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[blocks in formation]

Of these two birds

one back again flew,

Fa, la, la, la, lal, de;

The other came after,

and then there were two,

Fa, la, la, la, lal, de;

Said one to the other,

Pray how do you do?

Fa, la, la, la, lal, de;
Very well, thank you,

and pray how do you? Fa, la, la, la, lal, de!


HERE was an old woman who rode on a broom,


With a high gee ho, gee humble;

And she took her old cat behind for a groom,

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

They travell'd along till they came to the sky,
With a high gee ho, gee humble;

But the journey so long made them very hungry,
With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

Says Tom, I can find nothing here to eat
With a high gee ho, gee humble;

So let us go back again, I entreat,

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

The old woman would not go back so soon,
With a high gee ho, gee humble;

For she wanted to visit the Man in the Moon,

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

Says Tom, I'll go back by myself to our house,

[blocks in formation]

For there I can catch a good rat or a mouse,

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

But, says the old woman, how will you go?
With a high gee ho, gee humble;

You shan't have my nag, I protest and vow,
With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

No, no, says Tom, I've a plan of my own,
With a high gee ho, gee humble;

So he slid down the rainbow, and left her alone,
With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

So now, if you happen to visit the sky,
With a high gee ho, gee humble;

And want to come back, you Tom's method may try,
With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

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