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filled by the appointment of Dr. Worthington Hooker. We thus see that in the duties of Professor in these two departments he was employed for almost forty-thirty-nine-years.

As to the manner in which he performed those duties I am able to quote the language of Dr. Knight, in an Address delivered at the Inauguration of the new College Building in York street. He says: "Of the two early instructors in this institution, who, though retired from their active duties here, are still living, it would be unbecoming, as it is unnecessary, for me to speak at length. A few words, however, I hope will be allowed. When this institution was established, they were both in the very prime of early manhood, both well prepared by their previous studies and labors for their respective stations, and both performing the duties of those stations with great zeal and fidelity and with eminent success."

The beneficial influence of Dr. Ives upon medical science and skill, in his agency in originating the Medical Department, and during his forty years of service as Professor, may be seen, in some measure, by estimating the influence of that Institution and also the influence of about fifteen hundred students, who received their medical education in part from him.

The merit of Dr. Ives, as a Medical Lecturer, was chiefly in the matter of his lectures. His manner was not attractive, owing to the feebleness and huskiness of his voice and to his indifference to the grace of oratory. But his matter was excellent very instructive-conveying vast funds of information-giving a thorough discussion of the subject in hand, and inspiring confidence of its accuracy. His mode of arrangement was his own, miscellaneous and discursive, yet conveying the needful knowledge effectually and acceptably. And the whole was illustrated and enlivened by frequent pertinent anecdotes, of his own and others' experience, which presented the subject to the minds of students in the concrete.

The zeal and enterprise of Dr. Ives in behalf of science were not confined to the department of medicine. He was a lover of all truth, and a general student and scholar. He recognized the commune vinculum, the common bond which connects all sciences and arts and all knowledge. He favored

thorough and enlightened education everywhere, and the application of science to the useful and productive employments of life.

I have time only to refer to his efforts and enterprise for the promotion of scientific agriculture, horticulture, and culture of plants, fruits, and flowers. He favored enlightened agriculture by his interest in agricultural societies, by his interest in the department of agricultural science, recently established in the College chiefly by the munificence of one individual,* and by his labors and experiments on his own farm, which for many years he cultivated in the vicinity of the city. He was interested and active in the Horticultural Society and in the Pomological Society, of both of which he was President. Many years since, also, he proposed and did much by his personal labor and expenditure to establish a Botanical Garden in connection with the Medical College.+

But the time is passing; and I must turn, as I do with pleasure, to the moral and religious department of our friend's character.

When his religious experience began I have not been able to ascertain. He united with this church, by profession of his faith, in September, 1808, when he was twenty-nine years of age. This in that day was rather early than otherwise; for it was then very uncommon for any to make a profession of religion before the age of twenty-five. In this fact, as contrasted with the present state of things, we see a cheering sign of the progress and power of religion in our communities. And we see the same truth still more vividly in a fact, of which Dr. Ives has often spoken to me. He said that when he made a profession of religion, he was almost alone and singular in that respect among physicians, especially among

*Joseph E. Sheffield, Esq.

+ Dr. Ives received many Diplomas and Degrees of honor from British and Continental Scientific Institutions and Societies. But he never attached them to his name; and with his characteristic aversion to the publication of his own honors, he put them where those who were disposed thus to grace his name could not find them; and they cannot now be found by any of his surviving

relatives or friends.

young physicians that the members of the profession generally were without religious character; and many of them were avowed infidels, owing to the popularity of infidelity at the time, and especially to the influence of some leading physicians of this vicinity, who were zealous infidels; and in consequence of this, it required a good deal of moral courage for a young physician to be an avowed Christian on account of the ridicule and obloquy he had to encounter in the ranks of the profession. How different it is now among our medical men, it may well move our gratitude to divine grace to consider!

Dr. Ives's moral and religious characteristics were formed by the combined effect of his constitutional qualities and of renewing and sanctifying grace. The basis of them all was in these two-thorough integrity and large benevolence.

He was a very honest and righteous man. He loved the right, and he hated the wrong; and he was very careful in his own conduct to cultivate the one and avoid the other. He greatly preferred to suffer from others rather than that others should suffer from him; and he held himself affectionately as well as strictly to the golden rule, especially in pecuniary matters. An illustration of this occurs now to my memory. Many years ago, he was met in the street by a friend well informed in financial matters, who advised him to sell certain bank stock; "for," said he, "I have private information that soon the bank will fail." "Then," said Dr. Ives, "I have no right to sell my stock to any one without first telling him of the condition of the bank; and then he will not buy. I shall not sell it." He kept his stock and the bank failed. But he never regretted that he did not take the advice to sell that stock.

The two fundamental moral qualities which I have ascribed to him, made him a very humane man, and ready to espouse the righteous and generous side of every question and measure. His humane feeling and principle had frequent opportunities of exercise in the practice of his profession. He never hesitated to perform medical service for any because they were unable to pay, but cheerfully and gladly did a great deal of that service gratuitously; and many have there been among the

poor, who, for his unpaid ministrations, gently, attentively, and perseveringly rendered, will rise up and call him blessed. And he made no difference in the treatment of his patients between the rich and the poor, but attended to the one as kindly, as thoroughly, and as frequently, as to the other.

His humanity and his righteousness were seen in his sympathy with all the suffering, and especially with the oppressed. This made him a decided and earnest Anti-slavery man, which he has been during all his life; indeed, an Abolitionist, in the proper sense of that word; that is, one who regarded slavery as a great wrong, and was in favor of its removal by any and all righteous and wise means and measures. And he never hesitated to avow these his sentiments at all suitable times, unterrified and uninfluenced by the epithet "fanatic," which was at one period freely applied to those holding those sentiments, but which to one of his known character could never be made to adhere. He never sympathized, however, with some of like sentiments, in their opposition to the enterprise of African colonization, which he always favored by his influence and his donations. Indeed, his character and conduct as an Anti-slavery man and an Abolitionist resulted from his genuine interest in the colored man, as the one who, more than others of the human family, is like the man whom the good Samaritan found, robbed, stripped, wounded, and half dead, and therefore the one entitled to special kindness; and so he was ready for any enterprise which promised either to right his wrongs, or to promote his welfare.

Dr. Ives was a very liberal or generous man. There are few, very few among us, who have given so largely, in proportion to their ability, to objects of public interest and of charity and benevolence. Very striking, and very beautiful indeed, was the contrast between his own simplicity of living-between his expenditures on himself and household-and the largeness of his donations to objects of benevolence, mercy, and religion. Especially was he always ready to do his part, and more, in any enterprise for the support and benefit of the Ecclesiastical Society, and for the benevolent enterprises of the Church, with which he was connected. He would not only lead such enter

prises by a large subscription, but, even in the feebleness of his later years, would take the subscription paper himself, and go around, using his large and gentle influence to get it filled.

The influence and labors of Dr. Ives in promoting the great Temperance Reformation, which began from thirty to forty years since, ought not in this sketch to be omitted. When that reformation began, on the principle of total abstinence from the use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, he hesitated, because he knew, and has always held, that such drinks have a good use in some cases of disease, and of tendency to disease. But he said that, when he took the college catalogue, and when he surveyed other lists of his early friends, and saw how many of them had died drunkards, he could hesitate no longer; and he freely gave his influence to the enterprise, frequently speaking at public meetings, and in various ways giving his testimony in its behalf. That influence was great, on account of his deserved reputation, especially as a scientific man.

Indeed, with regard to any moral question, we felt assured that Dr. Ives would be on the right side of it; and with regard to any religious or benevolent enterprise, we knew that he would give it his sympathy and aid according to his ability.

This sketch of Dr. Ives's moral characteristics would be incomplete, did I not mention his remarkable modesty and simplicity. He was the very opposite of assuming or ostentatious. He was humble in his estimate of his own merits; and, so far as he was conscious of them, he never proclaimed them, or obtruded them upon attention, but left them to be found out by others, or to be revealed by his skillful and beneficent services. His manner of dress and style of living were the opposite of extravagant, not because he loved money, and grudged expenditure, but because his principles and his taste preferred Puritan plainness and simplicity.

Finally, Dr. Ives had a thorough and rich Christian experience. He had a profound and full knowledge of the truths of the gospel, and loved them devotedly, and endeavored, by the divine help, to conform his heart and life to them. He rested, for his acceptance with God, in faith, loving and obedient faith, on Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who taketh

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