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of the Church-Catechism

The fecond in the Creed, with the Breviat of it.

The third in the Decalogue or Moral Law expounded.

The Fourth in the Lord's Prayer, with the Explanation of it, and the Premonition before it.

The Fifth in the Close or Conclusion of this Treatise.

of the

Q. To go on with our Division, First, What are the chief Particulars first Part there. of, viz. that which concerns the Covenant ? A. They are Explanations, of 1. The Christian Name.

2. The Chriftian Benefits, &c.

2. Q. To proceed with the Second Branch; the Explication of the Christian Faith; What are the chief Particulars or Members of this Branch?

A. They are the Twelve Articles of the Creed. Hereof

Q. What is the First Article? And what is this concerning?

A. The First Article is, I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth. And this is concerning God, particularly the Father and the Work of Creation.



The Particulars of the Firßbranch.

See the Analysis.

The Particulars of the Second Brauch.



The Parti-
culars of
the Third

Q. What is the Second, the Third, &c. And what are they each concerning?

A. The Second is, And in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord. And this is concerning Christ, his Person, Natures and Offices. And fo of the rest, according to the Analysis.

3. Q. To proceed with the Third Branch, viz. that which concerns Obedience; What are the special Heads hereof?

A. They are the Ten Commandments of the Law.

Q. Hereof, first with respect to God, What is prescribed to us in the Four first Command

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of Religious

Q. And secondly with respect to Man;

What do the Six last prescribe ?

A. The fifth prescribes unto us the Du

ties of Relations.

The fixth Humanity.

The seventh Chastity.

The eighth Justice.

The ninth Veracity.

The tenth A right Affection, or inward

Love to our Neighbour.



The Particulars of the Fifth Branch.

5. Q. The Last Branch of our Division was the Explication of the Sacraments. And how is this Part divided?

A. It is distinguished into 14 Particulars.
Q. How many of these Particulars do per-

tain to both the Sacraments?

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5. Their Ends and Uses.

Q. What are those Particulars that relate to Baptism in Special?

A. The Four next, viz.

6. The outward Part or visible

Sign in Baptifm..

7. The inward Part or Spiritual Grace thereof.

8. The Qualifications required for this Sacrament.

9. A Vindication of the Baptifm of young Children.

Q. What are those Particulars that are concerning the Lord's Supper ?

A. They are the Five Last, viz.

10. The special End for which it was ordained.

11. The outward Part or Sign of the Lord's Supper.

12. The inward Part or Thing fignified therein.

13. The

13. The Benefits that Believers
receive thereby.

14. The Qualifications of such
as partake thereof.

Q. What are the general Heads, to which all these faid Particulars may be compendiously reduced?

A. They are these Three, viz.

1. Concerning the Two Sacra


ments in general.

2. Concerning Baptifm.

3. Concerning the Lord's Sup

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