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feited for unlawful Trade and Importations, and likewise All Vessells, Monies or Effects whatsoever, belonging to the Enemy taken and condemned to his Majesty's Use as lawful Prize also all Monies, Vessells or Effects taken from Pyrates that shall be taken and condemned, together with all Monies arising by way of Quit-rents or by way of Right money or Consideration money, or under whatever Denomination, whether by way of Quit rents or Fine and Consideration money, for his Majesty's Lands in the said province. And all his Majesty's Officers and Ministers, the Governor, as well as others, are hereby strictly charged and commanded to take Care that the revenues before enumerated, and all other the Kings Casual revenue whatsoever, be put within the Charge of the said Receiver and accounted for by him accordingly.

11th You are to use your utmost diligence and attention in the Executing of the said Office and to be carefull to inform yourself from time to time of his Majesty's Rights and Dues with respect to any of the casual revenue described or not described as aforesaid and to demand in his Majesty's name the Receipt and Payment thereof, and in Case the parties chargeable refuse, neglect or delay payment, to apply to the Governor, Judges, Attorney General, or any other his Majesty's Officers concerned to aid and assist you in recovery and levying thereof.

12th In Case of apparent neglect delay or indifferency in any of his Majesty's Officers in giving their aid and assistance for recovering and levying the aforesaid Rights of the Crown, You are hereby directed to represent the same from time to time to the Governor, who is hereby directed to use all lawfull Authority for redressing the same, and also to our Auditor of the plantations, who is hereby directed to lay the same before the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being, in order to their being fully apprized of the behaviour of the Officers concerned therein.

13th These Orders, Rules and Instructions, together with such other Instructions as may heretofore or hereafter be given for the Service of the Revenue to be entered in All Courts, Offices and Places in the said province, where or before whom any of his Majesty's Revenues hereby meant to be taken in Charge by the said Receiver, shall arise and happen so as that All his Majesty's Officers and Magistrates concerned, without being particularly named may be acquainted therewith, and take care to conform themselves severally thereunto in all things accordingly. Given at &c.

Letter from Governor Boone to the Lords of Trade, informing them that an Act had been passed for continuing a part of the New Jersey Regiment, and that he had suspended Mr. Antill, one of the Council.

My Lords

[From P. R. O. B. T. New Jersey, Vol. 9, K, 16.]

P. AMBOY July 28th 1761

Since my last of the 5th of June, Gen' Amherst found it Necessary to apply to me, in order that a Proportion of the Regiment of this Province might be Continued during the Ensuing Winter, when his Majesty's Regular Forces may Possibly be absent; I called therefore the assembly, & they came to an Immediate Resolve that the Number required, Sixty Four Private Men & two officers, should be Continued till No 1st 1762 unless sooner discharged; in the Providing for the men the Season of their Service has been Considered, & proper Clouthing not forgot; An Act passed without any fresh Emission of Money, for these Purposes, to which any Money that is Actually, or may Come into the Treasury is made liable: I have great Reason to be

Satisfied both with the Readiness and Manner of the Assembly's Coming into this measure, but the Act itself is of such an unnecessary length that it is Impossible for me as yet to transmit it to your Lordships; neither have I as yet got the Minutes of the Assembly, those of the Council I have the honour to Enclose you, by which your Lordships will Perceive that I have Suspended M' Antill for non Attendance as A Member of the Council, I wish this Example may be of Service, it appeared to me Necessary, & cannot be hurtfull. I have the honour to be with great Respect

My Lords Your Lordships

most Obedient & most humble Servant


P. S. Since writing the above I have procured printed Copies of the Minutes of Assembly, & the Act passed in our last Session, which I have the honour to Enclose Aug 5th 1761.

Letter from Governor Boone to the Lords of Trade— giving an account of the seizure and condemnation of a vessel and cargo engaged in illicit trade.

My Lords

[From P. R. O. B. T., New Jersey, Vol. 9, K. 17.]

PERTH AMBOY New Jersey Augst 30th 1761

I have deferred making your Lordships acquainted with my Proceeding against a vessel concerned in an Illegal trade, till the trial in the Court of admiralty was over, & till I could at the same time Communicate the Judgement that was given yesterday, by which the Vessel a Brigantine belonging to New York, her Tackle, apparell, and Furniture, and one Hundred & Fifty Seven Hogsheads of Brandy, twenty one Tierces of do. Fifty four cags or Anchors of Geneva, ten

tierces, & ten Barrels of Starch were declared forfeited, & the Master of the Vessel adjudged to have Incurred the Penalty of one Hundred Pounds Sterling pursuant to the Act which Inflicts the same.

It gives me a sincere pleasure to have Succeeded in making so publick an Example of a Vessel, engaged in a trade equally Injurious to the fair dealer, & the mother Country, and it is a considerable addition to my Satisfaction to my Satisfaction, that I have surmounted those difficulties which Every Governor must Encounter, who Engages in a Cause of this kind, in a Country where a false humanity for the delinquents (Occasioned perhaps by the too general prevalence of the trade itself) renders the procuring voluntary testimony almost Impossible. It appears by the Custom house Books of New York, which I have caused to be searched, that this vessel about a year ago cleared out of that Port immediately for Hamburgh with a load of Sugar by a certificate from this Port of Perth Amboy, her owner Ensured at New York her return there, she took on board at Hamburgh besides the goods actually Condemned East India goods Tea &c, The Master and Mate Acknowledged in an Examination to which submitted voluntarily, to have broke Bulk, & the verry goods taken out of the Vessell were actually seized at N. York, and yet notwithstanding this, they claimed, stood trial & by paying some Evidence, & Removing others, they made the matter so doubtfull, that upon an application from them to the Attorney Gen! for a Compromise, I was induced to make them an offer, if they would withdraw their Claim & suffer publick Condemnation, they might depend on my word that I would relinquish the Intire Proportion, which the Act of Parliament allots Governors; this they have accordingly done and I have the honour to Acquaint the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury of this transaction. I Promise myself your Lordships approbation

of my Zeal in this affair, which I have carried through singly, & from which I am not to derive the least pecuniary Benefit, unless your Lordships do me the Honour of Recommend me to the Lords of the Treasury as not undeserving the King's Third, a Favour which his Majesty is sometimes most graciously pleased to Confer on Governors even in less particular Cases. I have been thus Explicit in order to give your Lordships a Sketch of the Disadvantages we labour under in the Exercise of this Part of our Duty, to which your Lordships wisdom may possible suggest a Remedy. I have the honour to be My Lords with Utmost Respect

Your Lordships

most obed & most Humble Servant


P. S. I beg leave to Acquaint your Lordships that the Kings Third, for which I have presumed to Sollicit your Lordships interposition in my Behalf, will scarce Amount to above Six Hundred Pounds.

Representation from the Lords of Trade to the King, with a draft of Instructions to Governors of the Colonies, relative to the alteration in the prayers for the Royal Family.

[From P. R. O., B. T., Plantations General, Vol. 41, p. 122.]

To the King's most Excell Majesty.

May it please Your Majesty,

In Obedience to Your Majesty's Order in Council of the 11th instant, directing Us to prepare Draughts of Instructions proper to be sent to the Governors of Your Majesty's Plantations in America for an Altera

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