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These Six last Commandments, which are called the Second Table, are a Righteous Institution of our Duty towards our Neighbour. And the Sum thereof is what is meant in the last Commandment, viz. To love him as ourselves. This, as our Saviour tells us, is the Second great Commandment; and so as a Lieutenant it brings up the Rear.

IV. The Fourth Branch of our Division is that which concerneth Prayer, Chap. 4. And here you are pre-instructed in the Reasons and Grounds of Prayer, the Ufe of it, and some necessary Properties, or Qualifications of it, namely, Constancy and Diligence.

These are the subject Matters of that preparatory Instruction, (Saying, My good Child, know this, that thou art not able of thyself to do these things, &c.) And then you are called upon to say the Lord's Prayer asfolloweth. Our Father, which art in Heaven, &c.

This most admirable Form of Prayer is called the Lord's Prayer, because it was composed by our Bleffed Lord himself, to be a Pattern of Prayer ; according to which, and also a Form of Prayer, by, or with which, we ought to pray. And 'tis reducible to Four Parts, viz.

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Hallowed be thy Name.

2. Some Petitions that Thy Kingdom come.

more immediately relate! Thy Will be done in

to God.


Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Sect. 2.

Give us this Day our daily Bread.

3. Some Petitions that | And forgive us our Trefmore immediately respect ourselves.

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passes, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into | Temptation, &c. Sect. 3.

For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever, Amen. Sect. 4.

And to teach you what it is that you desire in this Prayer, it is briefly explained to you in this Part of our Catechism.

V. The Fifth Branch thereof is concerning the Christian Sacrament, viz. Baptism and the Lord's Supper, see Chap. 5. And the Matters contained therein are all the following Particulars, viz.

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Given unto us, ordain

To be a Means whereby we receive the fame 5. Their Ends and U-(viz. Spiritual and infes. ward Grace) and also a Pledge to assure us there

6. The Outward Part or Sign of Baptism in particular.

7. The Inward Part or Spiritual Grace of Baptifm.



Water, wherein the Person is baptized, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

A Death unto Sin and a New Birth unto Righteousness; for being by Nature born in Sin, and Children of Wrath, we are hereby made Children of Grace.

Repentance, whereby they forsake Sin; and Faith, whereby they sted

8. The Qualifications of such as are to be bap-fastly believe the Promises of God made to them in that Sacrament.



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Altho' by reason of their tender Age they cannot perform them (i.e. Faith and Repentance) yet they promise them

both by their Sureties, which Promise when they come to Age, themselves are bound to perform.

10. The

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The continual Remembrance of the Sacrifice of the Death of Christ, and of the Benefits that we receive thereby.

Bread and Wine which, the Lord hath commanded to be received.

The Body and Blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the Faithful in the Lord's Supper.

The Strengthning and refreshing of our Souls by the Body and Blood of Christ, as our Bodies are by the Bread and Wine. To examine themselves whether they repent them truly of their former Sins, stedfastly purpofing to lead a new Life, have a lively Faith in God's Mercy through Christ, with a thankful Remembrance of his Death, and be in Charity with all Men.

All these Points of Doctrine concerning the Christian Sacraments, are diftinctly contained and taught you in this Part of your Catechism. But as some of these Particulars are common to both the Sacraments, some proper to one, others to the other of them; they are all reducible to these Three Heads, viz.

I. Con


I. Concerning the two Sacraments in general. See Sect.1.

II. Concerning Baptism,

III. Concerning the Lord's Supper,

Sect. 2.

Sect. 3.


These are the Points and Principles that the Catechism consists of, and into which it is refolvible. It immediately resolves itself into Five special Parts, and each of these into several less Particulars: The First into Five. The Second into Twelve. The Third into Ten. The Fourth into Four. The Fifth into Fourteen, or more compendiously into Three. And fo the Catechism presents itself in the Similitude of a Tree. The whole Catechism is as the whole Tree. The five first Parts are as so many Master-Limbs; and the Particulars of those Parts are as so many Smaller Branches. And they are here first exhibited in their Dependencies and proper Places, in order to a fuller and methodical Explication of them, in the following Manner. But to apply this more familiarly to the Capacities of the Young and Ignorant, I shall propound it Catechetically, by way of Question and Answer.



The Divifi

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See the A


The Questions and Answers.

Q. What are the Principles or chief Parts of this Catechism?

A. They are those five that have been specified in the Analysis, viz. The several Explications of

I. The Christian Covenant.

2. The Christian Faith, &c.

Q. In what Place of your Catechism have

you these chief Parts thereof?

A. The first is contained in the four

Preliminary Questions.






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