Number of articles. CUSTOMS TARIFFS OF FRANCE-Continued. Comparative statement of the old, the conventional, and the new tariff of France, &c.-Continued. Per 100 kilos. 300.00. Same duty as yarn, single, unbleached, with the addition of 15 per cent. Same duty as yarn, single, unbleached, with the addition of 25 francs per 100 kilos. Same duty as single yarns, with the addition of 30 per cent. Same duty as yarn, twisted, with the addition of 30 per cent. 372.00 Same duty as yarn, single, unbleached, with the addition of 15 per cent. Same duty as yarns, single, unbleached, with the addition of 30 francs per 100 kilos, when dyed in ordinary colors, and 60 francs per 100 kilos, when dyed in Turkey red. 343 Cotton yarn, mixed, the cotton predominating in weight.. 25.00 (A) per 100 kilos., in ad- Same duty as yarn twisted, of Same duty as unbleached Same duty as cotton yarn, Same duty as the component Same duty as unbleached cot- Same duty as unbleached yarn, with the addition of 30 francs 344 Single thread, bleached or unbleached, combed, measuring to the kilo (B) With the exc ption of No. 143 and above paying 998.41 francs per 100 kilos. (A) These duties are especially applicable to yarn twisted, of two threads; yarns twisted, of three threads, pay 0.06 franc or 0.12 franc per 1,000 meters, according as they have been submitted to a single torsion or to several torsions. CUSTOMS TARIFFS OF FRANCE-Continued. Comparative statement of the old, the conventional, and the new tariff of France, &c.-Continued. [Duties in francs and centimes.] 345 Twisted, colored, combed, measuring in the kilogram and in single 56.00 65.00 71.00 112.00 135.50 152.00 346 Twisted, combed, bleached or unbleached, measuring in the kilogram (a) All woolen yarns were prohibited in the old general tariff, with the exception of long twisted yarn, unbleached, combed, scoured, and singed, which paid a duty of 873.60 francs per 100 kilos. CUSTOMS TARIFFS OF FRANCE-Continued. Comparative statement of the old, the conventional, and the new tariff of France, &c.-Continued. [Duties in francs and centimes.] Unbleached. 16 per cent ad valorem... 16 per cent ad valorem. 16 per cent ad valorem. 16 per cent ad valorem. 16 per cent ad valorem.. |