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ions of, reviewed, by H. M. Field,
VIII, 46.

Burr, (Aaron), Mrs. Stowe's representa- Carlyle, (Thomas), Writings and Opin-
tion of, commented upon, by L. Ba-
con, XVIII, 160.
Bushnell's, (Horace), Alumni Discourse,
Yale College, 1843, I, 597.
Bushnell's, (Horace), Christian Nurture,
Controversy respecting, 1847, V, 613.
Bushnell's Christian Nurture, Contro-

versy respecting, VI, 121.
Bushnell's, (Horace), Christian Nurture,
reviewed, Article, XIX, 474.
Bushnell's, (Horace), Nature and the
Supernatural, reviewed, by Noah Por-
ter, Jr., XVII, 224.

Bushnell's, (Horace), Sermons for the
New Life, reviewed, by H. M. Good
win, XVII, 382.

But, Explanation of the supposed diffi-
culty attending the word, by J. W.
Gibbs, X, 472.

California, Characteristics and Prospects
of, Article, by Horace Bushnell, XVI,

California, Climate and Morals in 1850,
Article, by C. S. Lyman, VIII, 585.
California, Review of the Speech of Mr.
Seward on the admission of, and for
the supremacy of God's law, Article,
VIII, 378.

California, The Influence of the Discov-
ery of Gold upon the Country, Arti-
cle, VIII, 80.

Calvinism and Arminianism, their influ-

ence on civil liberty compared, Arti-
cle, by J. W. McLane, III, 509.
Calvinism, as preached by the Puritans,
effective, Article, by Ray Palmer,
XV, 366.

Calvinism, What has been accomplished

by, Article, by B. N. Martin, VI, 77.
Cambridge Platform, referred to, IV, 266,
Campbell's Age of Gospel Light, criti-
cised, by Wm. A. Larned, IX, 544.
Campbell's Life, Letters, and Poems, Ar-
ticle, by Wm. A. Larned, IX, 261.
Capital and Labor, Difference of, as fac-
tors in political economy, illustrated,
VII, 419.

Capital Punishment, J. P. Thompson on,
reviewed, by E. R. Tyler, I, 28.
Capital Punishment, Right of civil gov-
ernment to inflict, Article, by E. R.
Tyler, III, 562.

Capital Punishment, Shall it be abol
ished? Article, by L. Bacon, IV, 563.
Carlyle's Cromwell, reviewed, by Merrill
Richardson, IV, 211.

Carlyle's Past and Present, reviewed, by
Merrill Richardson, II, 25.

Catechism, Congregational, Review of E.
R. Tyler's, by James Murdoch, II, 180.
Catholic Emigrants, Dangers from great
influx of, Article, by W. Barrows,
XIII, 262.

Catholicism, Episcopal, as illustrated in
Dr. Stone's Church Universal, Article,
by S. W. S. Dutton, V, 247.
Catholicism not a full Realization of
Christianity, Article, VIII, 270.
Caucasus, the Russians in, before 1850,
Article, by T. D. Woolsey, IX, 88.
Causation, Mill's Philosophy of, exam-
ined, by B. N. Martin, VIII, 161.
Cellular Development, Article, by H. A.
Carrington, XI, 1.

Cemeteries, The true idea of, Article, by
T. D. Woolsey, VII, 489.
Census, Lessons to be learned from the,
Article, by A. Woodbury, XIII, 183.
Census Returns, Correctness of, Article,
by A. P. Marvin, X, 393, XI, 471.
Census Returns of 1850, Examined, Ar
ticle, XI, 471.

Chalmers on the Inductive Method in
Theology, and the Nature of Christian
Doctrine, reviewed, by W. I. Buding
ton, VIII, 203.

Channing, (Wm. Ellery), Memoir and
Works of, reviewed, by P. Blakeman,
VIII, 345.

Chapels as appendages to Churches, XII,


Charitable Collections, Thomas Smyth
on, quoted, IV, 299.
Charity and its Fruits, Jonathan Ed-
wards on, reviewed, by Tryon Ed
wards, X, 222.

Chase, (Bishop), Misstatements with re-
gard to Dean Berkeley and Yale Col
lege, Article, by J. L. Kingsley, VII,


Chase, (Bishop), upon the corruption in

Acts I, 3, by J. L. Kingsley, VII, 470.
Cherokee and Choctaw Missions, Slavery
in, Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, VIÍ,


Chicago and the West, Article, by W.
A. Nichols, XII, 510.
Chicago Theological Seminary, Article,
by N. H. Eggleston, XVII, 335.
Children, Horace Bushnell on the Christ-
ian Nurture of, reviewed, by H. M.
Goodwin, XIX, 474.

China, Abstract of Sir Henry Pottinger's
treaty with, I, 451.

China, Account of Roman Catholic Mis-
sions in, Article, by H. C. Kingsley,
XVII, 103.

China and the Chinese, Article, by Wil-
liam D. Whitney, XVII, 111.
China and the West, Article, by Wil-
liam D. Whitney, XIX, 1.
China, Early Christianity in, Article, by
J. L. Dimon, XI, 481.

Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants, S.
Wells Williams's Survey of the, re-
viewed, by William T. Eustis, VII,


Choate, (Rufus), Discourse Commemora-
tive of Daniel Webster, reviewed, by
A. P. Marvin, XI, 606.
Choice, Power of Contrary, Article, by
M. P. Squier, XVIII, 307.
Christ as Revealer of God, Article, by
E. F. Burr, XII, 177.

Christ as the Foundation of Christian-
ity, Article, by W. H. Corning, XIV,
Christ, Events in the Life of, as seen by
an Andover Student in a vision, Arti-
cle, by L. Withington, XIII, 234, 379,


Christ, F. D. Huntington upon the Di-
vinity of, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dut-
ton, XIV, 429.

Christ in History, Article, VI, 513.
Christ, Sufferings of, not confined to his
Human Nature, by S. W. S. Dutton,
V, 415.

Christ, The Divine Humanity of, Article,
by H. M. Goodwin, XVIII, 851.
Christ, True Date of the Birth of, cannot
be determined, Article, by J. L. Kings-
ley, V, 215, 531.

Christ's Bodily Presence and the World's
Conversion, Article, by Leonard
Swain, XV, 274.

Christ's Chartered Church, J. B. Turn-
er's, reviewed, by E. R. Tyler, V, 592.
Christian Comprehensiveness, Article, by
Horace Bushnell, VI, 81.

Christian Life, Necessity of complete-
ness in the, Article, by S. Harris,
VII, 369.

Christian Simplicity, as it respects faith,
the affections, conduct, and Worship,
Article, by Gordon Hall, XII, 440.
Christianity a Strong System, Article,
by E. F. Burr, XVII, 835.
Christianity, Dependence of Popular
Progress upon, Article, by Samuel
Harris, V, 433.
Christianity, Early, in China, Article,
by J. L. Dimon, XI, 481.

Christianity in its Relation to Law and
Government, Article, by Leonard Ba-
con, XIV, 447.

Christianity in its relation to the Doc-
trine of Natural Rights, Article, by
T. D. Woolsey, XV, 603.
Christianity, True Theory of its Devel-
opment, Article, by Horace Bushnell,
II. 600.

Christmas, Sir Isaac Newton's account
of the origin of, Article, by J. L.
Kingsley, V, 227.

Chronology of the Church, Dr. Jarvis's,
reviewed, by J. L. Kingsley, V, 215,

Chronology of the Church, a Reply to
Dr. Jarvis's Vindication of his, by J.
L. Kingsley, VI, 378.

Church, A Congregational-a pure De-
mocracy, Article, by Edward R. Tyler,

V. 567.

Church and State, Baptist W. Noel on
union of, reviewed, by J. P. Thomp-
son, VII, 254.

Church Building, Article, by O. E. Dag-
gett, VI, 1, XII, 276.

Church, Claims of the, upon the State,
Article, by I. E. Dwinell, XII, 525.
Church Discipline, V, 570.

Church Edifices, Costliness in, VI, 8.
Church Government, History of changes
in, Article, by Enoch Pond, XIII,


Church, Head of the, Article, by George
I. Wood, IV, 87.

Church Members, The Private Rights
of, V, 570.

Church Membership, Unscriptural tests
of, a cause of Sectarianism, Article, by
Samuel Harris, V, 84.

Church, Necessity of a Doctrinal basis
for the, XVII, 990.
Church of Christ, God's Regard for the,

Article, by S. D. Clark, XII, 408.
Church, Review of a Presbyterian look-
ing for the, by Leonard Bacon, VIII,

Church Review, Notice of the Criticisms
of the, on the New Englander's Com-
mentary upon the Trials of Bishop
Ives, XIII, 634.

Church Review on the Church among
the slave population at the South, XII,


Church Review on the guilt of original
sin, XI, 109.

Church Review, Rejoinder to the, on
New England Theology, by Leonard
Bacon, XI, 261.

Church Review, The, and New England | Civilization, The advance of, (1851),

Theology, Article, by Edward E. Hall,
XI, 92.

Church Review, The, on a Disputed
Fact, Article, XII, 159.
Church, The, an aggressive Power, Arti-
cle, by S. D. Clark, XV, 221.
Church, The, and its Ministry, Article,
XI, 112.

Church, The Apostolical and Primitive,
by Lyman Coleman, reviewed, by
Enoch Pond, IV, 182.

Church, The, as it was, as it is, as it
ought to be, Article, by E. R. Tyler,
VI, 418.

Church, The relation of Baptized chil-
dren to the, Article, by Joseph Eld-
ridge, IX, 372.

Church, The true theory of the growth
of the, by Horace Bushnell, II, 600.
Church, Theology of the, according to
the Congregational System, Article,
by Edward R. Tyler, IV, 273.
Church, True Conceptions of the, XV,


Church, What the Unity of the, should
consist in, Article, by J. W. McLane,
IV, 532.

Churches and Parsonages, Article, by
O. E. Daggett, XII, 276.
Churches, Music in, Article, by Thomas
Hastings, VI, 424, VII, 357.
Churchman's account of the Ordination
of Arthur Carey, Review of the, by
Leonard Bacon, I, 586.
Churchman's, The, Assault upon the
New Englander, examined, III, 140.
Circassians, The, and their country,
Article, by T. D. Woolsey, IX, 88.
Citizen, Duty of the, to the Government,
Article, by Leonard Bacon, XV, 462.
Citizen, The Christian, Article, by L.
Perrin, XIII, 422.

Citizen, What constitutes a, of the
United States, Article, by Joseph G.
E. Larned, III, 411, III, 606, IV, 195.
Citizens, Freedmen, under the Roman
Law, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XV,


Citizenship, Negro, Article, by William
A. Larned, XV, 478.
Civilization, Christian, in its relation to
Physical Science, Article, by Daniel
March, IX, 481.
Civilization dependent upon Christian-
ity, Article, by Samue! Harris, V, 438.
Civilization, General History of, by
Guizot, reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey,
XIX, 409, 871.

Article, by N. H. Eggleston, IX, 438.
Classical Studies, Professors Sears, Ed-
wards, and Felton on, reviewed, by T.
D. Woolsey, I, 580.

Clay, (Henry), as an Orator, Article, by
William A. Larned, II, 105.
Clay, (Henry.) The last Seven Years of
the Life of, by Calvin Colton, review.
ed, by D. F. Bacon, XIV, 543.
Cleaveland, (E. L.), 25th Anniversary
Sermon, reviewed, and its misrepre
sentations of Dr. Taylor and his friends
corrected, by S. W. S. Dutton, XVI,


Cleaveland, (E. L.), Reply to the New
Englander, reviewed, by S. W. S.
Dutton, and its misrepresentations of
Dr. Taylor, Prof. Huntington, and
others corrected, XVII, 164.
Clergy, New Themes for the Protestant,
Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, XI, 571.
Clergy, The Puritan, of New England,
Article, by Ray Palmer, XIV, 497.
College, The Distinction between a Uni-
versity and a, Article, by William A.
Larned, V, 196.

Colleges and their Influence upon the
Churches, Article, by I. N. Tarboz,
XI, 595.

Colleges and Theological Seminaries at
the West, (1844), Article, by William
Twining, II, 58.

Colleges, as Charitable Institutions,
Article, by William A. Larned, V.


Colleges, Denominational, Article, by J.
M. Sturtevant, XVIII, 68.
Colleges of New England, a safe Model,
XVIII, 83.

Collegiate and Theological Education at
the West, Article, by Dennis Platt,
XIII, 344.

Collegiate and Theological Education at
the West, Society for promoting,

when organized, and for what pur
pose, XVIII, 70.
Collegiate Education, Article, by William
A. Larned, V, 196.
Collegiate Education at the West, Arti-
cle, by J. M. Sturtevant, IV, 274.
Collegiate Education, Proposed Changes
in the System of, in Brown Univer
sity, Article, by J. L. Kingsley, VIII,


Collegiate Education, Reforms in, Arti-
cle, by Noah Porter, Jr., IX, 110.
Colonization, African, Article, by S. W.
S. Dutton, IX, 70.

tions, Article, by L. H. Atwater, III,


Congregational Martyrs under Queen
Elizabeth, Article, by Leonard Bacon,
XIX, 437.

Colton, (George H.), Editor of the Congregational Councils and Associa-
American Review, Memorial of, by
I. N. Tarbox, VII, 229.
Colton, (Walter), as Alcalde of Monterey
in California, VIII, 586.
Commentaries, noticed and reviewed,
see Index of Books.
Commentary on Ecclesiastes, by Moses
Stuart, reviewed, X, 42.
Commentary on the Apocalypse, by
David N. Lord, reviewed, V, 585.
Commentary on the Apocalypse, by

Moses Stuart, reviewed, IV, 139.
Commentary on the First Epistle of St.
Peter, by John Brown, reviewed, IX,

Commentary on the Life and Epistles of

St. Paul, by Conybeare and Howson,
reviewed, XII, 71.

Commentary on the New Testament, by
Hermann Olshausen, reviewed, XV,

Commentary on the Original Text of

Congregational Ministry of the Future,
Article, by Ray Palmer, XV, 366.
Congregational Polity and Biblical The-
ology, Article, by Joseph P. Thomp
son, XVIII, 627.

Congregational Singing, Article, by F.
A. Adams, VII, 55.
Congregational Theory of the Ministry
and Church, by Edward R. Tyler, IV


Congregational Theory Respecting the
Licensing of Candidates for the Min-
istry, VII, 478.

Congregational (Trinitarian) Ministry,
Wm. B. Sprague's Annals of the,
reviewed, by Ray Palmer, XIV, 497,
and by C. A. Goodrich, XV, 169.

the Acts of the Apostles, by H. B. Congregationalism at the West, Article,
Hackett, reviewed, X, 129.
Concision, The, as distinguished from
the Circumcision of Apostolic Times,
IV, 333.

Confession of Faith of Committee of
General Assembly of Connecticut, IV,
Confirmation, Doctrine of the Prayer
Book respecting, commented on, by
Albert Barnes, II, 127.
Conflict of Opinions, or Thorndale, Wil-
liam Smith's, reviewed, by Noah Por-
ter, Jr., XVII, 652.

Common Schools of Massachusetts, Con-
troversy respecting Religious Instruc-
tion therein, in 1826-47, Article, by
Emerson Davis, V, 513.
Communism, Article, by J. P. Thompson,
VIII, 264, 452.

Compromise Speeches of 1850, re-
viewed, by G. I. Wood, VIII, 292,
and Leonard Bacon, 299.
Compromises of the Constitution, with
Regard to the Question of Rendition
of Slaves, Article, by W. A. Larned,
VII, 329.
Congregational and Presbyterian Sys-
tems, compared, by E. R. Tyler, III,


Congregational Catechism, Edward R.
Tyler's, reviewed, by W. Murdock,
II, 180.
Congregational Convention, (Albany,
1852), Article, by H. D. Kitchell,
XI, 72.

by H. D. Kitchell, XI, 75.
Congregationalism, History and Princi-
ples of, Article, by J. P. Thompson,
VII, 109.
Congregationalism in New England,
Successful Working, Alleged Defects,

Capacities of Improvement, Article,
by Noah Porter, Jr., I, 568.
Congregationalism in Ohio, Article, by
J. C. Hart, XIII, 607.
Congregationalism, Logical Tendency of,
in Respect to Denominationalism, XV,

Congregationalism Opposed to all Cen-
tralized Authority, Article, by J. W.
Sturtevant, XV, 541.

Congregationalism, Past, Present and
Future, Article, by A. P. Marvin,
XIII, 530.
Congregationalism, The Rise of, in Scot-
land, as Illustrated in the Lives of
the Haldanes, Article, by Archibald
Geikie, XIX, 269.
Congregationalism, The Separatists of
Eastern Connecticut, Article, by R.
C. Learned, XI, 195.
Congregationalism, What are the Re-
commendations of, by Enoch Pond,
XIII, 303.
Congregationalists and the Unitarian
Controversy, Article, by Noah Porter,
Jr., XVI, 511.
Congregationalists not Deficient in the
Social Elements of Christianity, Arti-
cle, by J. M. Sturtevant, XV, 550.

Democracy, by Wm. A. Larned,
XVIII, 651.

Congregationalists, Toleration of, in Constitutional History of Athenian
Respect to Matters that are non-
Essential, IV, 333.
Connecticut, Action of the Legislature
(1854) for the Defense of Personal
Liberty, defended, by Henry Dutton,
XII, 453.

Connecticut, Action of the Legislature
(1854) with Regard to a Prohibitory
Liquor Law, defended, by Henry
Dutton, XII, 449.

Connecticut, Baptists in, Article, by R.
C. Learned, XVIII, 595.
Connecticut Colonial Records, J. Ham-
mond Trumbull's edition of, reviewed,
by Luzerne Ray, X, 198.
Connecticut, Common Schools of, Arti-
cle, by J. A. Root, IV, 522.
Connecticut, Confession of Faith, Pre-
pared by the Committee of the Gen-
eral Association (April, 1846), IV,153.
Connecticut, Controversy with Massa-
chusetts about the Saybrook Impost,
XVIII, 1,022.

Connecticut, Eastern, Separatists of,
Article, by R. C. Learned, XI, 195.
Connecticut, Erroneous Statements Re-
specting, criticised, by J. L. Kings-
ley, I, 224.

Connecticut, How to Reach the Desti-
tute in, Article, by L. W. Bacon,
XVIII, 998.

Connecticut, in her Constitution and
Early History, Represented and Typi-
fied the American Nation that was to
be, Article, by Jos. G. E. Larned,
X, 161.
Connecticut, Indians of, Article, by
Luzerne Ray, I, 312.

Connecticut, Report of the Committee
on Home Evangelization to the Gener-
al Assembly of, reviewed, by Leonard
W. Bacon, XVIII, 998.
Conscience, Analysis of, Article, by J.
Day, XIV, 243.

Conscience and the Constitution, M.
Stuart upon, reviewed, by Leonard
W. Bacon, VIII, 472.

Conscience, The Higher Law of, Arti-
cle, by Jeremiah Day, XI, 161.
Constitution and Conscience, M. Stuart
upon, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon,
VIII, 472.

Constitution, Proposed Amendment to,
discussed, by James Birney, Jr., III,


Constitution, The Slave Compromises of
the, Article, by W. A. Larned, VII,


Contrary Choice, Power of, Article, by
M. P. Squier, XVIII, 307.
Controversy, Theological, remarks upon,
by Samuel Harris, V, 88.
Cosmogony, The Mosaic, Article, by
James D. Dana, XVI, 74.
Cosmogony, The Mosaic, C. W. Good-
win's Essay upon, reviewed, by E. A.
Walker, XIX, 541.

Cosmology, Rational, L. P. Hickok's,
reviewed, by O. W. Wight, XVI,

Cotton, (John), Memoir of, by A. W.
McClure, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon,
VIII, 388.

Cotton Trade and African Civilization,
Article, by J. P. Thompson, XIX,

Councils, Congregational, Article, by
L. H. Atwater, III, 161.
Councils, Ecclesiastical, merely Adviso
ry Bodies, V, 571.

Council, Exparte, held at Reading,
Mass., June, 1847, Article, by E. Ř.
Tyler, V, 559.

Covenant, The Use of Testament for,
Article, by J. W. Gibbs, XV, 242.
Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles of the
World, reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey,
X, 56.

Creation, Double Narrative of the, in

Genesis, Article, by J. W. Gibbs,
XV, 666.

Creation, Lord's Epoch of, IX, 510.
Creation, Mosaic Record of, commented
on, by J. D. Dana, XVI, 74, XVII,


Creation, Mosaic Record of the, and its

Bearing on Polytheism, XIX, 547.
Credit, Currency, and Banking, Article,
by Joseph S. Ropes, XVI, 312.
Creeds, Doctrinal, remarks upon, by
Samuel Harris, V, 85.

Creeds, Formation of, Article, by J. P.
Thompson, IV, 265.

Creeds, Position of Liberal Christianity
in Regard to, Article, by Noah Porter,
Jr., II, 529.

Crime and Insanity, The Connection
between, Article, by W. Hooker,
XIV, 32.

Crime, The, Against the Right of Suf-
rage, Article, by Leonard Bacon,
XVIII, 453.

Crimes, Against Life, Increase of, Arti-
cle, by Henry Dutton, II, 346.

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