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Two hundred and thirty graduates of the Wilmerding School of Industrial Arts are now in active service. Due to their mechanical training, many of them have been assigned to the signal corps, the aviation service, the auto-truck service and other branches where such training is needed.

The active students are organized as a branch of the Junior Red Cross. A fund of one thousand dollars has been raised with which to manufacture hospital equipment needed for various camp activities. The shop students are also at work trying to solve an important problem for one of the military hospitals, namely, to keep food warm while in transit from the general kitchen to twenty-four different wards, and while being served to the individual patients.

A ten weeks course in First Aid was well attended by both boys and girls. The students have bought upwards of a thousand dollars' worth of thrift stamps, and several class organizations have bought liberty bonds. Many of the boys are in the Boys' Working Reserve and have aided the farmers throughout the state during the summer vacations. B. O. Weeks '16 went down with the Tuscania, and C. V. LeGal '17 died in France.

Mr. F. M. Williams, teacher in science, has enlisted in the service, and Mr. A. Hood, foreman in the electrical shop, reported for duty on June 1, 1918.

Geo. A. Merrill, Director of the Wilmerding School, has been a member of the San Mateo County Draft Board since July 1, 1917, serving as secretary of the board from July 1 to December 31, 1917, and as president since that time.


The principal work of the Department of Zoology has been its active efforts to eradicate the hookworm from certain infested districts in California. Besides personal visits to those districts, the staff has outfitted a room in East Hall for rapidly making examinations to detect the presence of the hookworm and other intestinal parasites. The results thus far have been encouraging and give grounds for the hope that the hookworm infection may be completely eradicated from the state.

Dr. C. A. Kofoid, Professor of Zoology and Assistant Director of the Scripps Institution of Biological Research, and Dr. S. J. Holmes, Professor of Zoology, are members of the Committee of Zoological Research of the State Council of Defense. The former, in collaboration with Dr. B. L. Clark, Instructor in the Department of Palaeontology, has devoted considerable time to the study of mussel poisoning in California. Dr. Kofoid is a Major in the Sanitary Corps, and W. A. Boeck, graduate student, is Assistant in the Sanitary Corps.

Dr. H. C. Bryant, Economic Ornithologist, California Museum of Vertebrate Geology, is a member of the Subcommittee of Zoological Investigations of the Pacific Coast Research Conference.

A. L. Barrows, Instructor in Zoology, is First Lieutenant, O. R. C., Machine Gun Battalion.


Department of Anthropology

Mr. W. C. McKern, Research Fellow in the Department of Anthropology, has enlisted in the Army. Other members of the staff have been prominent in Red Cross and Liberty Loan drives.

School of Architecture

The School of Architecture has been of material aid to the School of Military Aeronautics in contributing the use of its rooms for the making of important maps. One member of the staff is in the artillery, while the course in naval engineering has claimed a number of architecture students. Three of the women students are in service at Mare Island, and a fourth one is assisting the Extension Division of the University of California in courses on Naval Construction.

Department of Drawing and Art

P. W. Nahl, Instructor in Freehand Drawing and Art Anatomy, has made a large map used for observation purposes in the School of Aeronautics. Courses in drafting have been designed to aid art students who enter branches of the service requiring this technical knowledge.

Herman Kower, Associate Professor of Drawing, is a member of the Pacific Coast Research Conference.

Department of Education

C. E. Rugh, Professor of Education, is chairman of the State Committee in charge of the "Go-to-College" campaign instituted by the Committee on Education and Special Training, War Department, Washington, D. C., and endorsed by President Wilson and Secretary Franklin K. Lane.

W. W. Kemp, Professor of School Administration, for the past year has been a member of the Children's Committee of the Associated Charities of San Francisco, which committee has devoted itself almost entirely to the problem of juvenile moral delinquents as a menace to the military cantonments in California. He has also been a member of a joint committee selected from this and other civic agencies in the state which assembled and placed before the Governor and the State Board of Control data concerning the above problem. During May and June he was assistant in the Military Bureau.

Department of English

C. M. Gayley, Professor of the English Language and Literature, and Dean of the Faculties, is in the service of the Liberty Loan Committee of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, the Pacific Division of the American Red Cross, the Y. M. C. A., the State Council of Defense, and other patriotic organizations. He has delivered many addresses and has written numerous articles in support of the cause of the United States and the Allies.

W. M. Hart, Associate Professor of English Philology, as Dean of the 1918 Summer Sessions, has organized the courses of instruction with a view to their practical bearing upon immediate war service and the problems issuing from the war. He is serving as one of the Four Minute Men.

B. P. Kurtz, Associate Professor of English, has spoken during the Red Cross and War Savings Stamp drives and has delivered war speeches in several of the high schools of the state.

T. F. Sanford, Assistant Professor of English Literature, has aided the Red Cross in San Francisco.

G. R. MacMinn, Instructor in English, has assisted in the Military Bureau; under the direction of this bureau H. E. Cory, Assistant Professor of English, and A. G. Brodeur, Instructor in English Philology, have written a number of articles on subjects connected with the war.

H. L. Bruce, Assistant Professor of English Composition during the summer of 1918, was temporarily employed in one of the government's shipyards.

Leonard Bacon, Instructor in English, is Lieutenant in the American Air Service, at San Diego; R. H. Clark and R. G. Ham, instructors in English, have entered the military service; and Guy Montgomery, Instructor in English, has taken part in the activities of the Four Minute Men.

Department of Geography

The Department of Geography gave part of the instruction in the courses preparatory for naval service offered during the University year 1917-18. The course in Oceanography and Marine Meteorology was conducted by R. S. Holway, Associate Professor of Physical Georgraphy, and B. M. Varney, Instructor in Geography.

The School of Military Aeronautics has made use of the department's laboratory for the construction of a model in relief of a portion of Belgium.

Department of German

C. H. Bell, Instructor in German, has been commissioned Captain in the Quartermaster's Division of the United States Reserves and is on duty in the military postoffice at Hoboken, New Jersey. H. K. Schilling, Professor of the German Language and Literature, Franklyn Schneider, Instructor in German, and L. M. Price, Instructor in German, have volunteered their services for war work, and more recently have responded to a call from the Office of Naval Intelligence, of the Navy Department, for "linguists who speak and write German fluently." At this writing, however, they have not been given the opportunity to do actual service.

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