A. Yes. For Adam called his Wife's Name Eve, because she was the Mother (by him) of all Living, Gen. iii. 20. And from them God hath made of one Blood, all Nations of Men on the Earth. Alt.xvii. 16. Q. And does it not hence follow, that as we came from them, we are corrupt and finful Creatures, such as they in their Nature were? A. Yes. For, that which is born of the Flesh is Flesh. John iii. 6. And Job xiv. 4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. Q. How did it affect us legally? Was Adam a publick Person? A. Yes. For he was the Figure of him that was to come. Rom. V. 14. Q. And when the Covenant was made with Adam, were his Posterity included in him? A. Yes. For God always establish'd his Covenant with Men, and with their Seed after them. See Gen. ix. 9. Q. What was the Fruit and Consequence of The Sad Efthis Fall of our first Parents? Did it not bring fects thereMankind into an Estate of Sin and Misery? A. Yes. Rom. v. 12. By one Man Sin enter'd into the World, and Death by Sin, and so Death passed upon all Men, for that all have sinned. Q. Wherein consists the Sinfulness of that C and of. The Sinful nefs of fal len Man. of fallen The Misery Man. and the Corruption of his whole Nature, which commonly is called Original Sin, together with all actual Transgressions, which proceed from it. Q. More particularly and distinctly, does not this Sinfulness of Man's natural Estate confift, 1. In the Guilt of 2. In the Want of 3. In the Corruption ginal Sin? 4. In the actual Sins A. Yes. For out of the Heart proceed evil Thoughts, Murders, Adulteries, Fornications, Thefts, false Witness, Blafphemies. These are the Things which defile La Man. Mat. XV. 19,20. You see the Sinfulness; Now what is the Misery of Man's present Estate by Nature? Does not this confift, i L A. Yes. Gen. iii. 8. Adam and his Wife hid 1. In the Forfeiture v. 24. so he drove out A. Yes. Rom. i. 18. For the Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven, against all Ungodliness 2. In being fallen un- | and Unrighteousness of der the Wrath and Men. And Gal. iii. 10 Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the Book of the Law, to do them. Curse of God! 3. In being liable to Misery and Death in this World? 4. In being liable to the Pains of Hell for ever! A.Yes. For Man is born A.Yes. Ma.xxv.41. Then Devil and his Angels. Q. Now that Man is thus fallen into this State of Sin and Misery, is there any Salvation for bim by this Covenant of Law of Works? 1 2 The Nevo Covenant. The Condi A. No. For by the Deeds of the Law shall no Flesh be justified. Rom. iii. 20. Q. Is there any other Covenant which God hath made with Man for his Salvation and Recovery? A. Yes. God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting Life. John iii. 16. Q. Was not this New Covenant, whereof we are now speaking, procured and obtained for us by the Means of Jesus Christ? A. Yes. For he gave himself a Ransom for all. 1 Tim. ii. 6. Q. Is Faith the Condition of Ma's Salvation tion of it, on by this Covenant ? Man's part. A. Yes. For by Grace ye are saved, through Faith. Eph.iii. 8. Q. But must not this Faith be a practical and working Faith? A. Yes. For without Works Faith is dead. Jam. ii. 20. : Q. Is this Covenant univerfal for all that will confent unto it ? A. Yes. Rev.xxii. 17. Whosoever will, let him take of the Water of Life freely. Q. Is Baptism the Way and Means, by which The outward Believers and their Seed are admitted into the Means of fion into it. A. Yes. Act. ii. 38, 39. Repent and be baptized every one of you, for the Remiffion fion of Sins, and ye shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. For the Promise is unto you, and your Children. And Mark xvi. 16. Christ commanded his Apostles to go and teach all Nations, or make them his covenanted Disciples, by Baptizing them. Q. What are the chief Obfervables in this Part of the Catechism, concerning the Chriftian Covenant? A. They are those five that have been specified upon this Division, viz. 1. The Christian Name. 2. The Christian Privileges, &c. : Catechist. See here the Condefcenfion Applica and Love of God towards Man, in those his sion. Covenants with him; especially in this New Covenant, wherein the Pardon of our Sins, and the Salvation of our Souls is so freely offered to us. For God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself, not im-puting their Trespasses unto them. And to his Servants, the Stewardsand Dispensers of his Mysteries, he hath committed the Word of Reconciliation. Now therefore (faith S. Paul) we are Ambafladours for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled unto God. For he hath made him to be Sin for us, who knew no Sin, that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him. 7 |