Philosophical Approaches to Literature: New Essays on Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century TextsWilliam E. Cain Bucknell University Press, 1984 - Всего страниц: 257 This volume presents eleven new essays that reveal how significant nineteenth-and twentieth-century writers have drawn from, and in some cases, opposed major trends in philosophy. Essays in this collection deal with Tennyson, Coleridge, Woolf, Faulkner, De Quincey, Beckett, romance as a genre, the state of contemporary literary theory as shaped by the writings of Wittgenstein, Ricoeur and Derrida, and other topics. |
27 | |
Some Lyric Examples | 51 |
Antinomy and Irony in De Quinceys Sir William Hamilton | 73 |
Philosophys Copernican Revolution and American Literary Dialectics | 91 |
Dickens and Thackeray Woolf and Beckett | 117 |
Virginia Woolf and the Prose of the World | 140 |
As I Lay Dying | 165 |
Paul Ricoeur and the Ironic Style of Postmodern Criticism | 183 |
Wittgenstein and the Question of Criteria in Literary Criticism | 202 |
Marx after Derrida | 227 |
Select Bibliography | 247 |
Contributors | 253 |
255 | |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Addie Addie's analogy association Beckett become characters Chicago claim closure Coleridge Coleridge's complete concept consciousness criteria cultural Dalloway death deconstruction Derrida dialectical discourse E. M. Forster Emerson essay existence experience F. R. Leavis fact Faulkner fiction figure final Hegel human idea ideal identity Idle Tears imagination interpretation irony Jacques Derrida Kant language Lay Dying Leavis linguistic Literary Criticism literary texts literature logic London Malone Malone Dies Marx Marx's meaning metaphor metaphysics metaphysics of presence mind narrative narrator Nietzsche novel object paradox past Paul Ricoeur Phenomenology Phenomenology of Spirit philosophy poem poet poetic poetry possible practice present problem question Quincey Quincey's reader reading relation representation rhetoric Ricoeur romance Samuel Taylor Coleridge seems self-conscious sense story structure suggests Tennyson theory things tion Tithonus trans Trobe truth Ulysses understanding University Press Virginia Woolf voice Wittgenstein words writing York
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