says, thirty years. And the King's rowse the heaven shall bruit again, Re-speaking earthly thunder. Come away. Manet HAMLET. [Exeunt. Ham. Oh, that this too-too-folid flesh would melt, Thaw, and refolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fixed (7) (7) Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His cannon 'gainst felf-flaughter!] The generality of the editions read thus, as if the Poet's thoughts were, Or that the Almighty had not planted his artillery, his refentment, or arms of vengeance against self-murder. But the word which I have restored to the text, (and which was espoused by the accurate Mr Hughes, who gave an edition of this play) is the Poet's true reading. i. e. That he had not refhained fuicide by his express law, and peremptory prohibition. Miftakes are perpetually made in the old editions of our Poet, betwixt those two words, cannon and canon. I shall now fubjoin my reasons why I think the Poet intended to say Heaven had fixed its injunction rather than its artillery. In the first place, I much doubt the propriety of the phrafe, fixing cannon, in the meaning here supposed. The military expreffion, which imports what would be necessary to the sente of the Poet's thought, is mounting or planting cannon; and whenever cannon is faid to be fixed, it is when the enemy become masters of it and nail it down. In the next place, to fix a canon, or law, is the term of the civilians peculiar to this business. This Virgil had in his mind when he wrote; Æneid. VI. -Leges fixit pretio, atque refixit. So Cicero, in his Philippic orations; Num figentur rurfus ha Tabule, quas vos decretis veftris vefixiftis? And it was the conftant custom of the Romans to say, upon this occafion, figere legem, as the Greeks before them used the synonymous term νόμον παραπῆξαι, and called their statues thence παραπήγματα. But my last reason, and which sways most with me, is from the Poet's own turn and caft of thought. For, as he has done in a great many more inftances, it is the very sentiment which he falls into in another of his plays, though he has clothed it in different expreffion; gainst jelf-flaughter There is a prohibition fo divine, Cymbeline. His canon 'gainst self-flaughter! O God! oh God! Fy on't! oh fy! 'tis an unweeded garden, [ture, two; So excellent a King, that was, to this, Let me not think---Frailty, thy name is woman! (9) (8)-so loving to my mother, That he permitted not the winds of heaven Visit her face 100 roughly. This is a fophisticated reading, copied from the players in some of the modern editions, for want of understanding the Poet, whose text is corrupt in the old impreffions; all of which that I have had the fortune to fee, concur in reading; ----so loving to my mother, That he might not beteere the winds of heaven Beteene is a corruption, without doubt, but not so inveterate a one, but that, by the change of a fingle letter, and the separation of two words mistakenly jumbled together, I am verily perfuaded, I have retrieved the Poet's reading That he might not let e'en the winds of heaven, &c. (9) -Frailty, thy name is woman!] But that it would difplease Mr Pope to have it supposed that fatire. can have any place in tragedy, (of which I shall have occafion to fpeak farther anon) I should make no fcruple tor pronounce this reflection a fine laconic farcafin. It is as concife in the terms, and, perhaps, more fprightly in the thought. and image, than that fling of Virgil upon the fex, in hist fourth Encid; --varium et mutabile femper Famina. |