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General SCHEME




HE Principal Parts that this Instruction
resolves into, are the several Explica-
tions of

I. The Christian Covenant; In the
Four Preliminary Questions.

II. The Christian Faith; In the
Creed and the Breviat of it.

III. The Christian Obedience; In
the Moral Law expounded.

IV. The Christian Prayer In the
Lord's Prayer explained, and
the Premonition before it.

V. The Chriftian Sacraments; In the
Conclusion of this Treatise.

A 2


To go on with this Division; The First Branch thereof is concerning the Chriftian Covenant; see Chap. 1. in the following Exposition. And this expatiates and spreads itself to the Shewing of Five Particulars, viz.

1. The Baptismal Name.

N. or M. See Sect.1.

To be a Member of

2. The Baptismal Be Christ; a Child of God; nefits. and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven.


3. The Baptismal Duties or Conditions of those Benefits.


Sect. 2.

To renounce the Devil and all his Works; to believe all the Articles of the Chriftian Faith; and to keep God's Holy Will and Commandments, &c. Sect. 3.

Thou art verily bound

4. Our Obligations to to believe and do, as they perform those Duties.

(thy Sureties) have promis'd for thee (in thy Baptifm.)

Sect. 4.


And I heartily thank our Heavenly Father, for that he hath called me into this State of Salvation, through Jesus Christ our

5. Some Means and Helps whereby you may perform them, especially these | Saviour. And I pray untwo, viz. Thankfulness and


to God to give me his Grace, that I may continue in the same unto my Life's End.

Sect. 5.

II. The


And the Parti

II. The Second Branch of our Division is concerning the Christian Faith; see Chap. 2. culars herein contained are the 12 Articles of the Creed. Hereof,

1. The First is concerning I believe in God the God, particularly the Fa- Father Almighty, Maker ther, and the Work of Crea- | of Heaven and Earth. tion.

2. The Second concerning Christ, his Person, Na. tures and Offices.

3. The Third concerning his Incarnation and Nativity.

4. The Fourth concerning his Sufferings, Death and Burial, as also his departure into the invisible World, or Ades.

5. The Fifth concerning the Resurrection of his Body.

6. The Sixth concerning his Ascension and Exaltation.

7. The Seventh concerning his Coming to judge the World

Sect. 1.

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8. The Eighth is concerning God the Holy Ghost, his Divinity and Office.

9. The Ninth is concern

ing the People or Church of

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The Holy Catholick

God, and one special Privi-Church, the Communion

lege of the sound Members of Saints.

of it.

Sect. 9.

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All these Articles have respect to the Three Persons in the Undivided Deity. And so they are all reduced to these Three Heads in general, viz.

1. Of God the Father, and the Work of Creation.
2. Of God the Son, and the Work of Redemption.

3. Of God the Holy Ghost, and the Work of Sanctifi



III. The Third Branch of our Division is concerning Obedience, Chap. 3. And this contains in it the Ten Commandments of the Law. Hereof,

1. The First is concerning

the right Object of our Wor-other Gods but me.

Ship, viz. the only True God.

Thou shalt have no

Sect. 1.

2. The


2. The Second concerning the Means or Matter of God's Worship.

3. The Third concerning the right Manner of his Worship.

4. The Fourth concerning the Special Time of his Worship.

Thou shalt not make to thyself any Graven Image, nor the Likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, &c. S. 2.

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord, &c. Sect. 3.

Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath Day; Six Days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do, &c. S.4.


These first Four Commandments, which are called the first Table, are a Holy Institution of our Duty towards God. And the Sum thereof is what is meant in the First Commandment, viz. To love him with all our Heart, with all our Soul, with all our Strength, and with all our Mind. This, as our Saviour tells us, is the First and great Commandment. And so as a Captain it leads on the Van. But to proceed:

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8. The Eighth of Justice. | Thou shalt not steal.

Sect. 7.

Sect. 8.

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