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with their lives and fortunes, in opposition to it: For which they gave them their thanks, and returned home satisfied; with strong hopes that so noble a resolution will be strictly imitated by every gentlemen of the profession, on the continent.

Letter from Col. William Skinner to James Parker, acquainting him of the great probability that the Stamp Act will be repealed, and of the action of Parliament in relation thereto.

[From Skinner Papers among Manuscripts of W. A. Whitehead, Vol. I, No. 83.]

Dear Sir

* *

LONDON 8th Feby 1766


* I have the pleasure to acquaint you that there is the greatest probability of the Stamp Act being repealed, for the reason there was a motion made in the House of Commons yesterday by Mr. Greenvill whether the Act should be put in Execution or not; Great debate of course arose from that question. They at last came to a division and it was carried in favour of the present Ministry 225 to 113 that it should not. This every body imagines to be a prelude to a repeal, which has given great Satisfaction not only to every American in this part of the world, but to every thinking man that is a well wisher to his Country. It is impossible to describe the tumult and disorder here, owing to a total Stagnation of those Manufactures America took off of our hands, which Kept thousands of people from Starving, who have now not a morsel of bread to eat, and are as rife for Rebellion as Some others are thought to be.

* *


Yours Sincerely


Circular letter from Mr. Secretary Conway to the Governors in North America, informing them that a Bill is brought in and has made some progress in Parliament for the Repeal of the Stamp Act.


[From P. R. O. America and West Indies, Vol. 251 (269).]

ST. JAMES'S, 1st March 1766.

I am very sorry not to be able, as yet, to give you any Instruction for the Rule of Your Conduct in the perplexed Situation of Things in the Colonies; But The Parliament, to whose Wisdom His Majesty has been pleased to refer those affairs, not having come to any ultimate Decision thereon, I may not presume to give You any positive Direction: At the same Time, It is, I think, my Duty to inform You, That a Bill is brought in, and has made some Progress in the House of Commons, for the Repeal of the Stamp Act; and that other Proceedings, relative to the mutual Rights of Great Britain, and Her Colonies, are also in Consideration before Parliament. As soon as ever any Thing is ultimately determined by The Legislature, You may depend upon the Speediest Information from Me, and will not fail to receive therewith His Majesty's further Instructions. In the mean Time, the King relies on Your Discretion to take the properest Measures, that the Circumstances of the Times may require, for the Good of the Colony committed to Your I am &ca



Circular letter from Secretary Conway to the several Governors of North America, transmitting copies of two Acts of Parliament-one for securing the dependency of the Colonies on the Mother Country, the other for the Repeal of the Stamp Act.


[From P. R. O., America and West Indies, Vol. 251 (269).]

ST JAMES'S, 31st March 1766.

Herewith I have the pleasure of transmitting to you Copies of two Acts of parliament just passed: the first for securing the Dependency of the Colonies on the Mother Country; the second, for the Repeal of the Act of last Session, granting certain Stamp Duties in America; And I expect shortly to send You a third, for the Indemnity of such persons, as have received the penalties imposed by the Act just repeal'd, as such a Bill is now depending, & has made a considerable progress in the House of Commons.

The Moderation, the Forbearance, the unexampled Lenity & Tenderness of parliament towards the Colonies, which we so signally display'd in those Acts, cannot but dispose the province, committed to Your Care, to that Return of chearful Obedience to the Laws, & legislative Authority of G. Britain, & to those Sentiments of respectful Gratitude to the Mother Country; which are the natural, &, I trust, will be the certain Effects of so much Grace and Condescension, so remarkably manifested on the part of His Majesty & of the parliament; And the future happiness & prospertiy of the Colonies will very much depend on the Testimonies, they shall now give of these Dispositions.

For, as a dutiful & affectionate return to such peculiar proofs of Indulgence & Affection, may, now at

this great Crisis, be a means of fixing the mutual Interests & Inclinations of G. Britain & her Colonies on the most firm & solid Foundation, so it cannot but appear visible that the least Coldness or Unthankfulness, the least Murmuring or Dissatisfaction, on any Ground whatever, of former heat, or too much prevailing prejudice, may fatally endanger that Union, and give the most severe & affecting blow to the future interests of both Countries.

You will think it scarce possible, I imagine, that the paternal Care of his Majesty for his Colonies, or the Lenity & Indulgence of the Parliament should go farther than I have already mentioned: Yet, so full of true magnanimity are the Sentiments of both, & so free from the smallest Colour of Passion or prejudice, that they seem dispos'd not only to forgive, but to forget those most unjustifiable Marks of an undutiful Disposition, too frequent in the late Transactions of the Colonies, & which, for the honor of those Colonies, it were to be wish'd had been more discountenanc'd and discourag'd by those, who had Knowlege to conduct themselves otherwise.

A Revision of the late America Trade Laws is going to be the immediate Object of Parliament: Nor will the late Transactions there, however provoking, prevent, I dare say, the full operation of that Kind & indulgent Disposition prevailing both in his Majesty & his parliam, to give to the Trade & Interests of America every Relief which the true State of their Circumstances demands or admits.

Nothing will tend more effectually to every conciliating Purpose, and there is nothing therefore I have it in Command more earnestly to require of You, than than that you should exert Yourself in recommending it strongly to the Assembly, that full & ample Compensation be made to those who, from the Madness of the People, have suffered for their Deference to Acts

of the British Legislature; and you will be particularly attentive, that such persons be effectually secured from any farther Insult; And that, as far as in You lies, You will take Care, by Your Example & Influence, that they may be treated with that respect to their Persons, & that Justice in regard to all their Pretensions, which their Merits & their Sufferings undoubtedly claim. The resolutions of the House of Commons which, by his Matys Commands I transmit to you, to be laid before the Assembly will shew you the sense of that House on those points; And I am persuaded it will, as it certainly ought, be the Glory of that Assembly to adopt & imitate those sentiments of the British Parliament, founded on the clearest principles of humanity & Justice. I must mention one Circumstance in particular which ought to recommend those unhappy People, whom the Outrage of the populace has driven from America, to the Affection of all that Country; which is, that Unprovoked by the Injuries they had suffered to a forgetfulness of what they owed to Truth & their Country, they gave their Testimonies with Knowlege & without passion or prejudice; and those Testimonies had I believe, great weight in persuading the Repeal of the Stamp Act.

Your Situation which has made You a Witness of the Distraction of that Country, will enable You to form the best Judgment of the behaviour which Your Province ought to use upon this Occasion, & of the Arguments which You ought to employ to enforce the Necessity of such a behaviour as is suitable to their present Circumstances

I am &c


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