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WOOLSEY, T. D.-Rise of Universities, WOOLSEY, T. D.-Opinion of Judge

[blocks in formation]

Daniel in the Dred Scott Case,
XV, 345.

Relations of Christianity to the Doc-
trine of Natural Rights, XV, 603.
Bishop Colenso and Rev. Louis Grout
on Polygamy, XVI, 407.

The Right of Search, XVI, 594.
Discourse Commemorative of Pro-

fessor Denison Olmsted, XVII, 575.
Discourse Commemorative of Rev. C.
A. Goodrich, D. D., XVIII, 328.
Guizot's General History of Civiliza-
tion, XIX, 409.

The Southern Apology for Secession,
XIX, 731.

Guizot's General History of Civiliza-
tion, XIX, 871.

Recent Aspects of International Law, YALE, C.-Review of Tyler's Memoir
XIV, 560.

of Asahel Nettleton, III, 79.

The names of the Authors of the following Articles are not designated.

Memoir of Augustus William Schlegel,
II, 185.

Confession of Faith, IV, 153.
Review of Merle D'Aubigné's Works,
IV, 344.

Review of Headley's Napoleon and his
Marshals, IV, 364.

The Moral Aspect at Washington,
(1846,) IV, 381.

The War with Mexico, IV, 428.
Influence of Sunday Schools, V, 162.
Review of Lord's Exposition of the
Apocalypse, V, 585.

Christ in History, VI, 513.

Modern French Literature, VI, 590.
Perfect Love Attained, VIII, 528.
Health and Disease, IX, 223.
Review of Dr. J. Brown on the First
Epistle of St. Peter, IX, 243.

Review of Eleazar Lord's Epoch of
Creation, IX, 510.

Review of Stephens's Farmer's Guide,
IX, 553.

Review of Rev. Dr. J. W. Alexander's
Letters, XVIII, 930.

General Assembly and Coöperation,
XVIII, 969.

Number of Articles furnished by the Writers in the New
Englander, from 1843 to 1861, (Nineteen Volumes.)

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[In this INDEX the Names of CONTRIBUTORS OF ARTICLES are Printed in ITALICS.]

Ability and Inability, Natural and
Moral, Article, by Enoch Pond,
XIII, 387.

Abyssinia, Gobat's Three Years' Resi-
dence in, reviewed, by Samuel Harris,
VIII, 515

Adams, (John), Diary and Autobiogra-
phy, reviewed, by A. P. Marvin,
XI, 222.

Africa, Central, Discoveries in, by
Barth and Livingstone, Article, by
Daniel C. Gilman, XVI, 347.
African Civilization and the Cotton
Trade, Article, by J. P. Thompson,
XIX, 829.

African Colonization, Article, by S. W.
S. Dutton, IX, 70.

Agassiz, (Louis), on the Original Unity
of the Human Race, reviewed, by B.
N. Martin, VIII, 542.
Agricultural Chemistry as it contributes
to a Higher Civilization, Article, by
Merrill Richardson, VI, 473.
Agricultural Education, Article, by John
A. Porter, XVII, 1056.
Agriculture as a Profession, or Hints
about Farming, Article, by Donald G.
Mitchell, XVIII, 889.
Agriculture of England and the United
States, compared, by Timothy Dwight,
VI, 281.

Agriculture, Review of Stephens's Farm-
er's Guide to Practical, IX, 553.
Alexander, (James W.), Review of Let-
ters of, XVIII, 930.
Alliance, Evangelical, Article, by H.
Bushnell, V, 102.
Allston, (W.). Lectures on Art and
Poems, reviewed, by Noah Porter,
Jr., VIII, 445.

Almsgiving Christ's Rule far better
than our Modern Methods, Article,
by I. N. Tarbox, XIII, 242.


Alton Locke, by C. Kingsley, reviewed,
by J. M. Sturtevant, XIII, 161.
Amazon, M. F. Maury upon the Future
of the Valley of the, reviewed, by
W. A. Larned, XII, 362.

American Board and Slavery. S. B.
Treat's Report on Slavery in the
Cherokee and Choctaw Missions, re-
viewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, VII, 273.
American Board of Foreign Missions,
Constitution of the, examined, V, 28.
American Board of Foreign Missions,
notice of the Meeting in Norwich,
Conn., (1842), 1145.

American Character, Puritan Element
in, Article, by Royal Robbins, IX,531.
American Review and Memorial of its

editor, George H. Colton, Article, by
I. N. Tarbox, VII, 229.
Amoor, Russian Acquisition of the, Arti-
cle, by Burdett Hart, XIX, 352.
Amusements, Article, by E. Pond, IX,

Andover Hymn Book, The New, re-

viewed, by Joseph S. Ropes, XVII, 35.
Andover Hymn Book, The New, re-
viewed, by Leonard Bacon, XVII, 69.
Andover Student, Vision of an, Arti-
cle, by L. Withington, XIII, 234, 379,

Angelo, Michael, Sketch of the Life and
Works of, Article, by E. E. Salisbury,
XIX, 785.

Angels, Redemption as related to the
Fallen, Article, by 1. M. Ely, XI, 375.
Angels' Lament over Lost Souls: A

Poem, by T. D. Woolsey, I, 276.
Anglican Church, Development of Ra
tionalistic Views in the Theology of
the, (1860), Article, by Edward A.
Walker, XIX, 323.
Anglican Church, in its relation to the

elevation of the masses, Charles

Kingsley's views respecting, criticised, |
by J. M. Sturtevant, XIII, 161.
Anglican Church, The, as related to
Infidelity, Article, by Noah Porter,
Jr., IV, 238.

Animals and Plants diffused by Natural
Agencies, VIII, 562.

Animals, Domestic, Diffusion of, de-
scribed, VIII, 562.

Animals, Polar, Appearance of, upon
Mountain Summits accounted for by
former prevalence of the ice period,
VIII, 568.

Annihilation, Campbell on, answered,
by W. A. Larned, IX, 544.
Anthon, Rev. Dr., on Ordination of Ar-
thur Carey, reviewed, by Leonard
Bacon, I, 586.

Anti-Rent Disturbance in New York,
Article, by S. D. Law, IV, 92.
Apocalypse, Lord's Exposition of, re-
viewed, V, 585.

Apocalypse, M. Stuart on the, reviewed,
by Edward R. Tyler, IV, 139.
Apostolical and Primitive Church, by
Lyman Coleman, reviewed, by Enoch
Pond, IV, 182.

Constitutions, Bishop
Chase's, reviewed, by E. R. Tyler,
VI, 304.

Apostolical Succession, A. B. Chapin's
View of, criticised, I, 390.
Apostolical Succession, discussed, by E.
E. Hall, XI, 92.

Apostolical Succession, Article, by Sam-
uel Page, V, 360.

Apostolical Succession, Article, by Wil-
liam Patton, II, 273.
Architecture, Church, The Puritan and
Primitive, in America, Article, by
O. E. Daggett, VI, 1.
Architecture, Church, Article, by O. E.
Daggett, XII, 276.
Architecture, Domestic, Article, by N.
H. Eggleston, IX, 57.
Architecture, Rural, Article, by Donald
G. Mitchell, I, 203.
Architecture, Seven Lamps of, reviewed,
by N. H. Eggleston, VIII, 418.
Armenians, Persecution Among the,
IV, 410.

Arminianism and Calvinism, Their In-
fluence on Civil Liberty, compared,
by J. W. McLane, III, 509.
Arminianism in New England, Article,
VIII, 123.

Arnold, (Thomas), as a Scholar, Histori-
an, Teacher, Theologian, Controver-

sialist, Man, Article, by Noah Porter,
Jr., V, 364.

Art and Poems, Lectures on, by Wash-
ington Allston, reviewed, by Noah
Porter, Jr., VIII, 445.

Art Exhibition in Yale College, Article,
by Daniel C. Gilman, XVI, 807.
Arts, The Fine, and the Sources of
Excellence Therein, Article, by George

McClelland, XVIII, 605.

Asceticism-A Consequence of Incom-
plete Views of Christian Life, VII,


Association, Boston, Complaints of Theo-
dore Parker against the, discussed,
by Noah Porter, Jr., III, 450.
Astronomy, Late Discoveries in, Arti-
cle, by Daniel Kirkwood, XVIII, 582.
Astronomy, Modern, Article, by Elias
Loomis, II, 3.

Athenian Democracy, Constitutional
History of, Article, by William A.
Larned, XVIII, 651.

Atlantic Monthly, The, and the Pro-
fessor at the Breakfast Table, Arti-
cle, by Noah Porter, Jr., XVII, 771.
Atonement, The, its Power to Produce
Holiness, by S. W. S. Dutton. Con-
cio ad Clerum. Yale College Com-
mencement, 1855, XIII, 493.
Austria, Reforms in, by Joseph II, Arti-
cle, by T. D. Woolsey, XI, 395.
Bachman, (John), on the Original Unity
of the Human Race, reviewed, by B.
N. Martin, VIII, 542.
Bacon, (Lord), Sketch of the Life and
Writings of, by D. A. Wasson, X,

Baconian Philosophy, as Related to the
Study of Jurisprudence, by F. A.
March, VI, 543.

Baldwin, (Hon. Simeon), Sketch of the
Life and Character of, by S. W. S.
Dutton, IX, 426.

Banking, Article, by J. B. Turner,
II, 48.

Banking, Currency, and Credit, Article,
by Joseph S. Ropes, XVI, 312.
Baptism, Disuse and Abuses of, VIII,


Baptismal Regeneration, Article, by
Bennet Tyler, II, 397.
Baptismal Regeneration, The Doctrine
of, as held by Episcopalians, criti-
cised, by Horace Bushnell, II, 600.
Baptismal Regeneration, The Doctrine
of the Prayer Book respecting, com-
mented on, by Albert Barnes, II, 127.

by S. W. S. Dutton, II, 66.
Biglow Papers, James Russell Lowell's,

Baptist Churches in America, Polity of, | Bible, The Sole Rule of Faith, Article,
Article, by T. C. Teasdale, II, 39.
Baptist Views respecting Close Com-
munion, criticised, by D. L. Ogden,
XIII, 562.

Baptists, The, in Connecticut, Article,
by R. C. Learned, XI, 195, XVIII,

Baptized Children, The Relation of, to
the Church, Article, by J. Eldridge,|
IX, 372.

Bards of the Bible, by G. Gilfillan, re-
viewed, by W. A. Larned, IX, 198.
Bards, The, of Scotland, Article, by W.
A. Larned, XII, 151.

Bellows, (Henry W.), on the Suspense
of Faith, reviewed, by G. P. Fisher,
XVII, 968.

Bellows, (H. W.), Views on the Moral
Government of God, reviewed, by B.
N. Martin, VI, 249.
Bells, Church, XII, 296.
Benevolence, Systematic, Article, by
J. G. Davis, IX, 14.

Benevolence, True Theory of, Article,
by I. N. Tarbox, XIII, 242.
Berkeley, (Dean), Bishop Chase's Mis-
statements in regard to, Article, by
J. L. Kingsley. VII, 474.
Bible, Common Version and Revision
of the, Article, by J. W. Gibbs,
XVII, 489.

Bible, Egyptian Testimony to the Truth
of the, Article, by Edward Strong,
IX, 1.

Bible, List of Grammatical Inaccuracies
in the Common Version, by J. W.
Gibbs, XVII, 495.

Bible, List of Obsolete or Inelegant
Phrases in the Common Version of the,
by J. W. Gibbs, XVII, 509.
Bible, Noah Webster's Amended Version
of the, commented upon, by J. W.
Gibbs, XVII, 494.

Bible Preaching, Article, by Edward
Strong, XII, 44.

Bible, Revision of the. Article, by
Edward W. Gilman, XVII, 144.
Bible Society, American, Revision of
King James's Translation, commented
upon, by J. W. Gibbs, XVII, 493.
Bible, The Bards of the, Article, by W.
A. Larned, IX, 198.

Bible, The, not Tradition the Rule of
Faith, George Peck on, reviewed, by
S. W. S. Dutton, II, 304.

Bible, The, Palestine a Perpetual Wit-

reviewed, by Daniel March, VII, 63.
Bledsoe's Examination of Edwards's In-
quiry, reviewed, by B. N. Martin,
V, 337.

Blockades, Provisions of the Treaty of
Paris respecting, examined, by T. D.
Woolsey, XIV, 564.

Bologna, School of Law at, referred to,
by T. D. Woolsey, X, 27.
Bonaparte, Abbott's Estimate of, criti-
cised, by E. O. Dunning, XI, 329.
Bonaparte at St. Helena, Abbott's Ac-
count of, criticised, by E. O. Dunning,
XIV, 215.

Bonaparte, Headley's Estimate of, criti-
cised, V, 402.
Bonaparte, The genius of-compared
with that of Milton, VI, 482.
Borrow, (Isaac), Works and Life of,
Article, by D. A. Wasson, IX, 498.
Brain, Influence of the body in sickness
upon difficulties of the, Article, by
Worthington Hooker, III, 493.
Broad Church, Dr. Osgood on the, Arti-
cle, by G. P. Fisher, XVII, 980.
Brougham, (Lord), notice of, II, 260.
Brown, (John), and Harper's Ferry, the

moral of, Article, by Leonard Bacon,
XVII, 1066.

Brown on the 1st Epistle of St. Peter,
reviewed, by N. Porter, Jr., IX, 243.
Brown University, Changes in System
of Education in, Article, by J. L.
Kingsley, VIII, 470.

Brown University, proposed reforms in
Collegiate Education in, examined, by
Noah Porter, Jr., IX, 110.

Brownell, (Thomas C.), Charge of, to the
elergy of his diocese, reviewed, by
Horace Bushnell, II, 143.

Brownell, (Thomas C.), Charge to his
Clergy defended, by Juris Consultus,
(A. B. Chapin), from the criticisms of
the New Englander, reviewed, by L.
Bacon, II, 309.

Brownists, Rise of the, XIX, 438.
Buchanan, (President), and the New Ha-
ven Memorialists, Article, by Leonard
Bacon, XV, 675.

Buckminsters, Father and Son, Mrs.
Lee's Life of the, reviewed, by Wm. B.
Sprague, VIII, 30.

Buddhism, Article, by E. E. Salisbury,
III, 182.

ness for the, Article, by J. P. Thomp-Burr, (Aaron), Life of, reviewed, by I.
son, XVII, 192.

N. Tarbox, XVI, 291.

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