that have done or wish'd us Evil, and forgive us all the Evil that we have done or wish'd to others, and reconcile us all in Love, both to thyself and one another; through him, who hath reconciled all things unto thyself, our Advocate and Mediator Jesus Christ. Amen. ! In the Morning add, Almighty God, who haft graciously preferv'd us this Night past, provide for, and protect us this Day by thy good Providence. And grant that this Day we fall into no Sin, neither run into any kind of Danger, but that all our Doings be ordered by thy Governance, to do always that is righteous in thy Sight, through Jesus Christ our Lord. In whose blessed Name and Words, we conclude these our imperfect Prayers, saying, Our Father, &. In the Evening add, Almighty God, who hast commanded thy Loving-Kindness in the Day-time, vouchsafe us, we beseech Thee, thy Protection this Night. Keep us outwardly in our Bodies, and also inwardly in our Souls; preserve us from all Adverities that may happen to our Bodies, and from all evil Thoughts which may affault and hurt our Souls, through Jesus Chrift our Saviour, in whose bieffed Name and Words, we farther pray unto Thee, as he hath taught us, saying, Our Fasher, Co. The The foregoing Form of Prayer may be fitly used at any Time of the Day, omitting the two Collects for the Morning and Evening. And these Collects of our Church, and other short Prayers that follow, may be added, at Discretion, to the foregoing Petitions, or used separately by themselves, as Occasion Shall require. A Collect or short Prayer for the Help A Lmighty God, unto whom all Hearts be open, all Defires known, and to whom no Secrets are hid, cleanse the Thoughts of our Hearts by the Inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name, through Christ our Lord. Amen. For our Regeneration. A Lmighty God, who haft given US thy only be gotten Son, to take our Nature upon him, and to be born of a pure Virgin; grant that we being regenerate, and made thy Children by Adoption and Grace, may daily be renewed by thy Holy Spirit, through our Lord Jesus Chrift, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the fame Spirit, ever one God, World without End. Amen. イ For a vertuous and godly Life. A Lmighty God, give us Grace, that we may caft the Works of Darkness, and put upon us the Armour of Light, now in the Time of this mortal Life, (in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to to visit us in great Humility) that at the last Day, when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty, to judge both the Quick and the Dead, we may rise to the Life immortal, through him, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen. Or this. A Lmighty God, who haft given unto us thine only Son, to be unto us both a Sacrifice for Sin, and also an Example of Godly Life, give us Grace, that we may always most thankfully receive that his inestimable Benefit, and also daily endeavour ourselves to follow the blessed Steps of his most holy Life, through the fame Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Knowledge and right Practice. Lord, we beseech thee mercifully to receive the Prayers of thy People, which call upon Thee, and grant that we may both perceive and know what things we ought to do, and also may have Grace and Power faithfully to fulfil the fame, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For a right and firm Faith. A Lmighty and Everlasting God, who haft gi ven unto us thy Servants Grace, by the Confession of a true Faith, to acknowledge the Glory of the Eternal Trinity, and in the Power of the Divine Majesty, to worship the Unity; we beseech thee that thou would'st keep us stedfast in this Faith, and evermore defend us from all Adversities, who livest and reignest, one God, World without End. Amen. For 1 : of Families. For a purifying Hope. 301 God, whose blefled Son was manifested, that he might destroy the Works of the Devil, and make us the Sons of God, and the Heirs of eternal Life; Grant us, we befeech Thee, that having this Hope, we may purify ourselves, even as he is pure; that when he shall appear again with Power and great Glory, we may be made like unto him, in his eternal and glorious Kingdom, where with Thee, O Father, and with thee, O Holy Ghost, he liveth and reigneth, ever one God, World without End. Amen. For Charity or holy Love. O Lord, who haft taught us that all our Doings without Charity are nothing worth; Send thy Holy Ghost, and pour into our Hearts that most excellent Gift of Charity, the very Bond of Peace, and of all Vertues, without which whosoéver liveth is counted dead before Thee: Grant this for thine only Son Jesus Christ's fake. Amen. For the Increase of those Graces, Faith, A Lmighty and Everlasting God, give unto us Increase of Faith, Hope and Charity; and that we may obtain that which thou do'st promise, make us to love that which thou do'st comfmand, through Jesus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Almighty God, who alone canft order the unruly Wills and Affections of Sinful Mea Grant unto thy People, that they may love the thing : J thing which thou commandest, and desire that which thouido'st promise; that so among the sundry and manifold Changes of the World, our Hearts may surely there be fixed, where true Joys are to be found, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. : For Deliverance from Punishments. O Lord, we beseech there favourably to heat the Prayers of thy People; we who are justly punished for our Offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy Goodness, for the Glory of thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Saviour; who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, ever one God, World without End. Amen. For the Defence of God's Providence. A Lmighty and Everlasting God, mercifully look upon our Infirmities, and in all our Dangers and Neceflities, stretch forth thy Right-Hand to help and defend us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For one that is Sick. O Lord, look down from Heaven, behold, visit and relieve this thy Servant. Look upon him with the Eyes of thy Mercy, give him Comfort and fure Confidence in Thee, defend him from the Danger of the Enemy, and keep him in perpetual Peace and Safety, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. HEAR us, Almighty and most Merciful God and Saviour; extend thy accustomed Goodness to this thy Servant, who is grieved with Sickness. Sanctify, we beseech Thee, this thy Fatherly Cor |