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Peace proposals and our conduct of the war. Economist, 82:254. Feb. Probleme (Le) de la paix. L. von Buck. R. pol. int., 1915:231. Nov.-Dec. Recent war news. Our foreign and commercial policy. Economist, 82: 214. Feb.

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Reconstitution (La) de l'Europe. D'après la livre de A. H. Fried. La Paix par le droit, 25:560.

Volk (Das) in Waffen einst und jetzt. A. von Janson. Deutsche Runds., 42 (4):140. Jan.

War economics. F. W. Pethick Lawrence. Economic J., 26:512. Dec. Warum Mitteleuropa? Paul Rohrbach. Österreichische Runds., 46:1. Jan. Wofür kämpfen Frankreich und Russland noch? Freiherr von Jettel. Deutsche R., 41(1):34. Jan.

Fiore, Pasquale. Pasquale Fiore. E. Catellani. R. di diritto internazionale, 9:141. Aug.

Great Britain. Integrity (The) of the empire: The offer of Cyprus to Greece. Sir Francis Piggott. 19th Century, 79:240. Jan.

Germany. Ambigüité de la dénationalisation allemande. A. W. Clunet, 43:69. Aus der Altdeutschen Gedankenwelt. Fritz Endres. Süddeutsche Monatshefte, 1915:255. Nov.

Deutsche Reisziele nachbar. Jos. Hofmiller. Süddeutsche Monats., 9 (4):526. Nov., 1915.

Droit pour l'état belligérant de punir les individus appartenant à l'armée selon le point de vue allemand. Beling. Clunet, 43:72.

Germany and cotton. W. J. Ashley. Atlantic, 117:110. Jan.

Sicherung (Die) unserer Zukunft. Max von Guiber. Süddeutsche Monats., 9(4):49. Oct.

Staatsverträge der deutschen Bundesstaaten über die Bestrafung von Forstfrevein und ähnlichen Vergegungen. Karl Neumeyer. Z. für Völkerrecht, 9:310.

Haiti. Assassination and intervention in Haiti. Geo. Marvin. World's Work, 31: 404. Feb.

Industrial Property. Règles temporaires, en raison de l'état de guerre, en matière de propriété industrielle. Clunet, 43:88.

International Law. Acquisición de bienes inmuebles por los estados extranjeros. Carlos M. Kier. R. Diplomatica y Consular Argentina, 1:31. Nov., 1915.

Belgische (Die) Volkskrieg und Art. 1 und 2 der Haager Landkriegsordnung.

Karl Strupp. Z. für Völkerrecht, 9:281.

De la personalité morale des nations. E. Boutroux. Clunet, 43:60. Force (The) of precedent in international law. James Parker Hall. Int. J. of Ethics, 26:149. Jan.


Guerre (La) actuelle et le droit des gens. A. Pillet. R. gén. de dr. int. pub.

Idees (Les) des professeurs de droit et d'économie politique des Universités de l'Allemagne. George Blondel. Bul. Men. de la Sociéte de Législation comparée, 45:68. Jan.-March.

Internationaal (Het) privaatrecht en de oorlog. Josephus Jitta. Vrede door Recht, 16:294. Dec.

Kriegsgefangenen (Die) und das internationale Recht. Julius von Wlassics. Z. für Völkerrecht, 9:275.


Legge naturale e diritto internazionale. La Civilta Catolica, 1915(4):513.

Neutrality and international law. Amos S. Hershey. Int. J. of Ethics, 25:168. Jan.

Politische Gleichgewicht. Funfter völkerrechtlicher Brief. A. von Kirchenheim. Deutsche R., 40(4):308. Dec.

Questioni di diritto internazionale relative alla presente guerra, esaminate e discusse nelle principali Riviste giurdiche della Germania. D. Anzilotti. R. di diritto int., 9:185.

Représailles (Des) dans la guerre allemande par l'asphyxie et les liquides enflammés. Clunet, 49:126.

Situation (La) internationale. Yves Guyot. J. des Economists, 75:3. Jan. Uti possidetis. José Léon Suárez. R. Diplomática y Consular Argentina, 1:1915.

Völkerrecht für weitere Kreise. Von Staatsanwalt Knorr. Z. für Völkerrecht, 9:340.

Völkerrechtswidridge Führung des belgischen Völkskriegs. Z. für Völker

recht, 9:376.

Deutsche R., 40(4):

Zukunft (Die) des Völkerrechts. Karl von Stengel. 293. Dec., 1915. International Law Societies. Sociedad (La) Argentina de derecho Internacional. Ernesto Restrelli. R. Diplomática y Consular Argentina, 1 :61. Nov., 1915.

Sociedad (La) Cubana de derecho internacional. Juan C. Zamora. Cuba Contemporánea, 10:76. Jan.

Sociedad Ecuatoriana de derecho Internacional. Boletin del Ministerio de Relaciones (Ecuador), December, 1915:817.

Japan. America and Japan. Baron Eiichi Shibusawa. Century, 91:541. Feb.
Literary and Artistic Property. Restrictions âpportées par la législation spéciale de
la guerre à la production des œuvres intellectuelles. Clunet, 43:81.
Luxemburg. Luxemburg and the war. Francois Gribble. Edinburgh R., 223:121.

Maritime Law. Blockade (The) of Germany-statistics and policy. Economist, 82:166. Jan.


Buitrecht (Het) ter Zee. J. Van der Flier. Vrede door Recht, 16:307.

Caractère légitime et nécessitaire du blocus maritime exercé par les alliés dans la guerre actuerre. Clunet, 43:48.

Diplomatics (The) and the economics of the blockade of Germany. Economist, 82:123. Jan.

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Durchsungen (Die) neutraler Schiffe durch saglische Behörden. H. Wittmaack. Deutsche R., 41(1):105. Jan.

Empleo (El) de submarinos en la guerra maritima. Moreno Isadoro. R. Diplomática y Consular Argentina, 1:48. Nov., 1915.

Freiheit (Die) der Meere. Otto Maas. Süddeutsche Monatshefte, 1915: 233. Nov.

Neutral countries and sea commerce. Sir Alfred Hopkinson. Edinburgh R., 223:159. Jan.

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Protestation américaine contre le traitement imposé aux navires neutres par l'Angleterre dans la guerre actuelle. Clunet, 43:339.

Ravitaillement de l'ennemi par le moyen des navires neutres. P. Clunet, 43:33.

Submarine (The) in war. Robt. Wilden Neeser. Scribners, 59:39. Jan. Under-sea war against merchantmen. Frankfürter Zeitung, Feb. 25, 1916; N. Y. Times, Mch. 1, 1916.

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War (The), the blockade policy officially explained and the Baralong incident. Economist, 82:50. Jan.

Zur Lehre des internationalem Wasserrechts. Dr. Lederle. Annalen des Deutschen Rechts, 48:598.

Monroe Doctrine. Doctrine (La) de Monröe. E. Gonault. R. pol. et parl., 85:401. Dec.

Morocco. Traité (Le) Franco-Espagnol du 27 novembre 1912 concernant Morocco. R. gén. de dr. int. pub., 22:433. Nov.-Dec.

Pan America. Effect (The) of the war on Pan-American co-operation. Senhor Manoel de Oliveira Lima. Advocate of Peace, 78:13. Jan.

Effects of world war on Central and South America. Walter Scott Penfield. Advocate of Peace, 78:20. Jan.

Estados (Los) Unidos y la América Latina. Angel Monjas. España y América, 14:300. Feb.

Intromisión (La) de los extranjeros en nuestros asuntos domésticos. Mario Gueral Moreno. Cuba Contemporanea, 7:137. Feb., 1915.

Inviolabilidad (La) del continente Americano. S. Perez Triana. Cuba Contemporánea, 8:323. Aug., 1915.


Our Latin-American policy. Richard Olney. N. Amer. R., 203:185.

Pan (The) American Union and Peace. John Barrett. Advocate of Peace, 78:7. Jan.

Pan Americanism as a lesson for Europe. Alfred H. Fried. Advocate of Peace, 78:17. Jan.

Pan American Scientific Congress.

Address by Ambassador Suarez of Chile before

the Second Pan American Scientific Congress, December, 1915. Pan American

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Address of Honorable Robert Lansing before the Second Pan American Scientific Congress December, 1915. Pan American M., 22:261.

Pan American Scientific Congress. John H. Cornyn. Pan American M., 22:166.

Second Pan American Scientific Congress. J. M. Chapple. National M., 43:768. Feb.

Papacy. Benoit XV et la rôle internationale de la papauté. Yves de la Brière. Etudes, 146:145, 312.

Persia. Germans (The) in Persia. Robert Machray. Fortnightly, 96:342. Feb. Persia and the allies. E. J. Dillon. Contemporary, 99:315. March. Prizes. "Kim" (The) case. H. Reason Pyke. Law Q. R., 32:50. Jan.

Prisengerecht Hamburg. Der Fall "Glitra." Der Fall "Maria.”

Fall "Indian Prince." Z. für Völkerrecht, 9:399.


Tribunaux (Les) de prises en Grèce. Leur constitution, leur fonctionnement et leur jurisprudence. St. P. Séfériades. R. gén. de dr. int. pub., 23:31. Rumania. Politische und unpolitische Erinnerungen aus Rumanien. Deutsche R., 41(1):90. Jan.

Switzerland. Stellung (Die) der neutralen Schweiz zu Deutschland im Weltkriege. Johannes Wendland. Grenzboten, 75(1):37.

Treaties. Timor. Interpretazione dei trattati. R. di diritto int., 9:211.

Questiones de protocole. Maréchal de la Cour. R. Diplomatica y Consular Argentina, 1:37. Nov., 1915.

Colombian (The) treaty. By Latin American. N. Amer. R., 203:55. Jan. Pending (The) treaty with Colombia. Edwin Maxey. Review of Reviews (N. Y.), 53:191. Feb.

Triple Alliance. Kritik des Dreibundvertrag. Wilhelm Franknor. Deutsche R., 41 (1):13. Jan.

Entstehungs (Die) Geschichte des Dreibundvertrags. Wilhelm Franknoi. Deutsche R., 40(4):241. Dec.

Turkey. Capitulations (Les) Ottomanes. Kémal Hilmy. R. pol. int., 1915:252.


United States. "Bankrupt diplomacy." An address February 15, 1916, by Elihu
Root. Review of Reviews (N. Y.), 53:298. March.

Manifest destiny in America. H. M. Chittenden. Atlantic, 117:48. Jan.
Protection of American citizens. David Jayne Hill. N. Amer. R., 203:381.


Vienna, Congress of. Carl Bertuch's Tagebuch vom Wiener Kongress. Hans Müller. Deutsche Runds., 42(1):86. Jan.

War. Krieg und Charakterveredlung. H. von Beaulieu. Friedens Warte, 18:9. Jan.

Selbstverwaltung und Kriegswirtschaft. Ernst Gunther. Deutsche Runds., 42 (1):1. Jan.



The rights and duties incident to neutrality is a branch of international law that is of comparatively recent growth. Still the distinction between belligerent nations and neutral nations and between enemy goods and neutral goods has been recognized from quite early times. In the wellknown collection of maritime law known as the Consolato del Mare, which made its appearance in the fourteenth century, the rule is laid down that enemy goods on neutral ships are liable to capture, but neutral goods on enemy ships must be restored to their owner. This rule evidently assumes also the existence at that time of the belligerent right to visit and search neutral vessels.1

But it seems that not until the time of Grotius was any attempt made to lay down a rule regarding the duty of neutrals toward belligerents. In his great work published in 1625 he does not, however, use the terms "neutrals" and "neutrality," but in a very brief chapter refers to those whom he calls qui in bello medii. He also was far from recognizing the modern rule of strict impartiality, and distinguished between the obligations of a neutral toward a belligerent waging a just war and one waging an unjust war.2 But a far more important distinction drawn by Grotius was that relating to the kind of goods belonging to a neutral which were susceptible of capture by a belligerent. In this he may be said to have laid the basis for the modern law of "contraband"


1 "The ancient rule of the Consolato del Mare, in recognizing the right to capture enemy's property on neutral vessels evidently recognizes the belligerent right of visitation and search for the purpose of ascertaining the proprietary interest."Wheaton, Hist., p. 145.

2 "It is the duty of neutrals [qui in bello medii] to do nothing which may strengthen the side which has the worst cause, or which may impede the motions of him who is carrying on a just war; and in a doubtful cause, to act alike to both sides in permitting transit, in supplying provisions, in not helping persons besieged."-De Jure Belli et Pacis, Bk. III, ch. XVII, 3 (Whewell's translation).

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