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Mr Stevens, of Oregon.-I rise, Mr. President, to preBent the report of a minority of the Committee on credentials, and I will proceed to read it;


To the President of the Democratic National Convention:

Sir: We, the undersigned, members of the Committee on Credentials, feel constrained to dissent from many of the views and a large portion of the action of the majorIty of the Committee in respect to the rights of delegates to seats referred to them by the Convention, and to respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolutions:

1. Resolved, That B. F. Hallett is entitled to a seat in this Convention, as a delegate from the 5th Congressional district of the State of Massachusetts.

2. Resolved, That Johnson B. Gardy is entitled to a seat in this Convention as a delegate from the 8th Congressional district of the State of Missouri.

3. Resolved, That James A. Bayard and William G. Whiteley are entited to seats in this Convention as delegates from the State of Delaware.

4. Resolved, That the delegation headed by R. W. Johnson are entitled to seats in this Convention as delegates from the State of Arkansas.

5. Resolved, That the delegation of which George W. Bryan is chairman are entitled to seats in this Convention from the State of Texas.

6. Resolved, That the delegation of which John Tarleton is chairman are entitled to seats in this convention as delegates from the State of Louisiana.

7. Resolved, That the delegation of which L. P. Walker is chairman are entitled to seats in this Convention as delegates from the State of Alabama.

[Bylvania, 17; Delaware, 2; Maryland, 54; Virginia, 14; North Carolina, 9; Arkansas, ; Missouri, 5; Tennessee, 10; Kentucky, 10; Minnesota, 14; California, 4; Oregon, 3-100.

NAYS-Maine, 5; New Hampshire, 4; Vermont, 8}; Massachusetts, 5; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 8; New-York, 35; New-Jersey, 8; Pennsylvania, 10; Maryland, 2; Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 1; Arkansas, 1; Missouri, 4; Tennessee, 1; Kentucky, 2; Ohio, 23; Indiana, 18; Illinois, 11; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 4; Minnesota, 2-150.

Maryland, vote not voted; Tennessee, 1 vote not cast. The question then recurred on adopting the majority report. A division being called for, the vote was taken on the first resolution, admitting the original delegates from Mississip ol, which was adopted almost unanimously," 250 to 2.

The vote was then taken on the second resolution, admitting the Soulé (Douglas) Delegates from Louisiana, which resulted-Ays, 153; Nays, 98- as follows:

YEAS-Maine, 54; New-Hampshire, 44; Vermont, 4; Massachusetts, 5; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 8; New-York, 35; New-Jersey, 24; Pennsylvania, 10; Maryland, 2; Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 2; Arkansas, ; Missouri, 4; Tennessee, 2; Kentucky, 2; Ohio, 28; Indiana, 13; Illinois, 11; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 4; Minnesota, 24-158.

NAYS-Maine, 24; New-Hampshire, ; Vermont, ; Massachusetts, 8; Connecticut, 24; New-Jersey, 4; Pennsylvania, 17; Delaware, 2; Maryland, 5; Virginia, 18; North Carolina, 8; Arkansas,; Missouri, 5; Tennessee, 10; Kentucky, 10; Minnesota, 1; California, 4; Oregon, 3-98.

So the second resolution was adopted.

8. That the delegation of which Henry L. Benning is chairman are entitled to seats in this Convention as dele-mitting Col. Hindman and his colleagues (the original delegates from the State of Georgia.

The question was then taken on the third resolution, adgates) with power to cast two votes, and Mr. Hooper and 9. Resolved, That the delegation from the State of his colleagues (the contestants) with power to cast one Florida accredited to the Charleston Convention are in-vote; and providing that, if either set of delegates refuse vited to take seats in this Convention and cast the vote to take seats, the other shall be entitled to cast the whole of the State of Florida. vote of the State, (Arkansas).

The Committee presented an elaborately argued report to sustain their resolutions, which was signed by

I. I. STEVENS, Oregon, E. W. HUBBARD, Va.,
A. R. SPEER, N. J., R. R. BRIDGERS, N. C.,
H. M. NORTH, Penn., W. H. CARROLL, Tenn.,

A division of the question being called for, the President decided that the resolution was divisible.

The question was taken on the three several propositions, viz.:-1st. The admission of the Hindman delegates, which was adopted, 182 to 69. 2d. The admission of the Hooper delegates, which was adopted, 150 to 1004. 8d. On the

giving power to one set to cast the whole vote if the other set withdrew, which was adopted without a division. majority report, admitting the original delegation from

A vote was then taken on the fourth resolution of the

the State of Texas, which was adopted almost unaniBayard and Whiteley from Delaware. Adopted without diA vote was next taken on the fifth resolution, admitting vision.

In the points of difference between the ma-mously. jority and minority reports of the Committee on Credentials, I concur in the conclusions of the minority report in the cases of Georgia, Alabama, Missouri and Massachusetts.

AARON V. HUGHES, New-Hampshire. Mr. Gittings, of Maryland, presented still another report, concluding with the following resolutions :

Resolved, That so much of the majority report of the Committee on Credentials as relates to Massachusetts, Missouri, Delaware, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas, be adopted.

Resolved, That the delegation of which L. P. Walker is chairman, be, and they are hereby, declared the only regularly authorized representatives of the State of Alabama, and as such are entitled to seats in the

National Democratic Convention.

Mr. Stevens demanded the previous question, which was sustained by the Convention, and the main question was ordered, but, without taking the vote, the Convention adjourned.

When the Convention assembled on the 22d, Mr. Gittings withdrew his report, which brought the minority report proper-that of Mr. Stevens, of Oregon-first in order, and the question being put on the substitution of the whole minority report for the report of the majority, the motion was lost, 100 to 150, as follows:

YEAS-Maine, 24; New-Hampshire, ; Vermont, 13; Massachusetts, 8; Connecticut, 24; New-Jersey, 4; Penn

The sixth resolution, giving R. L. Chaffee the seat in the Massachusetts delegation contested by Mr. Hallett, was then adopted-yeas, 138, nays, lilt.

Mr. Stuart, of Michigan, at this point, made motions to reconsider each vote taken, and to lay the same on the ta

ble, it being understood that the motions were not to be put till votes on all the propositions had been taken.

The seventh resolution, declaring J. O'Fallon entitled to the seat in the Missouri delegation claimed by John B. Gardy, was then adopted-yeas, 1884, nays, 112. from Alabama, was next adopted. The eighth resolution, admitting the contesting delegates Yeas, 148; Nays, 101.

The question then being on the ninth and last resolution of the majority report, admitting both delegations from Georgia, and dividing the vote of the State between them, with the provision that, if either refused to take seats, the remaining delegates cast the vote of the State.

Before the vote was taken, Mr. Seward, of Georgia, pre

sented a communication from Col. Gardner, Chairman of
the contesting delegates from Georgia, withdrawing from
the contest, and the resolution was lost-106 to 145. The
original (seceding) delegation from Georgia, headed by
H. L. Benning, was subsequently admitted.
The President stated the next question to be upon lay-
ing upon the table the motion to reconsider the vote by
which the Convention refused to substitute the resolu-
tions reported by the minority of the Committee on Cre-
dentials for those reported by the majority of said Com-


The question being then taken by States, the motion to lay on the table was not agreed to-yeas, 113; Nays, 128 -as follows:

YEAS-Maine, 5; New-Hampshire, 8; Vermont, 41; Massachusetts, 5; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 34; New

Jersey, 8; Pennsylvania, 10; Maryland, 2; North Carolina, 1; Arkansas,; Missouri, 4; Kentucky, 2; Ohio, 23; Indiana, 13; Illinois, 11; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 4; Minnesota, 21-113. ;

NAYS-Maine, 24; New-Hampshire, 2; Vermont, Massachusetts, 8; Connecticut, 2; New-York, 35; New Jersey, 3; Pennsylvania, 17; Delaware, 2; Maryland, 6; Virginia, 15; North Carolina, 9; Arkansas, ; Missouri, 41; Tennessee, 12; Kentucky, 10; Minnesota, 1; California, 4; Oregon, 3-138.

When New-York was called, her delegates asked time to consult, but finally gave her thirty-five votes against the motion to lay upon the table, which, had it prevailed, would have precluded all further reconsideration of the subject.

The question recurred upon the motion to reconsider the vote rejecting the minority resolutions.

Mr. Cessna, of Pa., moved the previous question, which was sustained, and the question being taken by States, the motion to reconsider was rejected-103 to 149-as follows: .


can no

B. maintained and supported the Northern Democracy fcarrer the reason that they are willing to attribute to us in the f equality in the Union. The vote to-day has satisfielow the majority of the North Carolina delegates that, that eve being refused by our brethren of the Northern Democracy K, North Carolina-Rip Van Winkle, as you may call her longer remain in this Convention. The rights of sissovereig States and of gentlemen of the South have been dine openied by a majority of this body. We cannot act, as we bufconceive, in view of this wrong. I use the word "wrong"issio with no intention to reflect upon those gentlemen of the is; th Carolina delegation who differ with me or with the major any of the delegation. For these reasons, without assigning any more, as I have no idea of inflicting a speech upon this Convention, who are in no state of preparation to receive it, I announce that eight out of ten of the votes of North Carolina ask to retire.


Mr. Ewing, of Tennessee.-Mr. President, in behalf of the delegation from Tennessee, I beg leave to address this YEAS-Maine, 24; New-Hampshire, 2; Vermont, 1; Mas- Convention upon this occasion, so important, and, to us, sachusetts, 8; Connecticut, 24; New-Jersey, 4; Pennsyl- so solemn in its consequences. The delegation from Tenvania, 17; Delaware, 2; Maryland, 6; Virginia, 15; North nessee have exhibited, so far as they knew how, every disCarolina, 9; Arkansas,; Missouri, 4; Tennessee, 10; position to harmonize this Convention, and to bring its Kentucky, 10; Minnesota, 1; California, 4; Oregon, 8-labors to a happy result. They were the first, when the majority platform was not adopted, to seek for some proNAYS-Maine, 5; New-Hampshire, 3; Vermont, 4; Mas- position for compromise-something that would enable us sachusetts, 5; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 8; New- to .armonize. They have a candidate who was dear to York, 85; New-Jersey, 2; Pennsylvania, 10; Maryland, them. They cast away his prospect for the sake of har2; North Carolina, 1; Arkansas, ; Missouri, 4; Ten-mony. They have yielded all that they can. They have nessee, 2; Kentucky, 2; Ohio, 23; Indiana, 13; Illinois, 11; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 5'; Iowa, 4; Minnesota, 2



The several motions to lay on the table the question of reconsidering the votes by which each of the resolutions of the majority had been adopted, were then put and carried in the affirmative, and the several delegates who had been voted in were then admitted to seats.


Mr. Russell, of Virginia.-If it be the pleasure of your self, Mr. President and the Convention, I will now make the brief announcement of which I made mention this morning.

I will detain the Convention but a very brief time. I understand that the action of this Convention upon the various questions arising out of the reports from the Committee on Credentials has become final, complete and irrevocable. And it has become my duty now, by direction of a large majority of the delegation from Virginia, respectfully to inform this body that it is inconsistent with their convictions of duty to participate longer in its deliberations. (Loud applause in the Convention and in the galleries, with loud cries from the galleries.)

The disorder continued for some minutes, after which Mr. Russell resumed-The delegates from Virginia, who participate in this movement, have come to the conclusion which I have announced, after long, mature and anxious deliberation, and after, in their judgment, having exhausted all honorable efforts to obviate this necessity. In addition to the facts which appear upon your record, I desire the attention of this body long enough only to state that it is ascertained that the delegations to which you, sir, under the order of this Convention, have just directed tickets to be issued-some of them at least and all of them whom we regard as the representatives of the Democracy of their States-will decline to join here in the deliberations of this body. For the rest, the reasons which impel us to take this important step will be rendered to those to whom only we are responsible, the Democracy of the Old Dominion. To you, sir, and to the body over which you preside, I have only to say in addition that we bid you a respectful adieu.

The portion of the delegation from Virginia which retired then left their seats and proceeded out of the Hall, shaking hands with members of various delegations as they passed along.

Mr. Moffatt, of Virginia-made a speech in defense of his course, and that of his colleagues

who remained in the Convention.


Mr. Lander, of North Carolina.-Mr. President, painful as the duty is, it is, nevertheless, my duty to announce here, as a representative of the delegates from North Carolina, that a very large majority of them are compelled to retire permanently from this Convention on account of the unjust action, as we conceive, that has this day been perpetrated upon some of our sovereign States and fellow citizens of the South. We of the South have heretofore'

endeavored, with all their power, to accomplish the result they came here for; but they fear that the result is not to be accomplished in a manner that can render a just and proper account to their constituents. We have consulted together, and, after anxious and long deliberation, without knowing exactly what phase this matter might finally present, we have not adopted any decisive rule for our action; but a large majority of our delegates-some twenty to four -have decided that, upon the result now obtained, we shall ask leave of this Convention to retire, that we may consult and announce our final action. We shall take no further part in the deliberations of this Convention, unless our minds should change; and of that I can offer you no reasonable hope.

A PORTION OF MARYLAND WITHDRAWS. Mr. Johnson, of Maryland.--Mr. President, I am author ized by my colleagues to report the state of facts in regard to a portion of the Maryland delegation. Representing, in part, a district in Maryland upon which the first blood of the irrepressible conflict was shed, a district which sent fifteen men in midwinter to the rescue of Philadelphia and New-Jersey, we are obliged now to take a step which dissolves our connection with you, and to bid you a final adieu. We have made all sacrifices for the grand old Democratic party, whose mission it has been to preserve the Constitution and to care for the Republic for more than sixty years, until it now seems as if you were going to substitute a man in the place of principle. (Calls to order.) I desire to be respectful. I desire to say that the action of the majority of the late Convention-a majority created by the operation of a technical unit rule imposed upon the Convention contrary to Democratic precedent and usage-States have been disfranchised, and districts deprived of their rights, until, in our opinion, it is no longer consistent with our honor or our rights, or the rights of our constituents, to remain here. Cherishing deeply and warmly the remembrance of the many gallant deeds you have done for us in times past, hoping that hereafter no occasion may ever occur to weaken this feeling, I now, on behalf of the representatives of Maryland, tell you that in all future time, and in all future contests, our lot is cast with the people of the South. Their God shall be our God, and their country our country. (Applause.)

Mr. Glass, of Virginia, declined any further participation in the proceedings of the Convention, but did not indorse the action of his col leagues in withdrawing.

Mr. Watterson, of Tennessee, declined to withdraw.

CALIFORNIA WITHDRAWS-AN EXCITEMENT. Mr. Smith, of California, said: While I cannot say with the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Jones) that my Democracy dates back to that time of which I have no re collection, yet I can say that it is unspotted as the vault of heaven. California is here with melancholy faceCalifornia is here with a lacerated heart, bleeding and weeping over the downfall and the destruction of the De

mocratic party. (Applause and laughter.) Yes, sir, the destruction of the Democratic party, consummated by a assins now grinning upon this floor. (Loud cries of "order," "order," " put him out," and great confusion.)


Mr. Saulsbury did not desire to occupy the attention of the Convention but for a moment. The delegates from his State had done all in their power to promote the harmony and unity of this Convention, and it was their purpose to continue to do so. I am, however, instructed by the delegation to announce that they desire to be excused from voting on any further ballots or votes, unless circumstances should alter this determination. It is our desire to be left free to act or not act, their desire being to leave the question open for the consideration of their constituents after their return home.

Mr. Steele, of North Carolina, briefly addressed the Convention, stating that he, for the present, at least, should not retire.

After explanations and debate, the motion "Shall the main question be now put," (to go into nomination of can: didates for President and Vice-President) was carried, and the Convention adjourned.


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On Saturday (23d), Mr. Caldwell, of Kentucky, in be-sult of a consultation of a portion of the Mishalf of the delegation from that State, said:

The circumstances in which we (the Kentucky Delegation) are placed are exceedingly embarrassing, and we have not therefore been enabled to come to an entirely harmonious conclusion. The result is, however, that nine of the delegates of Kentucky remain in the Convention. (applause.) There are ten delegates who withdraw from

the Convention.

The exact character of their withdrawal is set forth in a single paragraph, with their names appended, which I desire the Secretary to read before I sit down. There are five others-completing the delegation-who desire for the present to suspend their connection with the action of this Convention. I will add here, that there may be no misunderstanding, that I myself am one of those five, and we have also signed a short paper, which I shall also ask the Secretary to read to the Convention.

I am requested by those who withdraw from the Convention, and by those who suspend their action for the present with the Convention, to say that it is their wish that their seats in this Convention shall not be filled or occupied by any others; and that no one shall claim the right to cast their votes. The right of those remaining in the Convention to cast their individual vote, is not by us questioned in any degree. But we enter our protest against any one casting our vote.

I will ask the Secretary to read the papers I have indicated, and also one which a gentleman of our delegation has handed me, which he desires to be read. I ask that the three papers be read.

souri delegation, that two of that delegation had decided to withdraw from the Convention.

Mr. Hill, of N. C., who had refused to retire with his colleagues on the previous day, now announced his intention of withdrawing.

Mr. Cessna, of Pennsylvania, called for the vote upon his resolution to proceed to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President.


Mr. Cushing resigned his post as presiding officer, in a brief speech, and left the chair.

Gov. Tod, of Ohio, immediately assumed the chair, and was greeted with enthusiastic and hearty cheers. After order was restored, he


As the present presiding officer of this Convention by common consent of my brother Vice-Presidents, with great diffidence I assume the chair. When I announce to you that for thirty-four years I have stood up in that district so long misrepresented by Joshua R. Giddings, with the Democratic banner in my hand (applause), I know that I shall receive the good wishes of this Convention, at least, for the discharge of the duties of the chair. If there are no privileged questions intervening, the Secretary will proceed with the call of the States.


The first paper read was signed James G. Leach, the writer of which animadverted in rather strong terms upon the action of the Convention, in the matter of the admission and rejection of delegates from certain States. The to present a protest. communication was regarded as disrespectful to the Convention, and, on motion of Mr. Payne, of Ohio, it was returned to the writer. The Secretary then read the other two communications from the Kentucky delegation as follows: To the Hon. Caleb Cushing, President of the National Democratic Convention, assembled in the city of Baltimore:

The Democratic Convention for the State of Kentucky, held in the city of Frankfort, on the 9th day of January, 1860, among others, adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That we pledge the Democracy of Kentucky to an honest and industrious support of the nominee of the Charleston Convention.

Since the adoption of this resolution, and the assembling of this Convention, events have transpired not then con. templated, notwithstanding which we have labored diligently to preserve the harmony and unity of said Convention; but discord and disintegration have prevailed to such an extent that we feel that our efforts cannot accomplish this end.

Mr. Butler, of Mass., addressed the chair, and desired Objection was made by Mr. Cavanaugh, of Minnesota, and the States were called on the question of proceeding to a vote for President. When Massachusetts was called, Mr. Butler said: Mr. President, I have the instruction of a majority of the delegation from Massachusetts to present a written protest. I will send it to the Chair to have it read. (Calls to order.) And further, with your leave, I desire to say what I think will be pleasant to this Convention. First, that, while a majority of the delegation from Massachusetts do not purpose further to participate in the doings of this Convention, we desire to part, if we may, to meet you as friends and Democrats again. We desire to part in the same spirit of manly courtesy with which we came together. Therefore, if you will allow me, instead of reading to you a long document, I will state, within parliamentary usage, exactly the reasons why we take the step we do.

Thanking the Convention for their courtesy, allow me to say that though we have protested against the action of this body excluding the delegates, although we are not satisfied with that action

We have not discussed the question, Mr. President, whether the action of the Convention, in excluding certain delegates, could be any reason for withdrawal. We Therefore, without intending to vacate our seats, or to now put our withdrawal before you, upon the simple Join or participate in any other Convention or organiza- ground, among others, that there has been a withdrawal tion in this city, and with the intention of again co-in part of a majority of the States, and further (and that, operating with this Convention, should its unity and perhaps, more personal to myself), upon the ground that harmony be restored by any future event, we now de- 'I will not sit in a Convention where the African slave

trade-which is piracy by the laws of my country-is approvingly advocated. (Great sensation.)

A portion of the Massachusetts delegation here retired. Mr. Stevens, of Massachusetts, said-I am not ready at this moment to cast the vote of Massachusetts, the delegation being in consultation as to their rights.

tion of the Cincinnati Platform, that, during the existence of the Territorial Governments, the measure of restetion, whatever it may be, imposed by the Federal Co tution on the power of the Territorial Legislature ove the subject of the domestic relations, as the same has been, or shall hereafter be, finally determined by the Supreme Court of the United States, should be respected by all good citibranch of the General Government. zens, and enforced with promptness and fidelity by every

The call proceeded, the chairman of each Convention making a speech on delivering the vote of his State; and Mr. Stevens finally stated that, although a portion of the Massachusetts delegation, and this resolution was adopted, with only Mr. Payne, of Ohio, moved the previous question had withdrawn, he was instructed by his remaining colleagues to cast the entire vote of the State.

two dissenting votes.


The delegates who had withdrawn from the Convention at the Front-Street Theater, to

Mr. Russell, of New York, withdrew the name of Horatio Seymour as a candidate. The following is the result of the ballotings for Presi-gether with the delegations from Louisiana and

[blocks in formation]


5 10 181 7} 51 On the first ballot, Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, received a vote from Maryland; Bocock, of Va., received 1 vote

from Virginia; Daniel S. Dickinson, + vote from Virginia;

and Horatio Seymour 1 vote from Pennsylvania. On the announcement of the first ballot, Mr. Church, of New-York, offered the following:

Resolved unanimously, That Stephen A. Douglas, of the State of Illinois, having now received two-thirds of all

the votes given in this Convention, is hereby declared, in accordance with the rules governing this body, and in accord

ance with the uniform customs and rules of former Democratic National Conventions, the regular nominee of the Democratic party of the United States, for the office of

President of the United States.

Mr. Jones, of Pennsylvania, raised the point of order, that the resolution proposed practically to rescind a rule of the Convention (requiring two-thirds of a full Convention, 202 votes, to nominate), and could not, under the rules, be adopted without one day's notice.

The Chair ruled that the resolution was in order, and after a lengthy and animated debate it was withdrawn till after another ballot should be taken. When the result of the second ballot had been announced, Mr. Church's resolution was called up again and passed.

Benj. Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, was nominated for Vice-President, receiving 198 votes, and Mr. William C. Alexander, of N. J., 1. [Mr. Fitzpatrick declined the nomination two days afterward, and the National Committee supplied the vacancy, by the nomination of Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia].

Gov. Wickliffe, of Louisiana, offered the following resolution as an addition to the Platform adopted at Charleston: Resolved, That it is in accordance with the true interpreta

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Alabama, who were refused admission to that Convention, met at the Maryland Institute on Saturday the 28th of June. Twenty-one States were represented either by full or partial delegations. The States not represented at all were Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, New-Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.

The Hon. Caleb Cushing, of Massachusetts, was chosen to preside, assisted by vice-presidents and secretaries.

The Convention adopted a rule requiring a vote of two-thirds of all the delegates present to nominate candidates for President and VicePresident; also that each delegate cast the vote to which he is entitled, and that each State cast only the number of votes to which it is entitled by its actual representation in the Convention.

The delegates from South Carolina and Florida accredited to the Richmond Convention, were invited to take seats in this.

A committee of five, of which Mr. Caleb Cushing was chairman, was appointed to address the Democracy of the Union upon the principles which have governed the Convention in making the nominations, and in vindication of the principles of the party. The Convention also decided that the next Democratic National Convention be held at Philadelphia.

Mr. Avery, of N. C., chairman of Committee on Resolutions, reported, with the unanimous sanction of the Committee, the Platform reported by the majority of the Platform Cominittee at Charleston, and rejected by the Convention, (see page 30) which was unanimously adopted.

The Convention adopted a resolution instructing the National Committee not to issue tickets of admission to their next National Convention in any case where there is a bona fide

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and the whole continent, North and South of the tropics, became a Slave-mart before the close of the sixteenth century.

proaches of conscience and humanity behind a
Papal bull, entered upon the new traffic more
tardily; but its profits soon overbore all scruples,
and British merchants were not proof against the
glittering evidences of their success.
But the
first slave ship that ever entered a North
American port for the sale of its human mer-
chandise, was a Dutch trading-vessel which
landed twenty negro bondmen at Jamestown,
the nucleus of Virginia, almost simultaneously
with the landing of the Pilgrims of the May-
flower on Plymouth Rock, December 22d, 1620.

LUST of gold and power was the main impulse of Spanish migration to the regions beyond Holland, a comparatively new and Protestant the Atlantic. And the soft and timid Abori-State, unable to shelter itself from the regines of tropical America, especially of its islands, were first compelled to surrender whatever they possessed of the precious metals to the imperious and grasping strangers; next forced to disclose to those strangers the sources whence they were most readily obtained; and finally driven to toil and delve for more, wherever power and greed supposed they might most readily be obtained. From this point, the transition to general enslavement was ready and rapid. The gentle and indolent natives, unaccustomed to rugged, persistent toil, and revolting at the harsh and brutal severity of their Christian masters, had but one unfailing resource-death. Through privation, hardship, exposure, fatigue and despair, they drooped and died, until millions were reduced to a few miserable thousands within the first century of Spanish rule in America. ノ A humane and observant priest (Las Casas,) witnessing these cruelties and sufferings, was moved by pity to devise a plan for their termination. He suggested and urged the policy of substituting for these feeble and perishing "Indians" the hardier natives of Western Af rica, whom their eternal wars and marauding invasions were constantly exposing to captivity and sale as prisoners of war, and who, as a race, might be said to be inured to the hardships and degradations of Slavery by an immemorial experience. The suggestion was unhappily approved, and the woes and miseries of the few remaining Aborigines of the islands known to us as "West Indies," were inconsiderably prolonged by exposing the whole continent for unnumbered generations to the evils and horrors of African Slavery. The author lived to perceive and deplore the consequences of his expedient.

The sanction of the Pope having been obtained for the African Slave-trade by representations which invested it with a look of philanthropy, Spanish and Portuguese mercantile avarice was readily enlisted in its prosecution

The Dutch slaver had chosen his market with sagacity. Virginia was settled by CAVALIERSgentlemen-adventurers aspiring to live by their own wits and other men's labor-with the necessary complement of followers and servitors. Few of her pioneers cherished any earnest liking for downright, persistent, muscular exertion; yet some exertion was urgently required to clear away the heavy forest which all but covered the soil of the infant colony, and grow the tobacco which early became its staple export, by means of which nearly everything required by its people but food was to be paid for in England. The slaves, therefore, found ready purchasers at satisfactory prices, and the success of the first venture induced others; until not only Virginia but every part of British America was supplied with African slaves.

This traffic, with the bondage it involved, had no justification in British nor in the early colonial laws; but it proceeded, nevertheless, much as an importation of dromedaries to replace with presumed economy our horses and oxen might now do. Georgia was the first among the colonies to resist and condemn it in her original charter under the lead of her noble founder-governor, General Oglethorpe; but the evil was too formidable and inveterate for local extirpation, and a few years saw it established, even in Georgia; first evading or defying, and at length molding and transforming the law.

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