Means of grace employed for that end; we now come to the end itself: Ver. 30. τετες και εδοξασε. “Them he also glorified." Those whom he justified, (supposing them to preserve their justification, or to recover it by true repentance) he glorified ; i. e, he instated in that glory and happiness which shall ensue upon the resurrection, and is expressed by a conformity to Christ's glory in his exaltation. Of each of these steps of the salvation of all Christians to the end of the world, he speaks as already finished and fully accomplished: of all Christians that shall ever be saved, he says, Them God called, justified, glorified. -This he does, with respect to the Foreknowledge of Him, who calleth those things which be not, as though they were: (Rom. iv. 17.) and with respect to his will, according to which we are already saved. (See 2 Tim. i. 9; 1 Tim. ii. 4.)-For supposing the Purpose of God, " who willeth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his wickedness and live," to have its due course; the means of grace to be complied with, the calling obeyed, the justification preserved; then is the glorification of every Christian, in all ages of the Gospel, as certain as if it were already manifested. According to the triumphant and ecstatic language of the Apostle in another place, "God hath quickened us together with Christ, and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together (already made us sit together) in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." (Eph. ii. 5, 6. Compare Heb. xii. 22.) NOTE (C.) p. 213. "And there should be no greater comfort to Christian persons, than to be made like unto Christ, by suffering patiently adversities, troubles, and sicknesses. For he himself went not up to joy, but first he suffered pain; he entered not into his glory, before he was crucified. So truly our way to eternal joy, is to suffer here with Christ; and our door to enter into eternal life, is gladly to die with Christ; that we may rise again from death, and dwell with him in everlasting life." Visit. of the Sick. "Every good man must hang on some cross: εις τετο κειμεθα; we are, saith St. Paul, (1 Thess. iii. 3.) appointed to this; 'tis our lot and portion, assigned to us by Divine immutable decree; being "predestinated (Rom. viii. 29.) to a conformity with this image of God's Son." Barrow, Vol. 2. Serm. 26, p. 340. " For Christ, who began, and lived, and died in sorrows, perceiving his own sufferings to succeed so well, and that 'for suffering death he was crowned with immortality,' resolved to take all his disciples and servants to the fellowship of the same suffering, that they might have a participation of his glory: knowing, God had opened no gate of heaven, but the narrow gate' to which the cross was the key. And since Christ now, being our High Priest in heaven, intercedes for us by representing his passion, and the dolours of the cross; that even in glory he might still preserve the mercies of his past sufferings, for which the Father did so delight in him; he also designs to pre sent us to God dressed in the same robe, and treated in the same manner, and honoured with the marks of the Lord Jesus: "He hath predestinated us to be conformable to the image of his Son:" And if under a head crowned with thorns, we bring to God members circled with roses, and softness, and delicacy; triumphant members in the militant Church; God will reject us ; he will not know us who are so unlike our elder brother." Вр. Jer. Taylor, Sermon entitled The Faith and Patience of the Saints. NOTE (D.) p. 221. " Quanquam satis jam liquet, Deum occulto consilio libere quos vult eligere, aliis rejectis; nondum tamen nisi dimidia ex parte exposita est gratuita ejus electio, donec ad singulas personas ventum fuerit, quibus Deus non modo salutem offert, sed ita assignat, ut suspensa vel dubia non sit effectus certitudo." Inst. III. 21. 7. NOTE (E.) p. 229. "Ac voluntatem movet; non qualiter multis sæculis traditum est et creditum, ut nostræ postea sit electionis, motioni aut obtemperare aut refragari; sed illam efficaciter afficiendo. Illud ergo toties a Chrysostomo repetitum repudiari necesse est, "Quem trahit, volentem trahit."---Non enim docet Apostolus, offerri nobis bonæ voluntatis gratiam, si acceptemus; sed ipsum velle in nobis efficere: quod non aliud est, nisi Dominum suo spiritu cor nostrum dirigere, flectere, moderari, et in eo, tanquam in possessione sua, regnare." Inst. II. 3. 10. Electos esse instrumenta vel organa, quibus misericordiam suam exercet Deus, ut nomen suum in eis glorificet." Com. in Rom. ix. 23. FINIS. Printed by R. Gilbert, St. John's Square, London. The following Works have been lately published by F. C. and J. RIVINGTON. 1. THE CLERICAL GUIDE, or ECCLESIASTICAL DIRECTORY; containing a complete Register of the present Prelates and other Dignitaries of the Church of England; of the Heads of Houses, Professors, &c. of the Universities, and other Colleges and Public Schools; a List of all the Benefices and Chapelries in England and Wales, arranged alphabetically in their several Counties, Dioceses, Archdeaconries, &c. The Names of their respective Incumbents, with the Date of their Institution, the Names of the Patrons, &c. &c. And an Appendix, containing Alphabetical Lists of those Benefices which are in the Patronage of the Crown, the Bishops, Deans and Chapters, and other Public Bodies. Second Edition, corrected, royal 8vo. 11. 2s. 2. 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