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by only faith," it presents neither difficulty to the rational divine, nor opening of abuse to the enthusiast.

AND now can it possibly be necessary, that we should put in any caution in favour of the orthodoxy of our doctrine? If men were disposed to judge favourably, or rather if they were not resolved to judge unfavourably, in controversies of religion, such caution would be utterly unnecessary. Can it possibly be imagined, or insinuated, that I have done any injury to the great Christian doctrine, " of Justification for the sole merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by faith, and not for our own works and deservings?" Salvation by Christ only, and no merit of our own righteousness, is so vital to Christianity, and so pervades the Gospel system, that surely one party ought to conceive it impossible that the other should not hold it*. But though we cordially and joyfully embrace that doctrine, as our only

* " But the more dreadful a thing it is, to deny salvation by Christ alone, the more slow and fearful I am, except it be too manifest, to lay a thing so grievous to any man's charge."Hooker, Disc. of Justification, §. 29.


hope and consolation; yet we do not think ourselves obliged to find it in every text of Scripture in which good men have supposed that they found it. And in the case of this text in particular, we conceive that great difficulties have arisen to Protestants, and great advantages to the adversary, from the incautious use of terms hastily laid hold of in the heat of controversy *.

Ir only remains that I beseech all, not to

hold the faith of our glorious Lord Jesus with re

spect of persons; and that we jointly offer up our petitions to the Father of lights, that he will grant us the teaching of his Holy Spirit, so that we may understand those things which by the natural man cannot be understood: and that he will give us sincere and humble hearts, to follow in obedience of mind and body whithersoever the Spirit of Truth leads: so that we may be found of the Son of Man at his coming, not disputing like fiery zealots about words, but living like humble Christians after the precepts of the Gospel; through our Lord Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour, glory, and worship, world without end. Amen.

* See Note (F).

[blocks in formation]

Dr. Barrow,


"We may observe, That the undertakings and performances of our Lord, are, for nature and extent, compared with those of Adam; who was τυπος το μελλοντος, (Rom. v. 14.) a type of Him that was to come. As Adam, being a Representative of mankind, did by his transgression involve all men in guilt, and subject them to condemnation; provoked God's wrath, and drew the effects thereof upon us; brought all men under the slavery of sin, and necessity of death : So was our Lord the Proxy of mankind, and by his performances in our behalf, did undo for our advantage, what the former did to our prejudice; by his entire obedience expiating the common guilt, suspending the fatal sentence, pacifying God's wrath, reducing righteousness, and restoring life to all that would em

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