The Apocalypse Revealed: Wherein are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold, which Have Heretofore Remained Concealed, Том 2American Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society, 1908 |
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acknowledge adulterated affection Apoc Apocalypse appear Babylon beast Behold called celestial celestial kingdom cerning chap commandments concupiscences conjoined conjunction consequently consociation death decalogue devil Divine Humanity divine love divine truth divine wisdom doctrine dominion dragon evils and falses Exod external Ezek falsity Father fire flesh former heaven glory God the Father hath heaven and earth hell holy things infernal love influx inmost internal Isaiah Jehovah Jerem Jerusalem Jesus John John xiv kingdom kings Lamb last judgment light literal sense live according Luke Matt meant the Lord natural nified NUMBER opposite sense plagues profaned prophets Psalm reason Roman Catholic Roman Catholic religion salvation saying seen seven angels signi signified the church signified the Word soul spiritual sense spiritual truth spiritual world temple thee thence thereof throne tion truths of wisdom understanding unto verse vials vide voice wherefore wine worship wrath xxviii Zion