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tion to the consideration of that part of the osseous system. Notwithstanding the generosity of the authors in allotting such a goodly share of their space to the treatment of this part of their subject, it has materially suffered, in common with the other systems of the economy, by the too extensive condensation of matter which characterizes the entire volume. Space will not permit us here to show the numerous instances wherein this is evident, and an example or two must suffice. As an instance, we fail to discover even a mention of such structures as are presented us in the vestiges of a pelvis in the whales and other marine mammals; and a similar omission applies to the limbless Reptilia, as in Ophisaurus, for example. Nor (were these well-known facts alluded to) would the absence of external limbs imply that 'pectoral and pelvic arches are also wanting,' as our authors would have us believe (p. 87). And in regard to these vestiges of organs, and rudiments of the same, we are, in view of the fact of the highly important part they play in general morphology, compelled to deplore the exceedingly slight attention they have had bestowed upon them throughout the book.

[ocr errors]

Without the assistance of some such handbook as Parker's Zootomy,' we are quite certain that the special student would find but little to serve him in the chapter devoted to the musculature of the trunk and its appendages, for the subject has been generalized to the last degree; nor is this section entirely free from error, as, to instance, we are told that no trace of a transversalis can be distinguished' in birds, a statement that is by no means true, for a well-developed one is found in Apteryx, and this muscle is also found in some of the bigher groups.


It will be out of the question to even enumerate the many slips that have been allowed to creep into the section devoted to the Nervous system,' certain portions of which must be read with great caution by the student, who perhaps may have to rely upon this manual as final authority.

So far as the defects among the figures are concerned, one of the principal ones to be noted is the inaccurate representation of the lancelet on p. 247, as compared with the far more correct drawing of the same animal on p. 114. Aside from these strictures, however, and many others that could be made, this work, with its long list of brilliant, and for the most part accurate, woodcuts, some of which are even colored, greatly enhancing their usefulness, its excellent bibliographical references at the end of each section, and its list of general works following the preface, and finally its admirable arrangement and clearness of diction, will be sure to commend itself to Eng

lish students and readers of the subject of which it, as a whole, so ably treats. R. W. S.

THE LIFE OF HAMILTON. EARLY in the third volume of Science, at p. 23, we left Hamilton at the age of twenty-seven, young in years, but with the foundation of that superstructure, which is and always will be the marvel of mankind, well and deeply laid. Nothing can be of profounder interest than, in this second volume of his life, to watch the completion and growth to maturity of that imposing intellectual edifice so ably delineated by the accomplished author, whom Hamilton had nominated as his literary executor.


Mr. Graves finds enough in a year of Hamilton's life for a single sizable chapter, if not for So important an event to Hamilton as his marriage is given the prominence it ought to have in fact, subsequent events justify his biographer in terming it a crisis of his life.' As might be surmised, the period of his courtship of Miss Bayly was no less a period of his courtship of the Muse; but it was not with Hamilton as it would have been with a mere poet, a period devoid of intellectual activity in other directions. His head was full of the mathematics of conical refraction, while his heart craved the satisfaction of that complete consent, long delayed, which he prized above every thing else.

On the whole, this book, as well as its companion volume, is a most diffuse one - at least, it so seems; but its compiler might well have made it even more so without undergoing in the longrun any charge of error in judgment; for every scrap of even meagre information becomes of importance, no one can tell how great, when related to a man like Hamilton, of whom it may more truly be said than of any other man of the present century, that his highest fame is still of the future. While the slow progress of the quaternion method is not a little remarkable, Hamilton appears to have been himself conscious that this might be the case, and to some extent foreshadowed it, somewhere speaking of the mathematicians of a thousand years hence, and their gratitude to him for the discovery of the new calculus.

We have nothing but the highest praise for Mr. Graves's delicate and trustworthy descriptions of Hamilton's character, and the incidents of his life. We have also to thank him for the charming glimpses he gives us of other distinguished names, in the space allowed their letters: what we see of Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton. Vol. ii. By ROBERT PERCEVAL GRAVES. London, Longmans, Green & Co. 8°.

Sedgwick, De Morgan, Maria Edgeworth, and a number of others, leads us to the strong wish that their correspondence might have been presented in even greater fulness. We have, indeed, the promise of an extended correspondence between Hamilton and De Morgan in the appendix to the succeeding volume of Hamilton's life. Mr. Graves has considerately provided indexes to both these volumes with a minuteness to suit the most exacting librarian: their thoroughness, in fact, nearly doubles the value of his work. The possibility of a collection of the strictly scientific and technical correspondence of Hamilton has already been hinted at, and will, on the completion of the present work, supplement this literary biography in a most important direction. Still beyond that, are the abounding mathematical remains of Hamilton, to edit and publish which in proper form would require the work of a genius little inferior to that of Hamilton himself. Mr. Graves promises to complete his biography in the next succeeding volume: let us hope that his promise is not well grounded, and that he will give us a fourth.

THE Young-Helmholtz theory of color-sensation has recently been put to the test of direct experimental proof by Herr Frithiof Holmgren (Verhandlungen der physiolog. gesellschaft zu Berlin, 1886, No. 18). As is well known, the theory is that the retina contains three sets of nerveelements, each set capable of responding to the stimulus of a single color alone; and that the three colors which correspond to three sets of nerve-elements are green, red, and violet. These are the primary colors, and our sensation of all others is due to the simultaneous excitation of nerve-elements of different sets. Now, it is possible to produce a point of light so minute that its image on the retina shall have no greater dimensions than those of a single nerve-element or


If such a point of light in any color of the spectrum be examined in such a way that its image falls in turn upon different parts of the retina, it will, if the Young-Helmholtz theory be true, be seen only as red, green, or violet.

If one of these primary colors be chosen for examination, it will appear in its own shade or not at all; but, if any other shade is employed, it will be resolved into its primary elements, and seem red, green, or violet, according to its composition and the particular cone on which it falls. The results of Holmgren's investigation were in entire accordance with the theory; red, green, and violet (indigo-violet) were unchanged; yellow appeared red, green, or colorless, in no part of the field distinctly yellow; blue was resolved similarly into green and violet. Further experiments, with

a view to determining how many cones must receive simultaneous stimulus to produce the sensation of a particular color, show that yellow is seen as red or green even when the retinal image is considerably smaller than the section of a cone; while, to be seen as yellow, the image must be large enough to cover two or three cones.

In a paper read before the chemical section of the fifty-ninth versammlung deutsch. naturforscher zu Berlin on the 23d of September, Herr Liebreich calls attention to the curious fact that certain chemical reactions, which proceed readily enough under ordinary conditions, are delayed or fail altogether when the liquid reagents are in the meniscus of a narrow tube. Herr Liebreich is inclined to regard this phenomenon as due to cohe sion, and to conclude that certain reactions may be delayed, or permanently prevented from taking place, by the action of this force. Whether this be the true explanation or not, the fact is a very interesting one, and likely to be of the highest importance in its bearing on physiologico-chemical processes, which go on in the capillaries of the body. Many reactions which are readily effected in the laboratory may be altogether impossible in the living organism; and, since the character of the capillary walls may be of considerable influence, reactions which give normal results in the healthy organ, may yield quite different products or be entirely suppressed when the organ is diseased.


A thesis on the geology and vein-structure of south-western Colorado, by Prof. T. B. Comstock of Champaign, Ill., lately published in the Transactions of the American institute of mining engineers, is one of the few detailed geological studies of a western locality, not the work of a government surveyor. It contains a general account of the geology of the region, in greatest part from original observations, and examines with especial care the succession of the volcanic rocks and the phenomena of mineral veins. The division of the paper that will perhaps excite most comment is the one that contains the author's views on the relation between the direction and the minerals of the veins in the Redpeak district. Six zdes of mineral veins radiate from the peak as a centre, as follows: N. 38° E., arsenical; N. 79 E., bismuth; S. 341 E., galena-gray copper; S. 35 W., antimonial; S. 76 W., argentiferous galena; N. 36 W., silver sulphuret. Between these mineral zones there are wedge-shaped barren areas, which begin to be particularly noticeable along the course of the Animas River, skirting around the peak. Reference is made to the criticisms of Professor Ihlseng, who does not accept Mr. Comstock's views.



Abbé's microscope objective, 335.

Names of contributors are printed in small capitals.

ABBOTT, C. C. Trenton natural history
society, 36.

Abnormal embryos of trout and sal-
mon, 516.

Acarina as an index to date of death,

Acclimatization in New Zealand, 426.
Actinomycosis, 536.

ADAMS, H. C. Economic laws and
methods, 103; economics and juris-
prudence, 15.

Addison's disease, 629.

Adelaide exposition in 1887, 142.

Adriance's Laboratory calculations, 98.
Adulteration of butter, Dr. T. Taylor's
tests for. 223.

Adulterations, food, 296, 322; food and
drug, 431; of butter in India, 359; of
cream-of-tartar, 344.

Advertising for professors, 575.
Aesthetics, physical basis of, 419.
Afghan frontier commission, 364; fron-
tier question, 363.

Agricultural chemistry, 159; chemists'
association, 316; experiment farm
near Raleigh, 76; experiment station,
Maine, 290; experiments, 138; sci-
ence, society for the promotion of,
56; society, experimental farm of the
Royal, 53.

Agriculture in Michigan, 574.
Air, compressed, distribution of power
by, 372; on cable-roads, 275.
Alabama, geological survey of, 421.
Alaska, 27, 523; and the Seal Islands,


Aldrich and Meyer's Geological survey
of Alabama, 421.

Algebra, multiple, 180.

ALLEN, H. T. Copper River, Alaska,
glacial action, 145.

ALLEN, J. A. Bird-destruction, 118.
Alligators in the Bahamas, 369.
Almiqui, the, 282.
Alpine glaciers, 585.

Aluminium, reduction of, 321; chloride,


Amblystomas, larval, 367.
American association for the advance-

ment of science, 54, 134, 178; at Buf-
falo, 121; attendance, 138; commit-
tees, 200; officers, 184; proceedings
of sections, 202, 205, 206, 208, 215, 217,
219, 221; Science reports of, 155; geo-
graphical society, 628; historians in
England, 479; library association,
70; neurological association, 113; ori-
ental association, 408; public health
association at Toronto, 229; society
for psychical research,629; of mechan-
ical engineers, 537.
Americanists, the, 588; congress of,

AMES, C. H. Brilliant meteor, 168;
amputation among cray-fish, 522.
Anaesthesia, death after, 402.
Anaesthetization, psychologic effects of,


Anatomy in ancient Egypt, 262.

Anderson's Conversion of heat into

work, 412.

Anemometer exposure, 458.

Aniline-oil as an anaesthetic, 32.

Animal and steam power, 88.

Animals, are they happy? 255.

Anthropological research in Russia,
505; section of American association,

Anthropometrical tests, 376.
Ants' eyes, experiments on, 630.
Apes, mental faculties of, 374; social
instincts of, 374.

Appalachia, first number of, 452.
Aqueduct, an ancient, 583.
Archeological enigmas, 528, 564; fraud,
403; school at Athens, 430; work of
Mr. Maudslay, 358.

Archeology at Athens, 412; at Johns
Hopkins, 358; in Greece, 479; Roman,
lectures on, 512.

Architecture, instruction in, 577.
Arctic Sea, ice in the, 363.

Aristotelian society of London, 482.

Arnold's Elementary education on the
continent, 593.

Arrowsmith's Kaegi's Rigveda, 618.
Arsenical poisoning, 386.

Art, society of decorative, 472.
Artesian well at Northampton, Mass.,
432; in Iowa, 276.

Arthur, Barnes, and Coulter's Plant-
dissection, 552.
Ashburner, C. A., 468.
Asia, explorations in, 342.
Asparagus-poisoning, 31.

Ass with abnormal hoofs, 304.
Assyriology at the Johns Hopkins uni-
versity, 409.

[blocks in formation]

AYRES, W. O. Carnivorous prairie
dogs, 165; revivification, 282.

Bacilli and inoculation, 430.
Bacillus of bread-fermentation, 433.
BACON, C. A. Barometer exposure, 370.
Bacteria, 29.

Bacteriological researches, 410.
Bagnall's Mosses, 99.

Bahamas, alligators in the, 369; weather
in the, 412, 629.

BAILEY, L. W. A deep lake, 412.
BAIRD, G. W. Flying-fish, 10.
BAKER, H., Pneumonia, 189.
Baku, oil-wells of, 342.
Balfour, A. J., 586.

Balloon ascension with natural gas, 302;
construction in Berlin, 367.
Ballooning, effects of, on memory, 255;
French military, 297; in France, 383.
Bamian statues, the, 628.

Barnes. See Arthur, Barnes, and Coul-

[blocks in formation]

Beetles, Brazilian, 433.

Benjamin's Age of electricity, 397.
Bequests to colleges, 575.
Beri-beri, 10, 478; in Brazil, 185.
Berlin, crowded condition of, 140.
Bert, Paul, 445, 532.

Bert's First steps in scientific knowl-
edge, 584.

Bethune, C. J. C., 412.

Bibliography, 501, 588; of education,


Bichloride of mercury as a disinfectant,

BILLINGS, J. S. Medicine in the United
States, 147; scientific men and their
duties, 541.

Binet's Psychology of reasoning, 265.
Biography, Stephen's dictionary of, 480.
Biology, a new journal of, 278; section
of American association, 221.
Bird-destruction, 2, 118.

Birds of Berwickshire, 364; of Kansas,
99; the feeding of young, 209.
Birth of a child to aged parents, 366.
Birth-rate in France, 296.

Bishop's muscle-reading, 506.
Blind persons, number of, 142.
Blindness and tobacco, 366.

Blood-stains, determination of, 454.
Boehmer, B. W., 123.

Bolivia, trade-route to, 27.
Bone-grafting, 511.

Book, a dull, 320: exportations, 513.
Books, new medical, 385.

Boracic acid for fish-curing, 584.

BOSTWICK, A. E. The limits of vision,


Botanical club of the American associa-

tion, 56.

BOWDITCH, H. P. Nerve-force, 196.

Bowker's Economics for the people, 616.
Brachiopoda of New Jersey, 422.
BRACKETT, C. F. Electromotive force,

BRACKETT, S. H. A bright meteor, 58.
Brain, functions of the, 398; of King
Louis, 23.

BRANNER, J. C. Coloring geological

maps, 455; inoculation and yellow-
fever, 58.

Branner's glaciation in the Lacka-
wanna and Wyoming valleys, 422.
Brass, expansion of amalgamated, 22.
Brazil, beri-beri in, 185; science in, 477.
Brazilian agricultural station, 536; bio-
logical work, 477; geographical sur-
veys, 477; national museum, 478; sci-
entific journals, 477.

Breathing in high altitudes, 365; laws
of, 96.

BREWER, F. P. What was the rose of
Sharon? 632.

[blocks in formation]

Burgess, E., presentation to, 470.

BURSTALL, Sara A. Assimilation of
courses of study for boys and girls,

[blocks in formation]

Cable street-railways, 415; compressed
air on, 275.

Cakchiquels, annals of the, 22.
California, 66; meteorology in, 634.
Canal between the White Sea and Lake
Onega, 334; the Panama, 517, 632.
Canned goods in France, 199.
Cannon, a pneumatic, 552.

Capillaries, chemical reactions in, 640.
Capitalists and laborers, 155.
Carnegie's Triumphant democracy, 109.
CARPENTER, W. H. Natural method of
language-teaching, 611.
Carpenter's Surveying, 463.

Carus and Engelmann's Bibliotheca
zoologica, 366.

Cattell, J. M., 480.

Cave air for house-cooling, 413.
Cellulose in animal tissues, 299.

Census of Paris, 95.

Challenger reports, 399, 430, 524, 572.
CHAMBERLIN, T. C. Artesian well, 276;
glacial drift, 156.

CHANUTE, O. Mechanical science, 182.
Character indicators, ears as, 535; re-
vealed by shoe-soles, 185.

Charleston earthquake, 211, 224, 225, 229,
246, 271, 301, 348, 362, 363, 369, 390, 438,
470, 534, 630.

Chemical industry, society of, 53; insti-

tutes in Nancy, France, 270; reac-
tions in capillaries, 640 section of
American association, 206.

Chemist of Botanical gardens at Ma-
naus, 99.

Chemistry, agricultural, 159; volumes
in, 235, 281.

Chemists, association of agricultural,
14, 316.

Chester's Catalogue of minerals, 230.
Chestnut-trees in Italy, 400.
Chevreul, 29, 57, 211, 231, 248.

Chicago water-supply, 452.

Childhood, 288.

Children's aid society, 504.

Chinese explorations, 514; revenues,

105; voyages to America, 402.
Chlorate of potash as a poison, 312.
Chloride of iron and the teeth, 387.
Chloroform, death from, 45, 292.
Cholera in Buenos Ayres, 536; in Eu-
rope, 322, 363; Dr. Shakespeare on,
345; and America, 513; in Italy, 122;
in Japan, 302; in superstitious coun-
tries, 268; scare in the west, 177;
study of, 245.

Christianity, politics and, in the Ha-
waiians, 74.

Cincinnati society of natural history, 56.
Cities, mediaeval, population of, 311.
Civil bill, sundry, 57.

Clark, H. J., 185.

[blocks in formation]

Classics versus science, the, 484.
CLAYPOLE, E. W. Niagara gorge, 236.
CLAYTON, H. H. A brilliant aurora, 124;
anemometer exposure, 458; barome-
ter exposure, 14, 124, 213; cause of
cool weather, 233, 281; glaciers and
glacialists, 325.

Clerke's History of astronomy, 130.
Clifford's Lectures and essays, 511.
Coal-tar products, 321.

Cocaine, dangers of, 424; habit, 505.
Coca-plant, 55.

Code, international, 32.

Codices, Mexican, analysis of, 393.

Coffee-eating, 187.
Coffee-plants, 57.

Coins and tokens, English, 99.
COLE, A. H. Visual illusion, 370.
Colic caused by use of a cosmetic, 56.
Collar's Latin book, 499.
Colleges and preparatory schools, 588;
conditional bequests to, 575; of the
United States, 586; physical educa-
tion in, 1.

COLLINS, J. W. A large squid, 370.
Colonial and Indian exhibition, 19, 53.
COLONNA, B. A. The sea-serpent, 258.
Colorado, geology of, 640.
Color-blindness on French railways, 29.
Color-sensation, 640.
Color-vision, 30.

Columbia college Saturday lectures,

[blocks in formation]

Cooking-vessels, nickel-plated, 433.
Co-operation in a western city, 531.
Copenhagen, population of, 585.
Copper compounds in foods, 366.
Copper River, Alaska, 145.
Copyright in France, 534.
Corea by native artists, 115.
Cornell university law school, 431.
Corona, photography of the solar, 303.
Corporal punishment in schools, 575.
Corpus callosum in lower vertebrates,

COUES, E. Feline telepathy, 123.
Coulter. See Arthur, Barnes, and Coul-


Cray-fish,voluntary amputation among,


Cream-of-tartar, adulterations of, 344.
Cremona's Projective geometry, 617,

Criminality, 20; in Spain, 139.
Criminals in Ohio, 425; left-handedness
of, 511; native and foreign, 513.
Cruelty to dogs in vivisection, 122.
CRUMP, M. H. Air from a cave for house-
cooling, 413.

Crustacea of Chautauqua Lake, 536.
CUMMINGS, J. Capitalists and laborers,


Cunningham, Dr., at St. Andrews, 578.
Customs receipts, British, 469.

Dairy-farming in Switzerland, 384.
Dall, C. H. A., commissioner of educa-
tion, 123.

DALL, W. H. Chinese voyages to Ameri-
ca, 402.

Damages for bad plumbing, 513.
DANA, J. D. Glaciers and glacialists,


Darwin, biography of, 482.

Davy lamp, 228.


Elliott's Alaska, 565.

Dawson, N. H. R., commissioner of edu-
cation, 123.

Dead, preservation of, 96, 536.
Deaf-mutes dining, 210.

Death, causes of, 322; certain sign of,
76; from worms, 387.
Death-penalty, 140.
Death-rate of negroes, 46.
Deaths by toy pistols, 334.
Decapitated criminal, 32.

Defective classes in the United States,

Delirium tremens from tea, 505.
Dental schools of Great Britain, 55.

Dentition, 433.

Deodorizer, turpentine as, 123.
Deprez, M., eccentricities of, 297.
Derelicts, sinking of, 122.
Development theory, the, 560.
Dialyzers, efficiency of, 452.

Diamond, genesis of the, 345, 392.
Dicey, A. V., 481.

Dickens, Charles, life of, 411.
Dickinson, J., 222.

Digestion, physiology of, 621.

DILLER, J. S. Genesis of the diamond,


Diphtheria, treatment of, 386.
Diplomas for schoolmasters, 586.
Disease, a contagious, 10; Addison's,
629; a possible new, 199; germ theory
of, 3 of coffee-plants, 57; propa-
gated by milk, 278.

Diseases due to tea, 132; spinal, 534.
Disinfectant, bichloride of mercury as
a, 186.

Disinfection by heat, 583; of rags, 177.
Dispensaries, abuse of, 380, 414; free, in
France, 411.

Dixon, H. B., 481.

Doctor, the first, 364.

Domesday book, 445.

Drawing in public schools, 108; topo-
graphical, 463.

Drink, strong, 96.

Drinking-water in Honolulu, 74.
Drowning, 230.

Dudley, W. H., 364.

Dudley, W. L., 98.

DUNNING, W. A. Our government, 615.

Dwight, T., on the structure of bone,

DYCHE, L. L. Science for a livelihood.

Dynamite explosions, 231.

Dynamo characteristics, 583.

[ocr errors]

Ears as character indicators, 535; sea-
water in the, 230, 258.
Earth, constitution of the, 326.
Earthquake in New Zealand, 135; liter-
ature, 242; of April 22, 1884, 242; of
Aug. 31, 1886, 211, 224, 225, 229, 246,
271, 301, 363, 390, 438, 470, 630; shocks,
effects of, on health, 630; sounds,
348, 369; submarine, 62, 534.
Earthquakes, 243; and geysers, 299.
Eccles, R. G., on pepsines, 480.
Eclipse expedition, results of the, 362;
of the sun, 99, 313; at Grenada, 322.
Economic discussion, 3; laws and meth-
ods, 46, 103; publications, 302; science
and statistics section of American
association, 217; statistics, 263.
Economics and jurisprudence, 15; for
the people, 616; Harvard college
Journal of, 385; in Political science
quarterly, 345; mathematical, 309.
Economists and their teachings, 25;
new school of, 33.
Edinburgh, education of women in,

Education act, elementary, 481; and
the cost of living, 313, 345; associa-
tion, National, 91; bibliography of,
500; Buisson on, 479; colonial, science
in, 491; elementary, on the conti-
nent, 593; history of, 500; in Amer-
ica, a French view of, 314; in Prussia,
334; in Spain, 498; in Switzerland,
585; industrial, 576; and high art in
the United States, 108; monographs
on, 499; new encyclopaedia of, 482;
of women, 245; in Edinburgh, 586;
physical, 581; primary, in England,
485; technical, 381; in India, 480; in
New York, 424.

Educational conferences, 467; institu-
tions of Prussia, 597; matters in
France, 481; reforms in England, 481;
periodicals in Japan, 244; works in
France, 302.

Eggs in England, 185.

EGLESTON, T. Zinc in Moresnet, 413.
Egypt, anatomical knowledge of, 262 ;
medical journal in, 363; northern
residents in, 367.

Eiffel tower, 94.
Electric battery, 120; lamps,

launch Volta, 301; light and human
eyes, 185; and plant-growth, 482;
compared with gas, 186; in osteotomy,
434 in London, 583; log, an, 256;
storm at sea, 536; street-railways,
Electrical engineers, 121; phenomena
on a mountain, 564; transmission of
power, 137, 210.

Electricity and gas in England, 431; in
surgery, 297; the age of, 397.
Electromotive force, 181.

Elliott, E. B., corrects an error, 279.
ELLIOTT, H. W. Elliott's Alaska, 565.

Elliott's Alaska, 523.

ELY, R. T. Ely's Labor movement, 388;
philosophy of wealth, 551; the eco-
nomic discussion, 3.

Ely's Labor movement, 353, 388, 413.
Embryos in eggs, 387; of trout and sal-
mon, abnormal, 516.
Encyclopaedia, a new German, 481.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 411, 482.
Encyclopédie, Grande, 30.

Engineering at Massachusetts institute
of technology, 55.

England and Russia, 454; primary
education in, 485.

England's prosperity, 504.

English colonies, timber of, 440.
Entomological club of the American
association, 55; commission, report
of U. S., 139; society of Washington,

Ericsson, John, 334.

Ether, death from, 344; safer than
chloroform, 32.

Ethics, history of, 265.

Europe, political situation in, 624.
EVANS, E. W. Sweating sickness, 190.
Everman, B. W., 123.

Evolution of to-day, 264; versus involu-
tion, 442.

Exhibition at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 367.
Experiment station, report of Wiscon-
sin, 138.

Explosives in Great Britain, 9; Mun-
roe's index, 411.

Exports of France, 140.
Exposition at Adelaide, 142.

Extraordinary structure, a most, 57.
Eye, blinding of a student's, 386.
Eyeless animals, 88.

Eyes of ants, experiments on, 630.

[blocks in formation]

FRAZER, P. Coloring geological maps,

French association for the advance-
ment of science, 226; history, 291;
revolution, history of, 570.

French's North American butterflies,

Freshmen at Oxford and Cambridge,

Fresh-water lake, deepest, 177.
Frog, a mummified, 279, 326.
Fund, Sims memorial, 279.

Galton on stature as an hereditary
trait, 2.

Galvani's centennial, 384.

GAN. Barometer exposure, 165, 255;
glaciers and glacialists, 325.
Garbage, desiccation of, 301; removal
of, 335.

GARDINER, J. Alligators in the Baha-
mas, 369.

GARMAN, S. Prehensile -tailed sala-
manders, 13.

Gas, deaths from, 336; eructations, in-
flammable, 535, 630; report, Orton's,


[blocks in formation]

119, 582; publications, 432; society,
American, 628.

Geological maps, coloring, 413, 455;
section of American association, 205;
survey of Alabama, 421.

Geology, Geikie's, 443; of Colorado, 640;
of Long Island, 352; of the Sierra
Nevadas, 629; school-books on, 443;
Winchell's, 443.

Geometrical conics, syllabus of, 480.
Geometry, Cremona's, 617, 631.
Gerhard on the prevention of fire, 411.
Germ theory of disease, 3.

German association of naturalists and
physicians, 336, 401; encyclopaedia, a
new, 481; girls high schools, 479;
language, importance of, 586; modern-
language association, 576.
Germany, population of, 187; suicides
in, 535.

GIBBS, J. W. Multiple algebra, 180.
Gilt to a medical academy, 410.
GILBERT, G. K. Archeological enigmas,

GILDERSLEEVE, B. L. Classical study, 59.
GILES, P. Source of the Mississippi,


GILMAN, D. C. Universities, 37.
Girls and what they read, 379.
Glacial action, 145; in Russia, 510; drift,
156; period, 188; theory of, 347.
Glaciation in the Lackawanna valley,

Glaciers and glacialists, 76, 162, 325; in
the Alps, 585.

Gladstone's The Irish question, 230.
Glanders, 231, 291, 510.

Glass railway-ties, 363; tubes, cutting,


Goblet, M., 587.

GOODNOW, F. J. Primary education in
England, 485.

GOODWIN, F. The Panama canal, 632.
Goodyear, 111.

Gopher, a new, 588.

Gordenia, W., first doctor, 364.
Goss's Birds of Kausas, 99.

Government, our, 615; reports, 503;
science, 35.

Grace, Mayor, and industrial educa-
tion, 576.

Grain, crossing of, 433.

GRATACAP, L. P. An archeological fraud,
403; Liberty's torch, 587.
Graves's Life of Hamilton, 639.

Gray and Woodward's Seaweeds, shells,
and fossils, 99.

Greece, railways in, 585.
Greek-English lexicon, Thayer's, 636.
Greely Arctic expedition, 122.
Greenland, 120.

Greylock, topography of, 622.
Guadalajara pottery, 405.

Gulf Stream current, 535; observations
on, 139.

Gunpowder factory, 121.

Guyot's Les fôrets, 478.

Gymnastics in French girls' schools,

HADLEY, A. T. Economic laws, 46.
Hair, indestructibility of, 185.

HALE, H. Origin of languages, 191;
studies in ancient history, 569.
HALL, A. Cremona's Projective geome-
try, 631.

Hall and Mansfield's Bibliography of
education, 500.

Hall's Reading, 499; appendices to the
Washington observations, 321.
Hamilton, W. R., life of, 639,
HAMMOND, H. Mosquitoes, 436.
HARROWER, H. D. Source of the Missis-
sippi, 322.

HART, A. B. Triumphant democracy,

Harvard college, annual report of presi-
dent of, 302; authorities sued, 513;
Bush's, 432; chapel attendance at,
425; Journal of economics, 385; the
250th anniversary of, 229, 423.
Haupt's Topographer, 463.
Hawaiian Islands and their formation,
73; leprosy in, 75; politics and Chris
tianity in, 74; population of, 75;
sugar-raising in, 75: topographical
survey of, 74; volcanic activity in, 67.
HAWORTH, E. Millerite, 369.

HAYDEN, E. Earthquake sounds, 369;
New Zealand and the recent erup-
tion, 68; study of the earthquake,
225; the Charleston earthquake, 246.
Hay-fever, 364.

Haymond, R., 123.

HAYNES, H. W. Americanists, 588.
Head. See Jewitt and Head.
Headache from over-study, 187.
Health association at Toronto, 367; de-
partment of New York, 199; laws and
politics, 313; Massachusetts state
board of, 230; national board of, 30;
of children at school, 138; of New
York, 505: during June, 92; July, 200;
August, 316; September, 426; Octo-
ber, 529; November, 624.
Heat in muscular tissue, 384.
Helmholtz as a benefiter, 141.
Helmholz, R. v., on condensation in
moist air, 388.

Hereditary inebriety, 526; neuroses,
536: trait, stature as au, 2.
Heredity, 125.

Herring fishery in Scotland, 312.
Herzen's vivisectional experiments, 433.
HEWINS, Miss C. M. A small library,

Hibernation of bats, 281.



Source of the Mississippi,

[blocks in formation]
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