Q. You see then that Parents may covenant for their Children; that they may do this by Deputies, or Persons substituted in their Stead, and that actually they do this in the Baptism of their Children; who promise by them, their Covenant Part and Duty; even to renounce the Devil and all his Works, &c. Do you not think then that by this their Promise, they are bound to perform all the said Christian Duties? A. Yes. Ecc. V. 4, 5. When thou vowest a Vow unto God, defer not to pay it. Better it is that thou shouldst not vow, than that thou shouldst vow and not pay. tion. Catechist. Let the Confideration of all these wighty Reasons; the Command of Applica God, our Interest and our Promises, effeCtually prevail upon us to believe and do as we have promised. If we act contrary to all these Obligations, we shall incur the Guilt, not only of Disobedience against our highest Lord, but also of Cruelty against our own Souls; and both will be aggravated with Perfidy and Hypocrisy. Wherefore, as we ever hope to bePartakers of God's Promises, let us diligently apply ourselves to perform the Conditions of them, eschewing those things that are contrary to our Profession, and following all such things as are agreeable to the fame, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Sect. Sect. 5. Of the Means to perform our Baptismal Vow and Duty. - And by God's Help so I will: And I heartily thank our Heavenly Father, for that he hath called me to this State of Salvation, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. And I pray unto God to give me his Grace, that I may continue in the fame unto my Life's End. Catechist. You are here directed to fome Means and Helps for the Performing of those Duties to which you are so obliged. And first, considering the Obligations that lie upon you both from Interest and Duty, to believe and do as you have promised, you must stedfastly resolve upon it. For a firm Resolution will help you much in your Endeavours. But confidering withal, how impotent and weak we are, not fufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves, and that all our Sufficiency is of God, you must purpose and promise nothing but by his Grace and Help. For the obtaining whereof, you must be heartily thankful to him for the Mercies that you have received; particularly for his calling you into the Christian Church and Covenant, wherein the Means of Grace and Salvation are afforded you. Whereas, with many others, you might have been without God, and without Hope in the World. Such distinguishing Grace and Mercy in your Christian Vocation, should be always remembred by you with Love and Thankfulness to God. And you muft must humbly pray unto him for his Grace and Holy Spirit, to prevent, assist, and make you perfect in your Duty. For it is he that worketh in us, both to will and to do of his good Pleasure. By his preventing Grace he gives us the Will; By his assisting Grace he gives us Strength and Power; and by his confummating Grace, he gives the Act or Accomplishment. The Questions and Answers. Q. By what Way or Means do you purpose to How we may perform what you promised in your Baptism? perform our Do you expect to do this by your own Strength Duties. and Power? Baptismal A. No. For we are not sufficient of our- Not by selves to do any thing as of ourselves. 2 Cor. Strength. iii. 5. Q. Do you purpose and hope to do it by the But by Gods Assistance and Grace of God? A. Yes. For he hath said, My Grace is sufficient for thee. 2 Cor. xii. 9. Q. But to perform the promis'd Duty, What must be done by yourself on your Part? Must you heartily refolve upon it ? Alfistance. A. Yes. Pf.cxix. 106. I have sworn, and Means to be will perform it, that I will keep thy righ- used by us. teous Judgments. Q. Must this Resolution be made upon good 1. ResoluGrounds? A. Yes. Or else it will soon vanish like the Morning Dew. Q. What 110n. 2. Thank Q. What are the Grounds or Reasons for founding such a Resolution? A. They are these three in general, viz. 3. Our Vow or Promise. Upon all Q. Is it not a great Mercy that you are called to be a Christian? A. Yes. For hereby I am translated out of the Kingdom of Darkness, into the Kingdom of God's dear Son. Col. i. 13." Q. Is not this a just Matter and Cause of Thankfulness to God? A. Yes. Col. i. 12. Giving Thanks unto the Father, who hath made us meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. Q. And is not this Thankfulness a Means of fulness. farther Grace and Mercy? 3. Frayer. A. Yes. For to every one that hath, (being thankful for it) more shall be given, and he shall have Abundance, Mat. XXV.29. Q. And is not Prayer also another special Means of Grace ? A. Yes. For Christ hath said, Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Luk. xi. 9. Q. What Help may we expect from God by which God seeking it in these Means? Do's he not afford us, The Help affords us. 1. His preventing Grace? A. Yes. Heb.viii. 10. He writes his Law in our Hearts. 2. His affifting Grace? A. Yes. It is he that 3. His perfecting and completing Grace? Catechist. Seeing then that Salvation is Applice freely offer'd us upon theGospel-Terms, viz. im Repentance, Faith, and Evangelical or New Obedience, with sufficient Means and Helps, whereby we may perform them, let us heartily bless God for these inestimable Blessings. 'Tis a peculiar Love wherewith he hath loved us, in vouchsafing us these Privileges. He hath not dealt so with all Nations; As for the Heathens they have not known him; Praise ye the Lord. And being that earnest Prayer is one special Means of Grace, let us diligently seck it of him in the Use of this holy Ordinance, that by his Grace preventing us, he would incline our Will, by his Grace assisting us, he would give us Strength and Power, and by his perfecting completing Grace, bring this Power into Act; and supply us with Help continually, according to our Needs, till we arrive at the Perfection attainable in this Life. CHAP. |