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Not a difficulty but can transfigure itself into a triumph; not even a deformity but, if our soul have imprinted worth on it, will grow dear to us.


Miss Muloch.

There is no loss but change, no death but sin, No parting, save the slow corrupting pain Of murdered faith that never lives again. When men are rightly occupied, their amusement grows out of their work, as the color petals out of a fruitful flower; when they are faithfully helpful and compassionate, all their emotions become steady, deep, perpetual, and vivifying to the soul as the natural pulse to the body.

Death is the crown of life.


Were death denied, poor men would live in vain; Were death denied, even fools would wish to die. Young. The world needs discretion as well as zeal, and although the latter generally usurps all the honors and glories of heroism, the former does a great deal the most toward carrying on the daily affairs of society and states.

I love thee, Ocean, and delight in thee,

Henry J. Raymond.

Thy color, motion, vastness,-all the eye

Takes in from shore to shore, and on the tossing waves; Nothing escapes me, not the least of weeds

That shrivels and blackens on the yellow sands.

R. H. Stoddard. A morose nature will take especial delight in contradictions. Some people are never so well pleased as when they can gainsay what they hear, at once, and without contradiction. Eastlake.

All our loss

Would grow to more, and this our earth to heaven,
Might we but pierce unto the blessedness
That lies so near us, might we but possess

The things that are our own-as they were given! Dora Greenwell. Is not God's universe a symbol of the godlike; is not immensity a temple; is not man's history, and men's history, a perpetual evangel? Listen, and for organ-music thou wilt ever as of old, hear the morning stars sing together. Carlyle. For with affections warm, intense, refined,

She mixed such calm and holy strength of mind,
That, like heaven's image in the smiling brook,
Celestial peace was pictured in her look.



Gentility, without ability, is worse than beggary.

All is but lip wisdom, that wants experience.

Revenge a wrong by forgiving it.

Rolling stones gather no moss.

Examine your accounts and your conduct every night.

Those whom guilt contaminates it renders equal.

The biggest horses are not the best travelers.

Some are wise, and some are otherwise.

O pen confession is good for the soul.

Nothing venture, nothing have.

Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together.

Handsome is that handsome does.

U se compulsion when necessary; deception never.
N either wealth nor power can confer happiness.
Desperate cuts must have desperate cures.
Religion is an excellent armor but a bad cloak.
Everybody's business is nobody's business.
Do good, if you expect to receive good.

Count not your chickens before they are hatched.
He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin.
One man's meat is another man's poison.

I dle folks take the most pains.

Charms strike the sight; but merit wins the soul.
E very one knows best where his own shoe pinches.
Short reckonings make long friends.

Experience is the school where man learns wisdom.
Let us use, not abuse the good things of life.

E very one knows how to find fault.

Charity begins at home, but does not end there.

True valor is fire; boasting is smoke.

Ill-will never spoke well.

One stroke will not fell an oak.

Never spend your money before you have it.

Saying and doing, are two things.

Seek till you find, and you will not lose your labor.

Each one is the architect of his own character.

Replies are not always answers.

I dleness is the hot-bed of vice and ignorance.
E vil communications corrupt good manners.
Suspicion is always worse than fact.

Kosciusko Murphy, who is remarkable for his large, generous ears, has had a falling-out with Miss Esmeralda Longcoffin, towards whom he had been suspected of entertaining matrimonial intentions. Somebody asked him the other day why he and Miss Longcoffin were not out buggy-riding as much as usual, to which Kosciusko replied that he did not propose to pay buggy hire for any woman who called him a donkey. "I can't believe that Miss Longcoffin would call any gentleman a donkey?" was the reply. "Well, she didn't come right out and say I was a donkey, but she might just as well have said so. She hinted that much." "What did she say? y?" "We were out riding, and it looked very much like rain, and I said it was going to rain on us, as I felt a rain-drop on my ear, and what do you suppose she said?" "I have no idea." 'Well, she said, 'that rain you felt on your ear may be two or three miles off.""

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A deaf man lately married was asked at the club about his bride: "Is she pretty?" "No," replied the deaf gentleman. No, she is not, but she will be when her father dies."


"Is this a safe investment?" asked Brown. "Safe investment!" exclaimed the broker. "I never knew anybody who put his money into it to take it out again."


What is your income?" was once asked of a noted Parisian Bohemian. "It is hard to tell," was the reply, "but in good years I can borrow at least 10,000 francs."

During a freshet in Connecticut, one editor telegraphed to another; "Send me full particulars of the flood." The answer came: You will find them in Genesis."

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Swift's Stella, in her last illness, was told by her physician; "Madam, I hope we shall soon get you up the hill again." Ah," said she, "I am afraid before I get to the top of the hill, I shall be out of breath."

Charles Matthews, the comedian, being asked what he was going to do with his son, said he intended to make an architect of him, he could then draw houses like his father.

A worn-out parent named his first baby "Macbeth," because he murdered sleep.

Sitting Bull is credited with remarking, in a thoughtful manner: What a pity it is that our forefathers, the noble sons of the forest, failed to pass an anti-European bill early in the seventeenth century."

There is a wealthy brewer in Montreal who built a church and inscribed on it: "This church was erected by Thomas Molson at his sole expense. Hebrews XX." Some of the McGill College wags got a ladder one night and altered the inscription so as to make it read: "This church was erected by Thomas Molson at his soul's expense. He brews XX."

Young lady-" Mr. L., don't you admire 'Locksley Hall'?" Mr. L.-" Well-er-I don't know as I ever saw that building."

There is to be a post office established at Crocker, on the T. and P. R. R. As soon as the post office building is completed the rest of the town will be built.

A Sunday school teacher was exhibiting his specimen pupil to a company of visitors, and in the course of some questions propounded to elicit evidence of the child's precocity asked; "Now tell me, why does the Lord love your mother, Samuel?" "'Cause she's a sinner." "Very good; and why does she come to church on Sunday?" "'Cause she has a new bonnet almost every week."

A Scotch miss, while taking a morning walk, was accosted by a young gentleman: "What are you in search of this bright day?" "A son-in-law for my mother," was her ready


"My nephew is not content with a gig," says Mrs. Ramsbotham, "but he gets two horses, puts one before the other, and drives about the country in a tantrum."

A certain extravagant speculator, who failed soon after, informed a relation one evening, that he had that day purchased an elegant set of jewels for his dear wife, which cost him two thousand dollars. "She is a dear wife, indeed," was the laconic reply.

A youth to fortune and to fame unknown sends Dumas the manuscript of a new play, asking the great dramatist to become his collaborator. Dumas is for a moment petrified, then seizes his pen and replies: "How dare you, sir, propose to yoke together a horse and an ass?" The author by return of post: "How dare you, sir, call me a horse?" Dumas, by next mail: "Send me your play, my young friend."

Baseball seems to have been of ancient origin, for we read that Rebecca went down to the well with a pitcher and caught Isaac.

When is a lover like a tailor? When he presses his suit. What is the most dangerous kind of an assassin? A man who takes life cheerfully.

Who is the oldest lunatic on record? Time, out of mind. We travel much, yet pris'ners are,

And close confined to boot;

We with the swiftest horse keep pace,
Yet always go on foot?

A pair of spurs.

Why is coal the most contradictory article known to commerce? Because when purchased, instead of going to the buyer it goes to the cel-lar.

What is the difference between a tube and a foolish Dutchman? One is a hollow cylinder and the other a silly Hollander.

Formed long ago, yet made to-day,

I'm most employed while others sleep;
What none would like to give away,
Yet no one likes to keep?

A Bed.

What is the difference between the owner of a truck patch and a billiard marker? One minds his peas and the other his cues.

What are they, which, though always drunk, are never intoxicated? Toasts.

When is a fowl's neck like a bell? When it's rung for dinner.

Ever running on my race,

Never staying at one place,
Through the world I make my tour,

Everywhere at the same hour.
If you please to spell my name,

Back or forward 'tis the same.


Why don't Sweden have to send abroad for cattle? Because she keeps her Stock-holm.

Why is an old man's farm in Texas like the focus of a sun glass? It's a place where the sons raise meat. (sun's rays meet.)

What is the difference between a clock and a partnership? When a clock is wound up it goes; when a firm is wound up it stops.

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