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Personal share of the King in all branches of Administration-A trial be-

fore Henry II. in person-The Justiciar-The Chancellor-Curia

Regis-Fiscal Administration-The Exchequer-Sources of revenue

-Important changes in taxation under Henry II.-Personal property

taxed-Pressure of new and systematic taxation excites opposition-

and leads to re-assertion by the Nation of its ancient right to be taxed

only by consent-Fines pro respectu militiae-Judicial system-Changes

in Curia Regis under Henry II.-Division into three Courts of King's

Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer-Itinerant justices established

by Henry II.-Judges of Assize and Nisi Prius-Trial by Jury-its

origin and development traced--the King's Continual Council or

Concilium Ordinarium-Rise of the Chancellor's jurisdiction-En-

croachments of the Council on jurisdiction of the Common Law-

Statutes in restraint of the Council and Chancery-Their small effect--

Equitable jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery permanently estab-

lished-Magnum Concilium-Origin of Judicial character of House of

Lords-and of the Legislative character of the Privy Council-Judicial

powers of Privy Council-Origin of Court of Star Chamber-Revived

under the Tudors-Nature of its jurisdiction and punishments-Police

and military organisation--The Frithborh-The Fyrd-The Huscarls

of Cnut-Employment of mercenary troops-Assize of Arms in

1181-The ancient Fyrd revived-Amalgamation of the alodial and

feudal military systems under Henry III. and Edward I.-Expansion

of ancient police organisation concurrently with that of the Fyrd-Con-

servators of the Peace-Coroners-Watch and Ward-Statute of

Winchester, 13 Edw. I.-Commissions of Array-The Militia-Decay

of national local force-Superseded by standing army at end of 17th

century-Reorganised as the National Militia in 1757

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A Commune Concilium Regni has always existed-The Witenagemot-
Curia Regis-Its_constitution-The 'greater Barons'-Hereditary
character of the House of Lords-Spiritual Peers-Lay Peerages for
Life-Ideas of election and representation familiar to the nation-
Council of St. Alban's, 1213, first historical instance of summons of
representatives to a National Council-Four instances of county
representation in Parliament prior to De Montfort's Parliament in
1265-Increased use of elected county representatives for fiscal and
other matters-Name of Parliament-The Mad Parliament' at
Oxford, 1258- Provisions of Oxford '-Oligarchies in England-
Simon de Montfort, Founder of the House of Commons'-His first
Parliament-His second Parliament, to which Representatives of
Towns are summoned Progress of the Towns-Representative
machinery first employed for judicial and fiscal purposes-Representa-
tion of boroughs in the Shire Courts-First symptoms of Representa-
tion of Towns in the National Assembly-Transitionary period in
the Constitution of Parliament, 1265-1295-Parliament during latter
years of Henry III.-Parliaments under Edward I. (in 1273,
at Westminster; 1283, Jan., Northampton and York; Sept., Shrews-
bury or Acton Burnell; 1290, Westminster, grant of aid pur
fille marier; 1294, Westminster; 1295, Westminster)-End of transi-
tionary period-Perfect representation of the three Estates of the
Realm-Inferior clergy represented in Parliament under praemu-
nientes clause-Convocation-Inferior clergy cease to attend Parlia-
ment in the 14th century-but preserve the power of self-taxation till
1664-Clergy, though still in theory, not now practically, a separate
Estate of the Realm-Government by King, Lords and Commons
established under Edward I.-And the right of arbitrary taxation
surrendered-Events leading to the Confirmatio Chartarum-Exac-
tions from the clergy-Bull Clericis Laicos-Maltolte' on wool-
Infractions of Magna Charta-Foreign service-Earls of Hereford and

The National Council gradually wins back an active control over all the

affairs of the nation-Division of Parliament into two Houses-Two

elements of the Commons, Knights of the Shire and Burgesses-the

knights at first deliberated and voted with the barons-Union of the

knights and burgesses in one House-Its important consequences-No

noble caste in England-Civil equality of all ranks below the peerage--

Gradual growth of the power of the Commons under Edward II. and

Edward III.-The Lords Ordainers '-Articles of Reform-Summary

of grievances in 1309-Right of Commons to concur in legislation-

Regularity of meeting of Parliament-Annual Parliaments-The Com-

mons establish three great rights: (i.) Taxation without consent

illegal-(Appropriation of supplies—Audit of public accounts-Wages

of members)-(ii.) Legislation, concurrence of both Houses necessary

-(Difference between Ordinances and Statutes-Ordinances of the

Staple)—(iii.) Right of Commons to inquire into administrative abuses

-(Attempt to establish responsibility of Ministers to Parliament-

-First protest on the rolls-First instance of parliamentary impeach-

ment-The 'Good Parliament '-Impeachment of Lords Latimer and

Nevill Commons intervene in questions of War and Peace-and

exercise active control over various other affairs of State)-REIGN OF

RICHARD II.-Its Constitutional importance-Its history during the

three periods: (1) From 1377 to the coup d'état of 1389; (2) From

1389 to the second coup d'état of 1397; (3) From 1397 to the King's

deposition in 1399-Insurrection of the Villeins in 1381-History of


(Henry IV., Henry V., Henry VI., Edward IV., Edward V.,

Richard III.)

Characteristics of the Lancastrian Period-Increased importance of the
Commons-Taxation: conditional grants, appropriation of supplies,
examination of accounts-Dependence of supply on redress of griev-
ances-First Collision between the two Houses-All money-bills must
originate in the Commons-King ought not to notice matters pending
in Parliament-Petitions assume the form of complete Statutes under
the name of Bills-Dispensing and Suspending powers of the Crown-
Right of Inquiry into Public Abuses and of Controlling the Royal
Administration-Petition of 31 Articles in 8 Hen. IV.-Right of the
Commons to be consulted as to Peace or War, and in all questions of
National Interest-Impeachment-Bills of Attainder-Privilege of Par-
liament (1) Freedom of Speech: Haxey's case-King not to take
notice of Speeches in Parliament-Yonge's case-Strode's case—
Statute 4 Hen. VIII.-Freedom of Speech claimed by Speaker, 1541
-Declaration of Commons, 1621-Cases of Eliot, Holles, and Valen-
tine-The privilege confirmed by Bill of Rights-(2) Freedom from

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The Reformation under Henry VIII. political and legal, rather than reli-
gious-Doctrinal changes under Edward VI. and Elizabeth an unin-
tentional consequence-But both were the effect of causes long in
operation-Early and continuous national character of English Church
-Growth of Papal power from the Conquest till reign of Henry III.—
Resistance of Edward I. to the Papal claims-Answer of the English
Parliament to letter of Boniface VIII.-Series of Statutes passed to
check aggressions of the Pope-De Asportatis Religiosorum, 35

Edw. I., 1307-Statute of Provisors, 25 Edw. III., 1351-Statute
forbidding Citations to the Court of Rome, 1353-Statute of
13 Ric. II., 1389-Boniface IX. brings matters to a crisis, 1391—
Petition of the Commons--Statute of Praemunire, 16 Ric. II., 1392-
Boniface yields-Rise of the Lollards-John Wycliffe, 1360--and his
'poor priests 'The Bible translated and disseminated-Revolutionary

and socialistic tendencies of Wycliffe's followers-Their implication in

insurrection of the Villeins, 1381-Conservative reaction in consequence

-Henry IV. supports the prelates-Statute De Haeretico Comburendo,

1401-Petition of the Commons for a secularisation of Church

property-Insurrection of the Lollards under Sir John Oldcastle, 1412

-Lollardry repressed, but not extinguished-Revives at beginning of

16th century-The Association of Christian Brothers'-Abuses of

the Ecclesiastical system-Benefit of Clergy-Dr. Standish and Con-

vocation-Case of Richard Hunne-Luther at Wittenberg, 1517—

Henry VIII. disposed to curb ecclesiastical abuses, but opposed to

doctrinal changes-He gains the title of 'Defender of the Faith'-

Influence of writings of Luther and other foreign reformers on English

Lollardism-Some reform of the ecclesiastical system inevitable-

Precipitated by Henry VIII.'s divorce suit--The Reformation Parlia-

ment, 1529-1536-Session I.: Petition of Commons for a scrutiny into

Ecclesiastical abuses-Answer of the Bishops-Henry's criticism

thereon Statutes in restraint of Probate fees, Mortuaries, Pluralities,

Non-residence and clerical trading-Sess. II.: Proctors and pardoners

punished as vagabonds-The clergy in a praemunire-Pardoned on

payment of a large sum and admitting the King's supremacy-The

laity in a praemunire-Pardoned by Act of Parliament-Sess. III. :

Act to restrain citations from one diocese to another-First-fruits taken

from the Pope-Sess. IV.: Act for restraint of appeals to Rome-

Sess. V. Act for submission of the clergy-Bishops to be nominated

by the King's congé d'élire-Payment of Peter-pence and other Papal

exactions forbidden - Henry's first Royal Succession Act Oath

imposed thereby-Execution of Sir Thomas More and Bishop Fisher

-Sess. VI. Royal proclamation against the Pope, 1534-Act of

Supremacy-First-fruits annexed to the Crown-Sess. VII.: Dissolu-

tion of Smaller Monasteries-Pilgrimage of Grace,' 1536-The Larger

Monasteries dissolved-Was the suppression of the Monasteries justi-

fiable? Distribution of the Church property-Its results-Doctrine of

the Anglican Church declared by Henry-Act of the Six Articles,

1539-English translation of the Bible, 1538-'Institution' and 'Eru-

dition of a Christian Man '-EDWARD VI. -The Religious Reformation

under him-Insurrections, 1549-Persecution-MARY-Re-establish-

ment of Papal religion-The Marian persecution-The Reformation

promoted by it.



Ecclesiastical polity of Elizabeth-Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity,
1559-Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance-First-fruits and tenths
restored to the Crown-The XXXIX. Articles of Religion-Relations
of the Reformed National Church to the Crown-Refusal of oath of
supremacy by all but one bishop-The clergy generally conform-
Persecuting statutes-Act of 1562-Speech of Lord Montagu against
it-The Bishops' Act, 1566-The Roman Catholics suspected of dis-
loyalty-Elizabeth's title to the throne purely Parliamentary-Roman
Catholics in favour of hereditary claims of Mary Queen of Scots-Title
of House of Suffolk-Harsh treatment of Lady Catherine Grey-

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