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Destroying neutral vessels; the case of the William P. Frye. Edwin Maxey. American L. R., 50:442. May.

Freedom of the seas. Arthur James Balfour. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:719. July.


Freedom (The) of the seas. Th. Baty. War and Peace, 3:37.

Freedom (The) of the seas. H. Lowes Dickinson. War and Peace, 3:56.

Freedom (The) of the seas. H. Sidebotham. Atlantic, 118:261. Aug.

Guerre (La) commerciale sous-marine. Les torpillages du Lusitania, de l'Arabic, de l'Ancona et du Persia. Les protestations des États-Unis et les concessions de l'Allemagne. J. Perrinjaquet. R. gén. de dr. int. pub., 23:117. Inviolability of neutral waters. Irish Law T., 50:150. June.

Interference with American trade abroad. T. J. Walsh. Case and Comment, 22:911. April.

Neutral ships and belligerent envoys. Law Notes, 19:238. March.
Neutrality and war zones. American L. R., 50:461. May.

Nouveaux (Les) facteurs de la guerre navale. Ct. A. Poidlone. Nouvelle R., 24(1):95. July.

Protestations des pays neutres à l'occasion des mesures de défense économiques et le blocus des alliés contre allemagne. Clunet, 43:555.

Ravitaillement de l'ennemi par le moyen des navires neutres. P. Clunet,


Should the submarine be used in warfare upon commerce? Virginia Law R., 3:573. May.

Status of armed merchant ships. Columbia L. R., 16:496. June. Mexico. Last phase in Mexico. Henry Lane Wilson. Forum, 56:257. Sept. Mexico's threat of war. Texts of notes. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:616. July.

Passing of the Mexican crisis. Texts of notes regarding Carrizal incident. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:834. Aug.


Problem (The) under the Declaration of Paris. Harvard L. R., 29:851.

United States (The) and Mexico. R. of R., 54:13. July.

What war with Mexico means. World's Work, 32:425. Aug.

Monroe Doctrine. Monroe (The) Doctrine: its past and present status. Roger B. Merriam. Political Q., No. 7:17.

Nationality. Acquisition et perte de la nationalité à la suite de modifications territoriales. F. B. Edwards. Clunet, 43:466.

Congres (La) des nationalités. Clunet, 43:1382.

Deserteur (Le) français naturalisé Suisse. A. Waurin. Clunet, 43:415. Principe (La) des nationalités et la Belgique. Jules Destree. La Grande R., 89:385. May.

Theory (The) of nationalities. Conrad Bornhac. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:677. July.

Neutrality. Ignominious neutrality. Phillip Marshall Brown. N. Amer. R., 204:185. Mediationsrecht (Das) der Neutralen. Heinrich Lammasch. Österreichische Z. f. offentl. Recht, 2:205.

Neutrality in Northern Europe. Bishop Bury. 19th Century, 80:48. July. Preliminary test of neutrality. A. H. Putnam. Yale L. J., 25:481. April. Pan-American Scientific Congress. Review of the legal results of the Pan-American Scientific Congress. A. H. Robbins. Central L. J., 82:227. March.

Peace. Rebuilding the foundations of international peace. Oscar Strauss. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:905. Aug.

Petrolite, The. Attack (The) on the Petrolite. Text of American note. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:950. Aug.

Poland. Future (The) of Poland. J. Coudurier de Chassaigne. Fortnightly, 100:246. Aug.

Pope, The. Within what limits the Pope can be admitted to the Peace Congress. Eugenio Valli. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:711. July.

Portugal. Portugal. Maximillian Harden. Die Zukunft, 24:213. March.

Requisition (Les) des navires allemands en Portugal. J. Basdevant. R. gén. de dr. int. pub., 23:268.

Prisoners. Treatment of prisoners in Germany. Francis Gribble.

80:73. July.

19th Cent.,

Prizes. Cour (La) de prises maritime de Calcutta. P. Clunet, 43:1158.
French prize decisions. Norman Bentwich. Law J., 51:249. May.
Jurisprudence en matiere de prises maritimes. Guerre de 1914, France.
R. gén. de dr. int. pub. Jurisprudence 23:1.

Law of the prize court. A study of the legal character and sources of British prize law. H. R. Pyke. Law Q. R., 32:144. April.

Neutral cargoes in British prize courts. W. Freeman. Law and Bank, 9:12. Feb.

Some notes on the decisions of the French prize courts. C. J. Colombis. J. of Society of Comp. Legislation, 16:300. July.

Zamora (The) judgment. H. R. Pyke. J. of Society of Comp. Legislation, 16:102. July.


Zamora (The) judgment. Sir Francis Piggott. 19th Century, 80:155.

Red Cross. Guerre, blessés et malades, organisation et fonctionnement de l'assistance aux malades et blessés. Raymond Robin. R. gén. de dr. int. pub., 23:302. Requisitions. Requisition of personal service and the laws of war. Law Times, 140:316.

Russia. Wie Russland zu Bessarabien kam. Dr. Freiherr v. Jettel. Deutsche R., 41:(2):1. April.

Spain. Espagne (L') et le conflit européen. Raymond Lantier. Mercure, 116:238. July.

Problemas (Las) de España y la guerra Europea. Eloy Luis André. Nuestro Tiempo, 16:5. April.

Switzerland. Incident (L') du drapeau allemand à Lausanne. Clunet, 43:541.
Suisse (La) centre diplomatique. Clunet, 43:497.

Suisse. Outrage à l'ecussion et au drapeau du consulat d'Allemagne a Lausanne. R. gén. dr. int. pub., 23:340.

Trading with Enemy. Trading with the enemy amendment act. Frank Evans.

Law Q. R., 32:249. July.

United States. America's creed of war and peace. Address of President Wilson, before the League to Enforce Peace, May 27, 1916. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:736. July.


America's international relations. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:646.

America's part in the great war. Geo. Stanley. Forum, 56:129. Aug.
Congress and the war. Quarterly R., 226:196. July.

Diplomatische (Die) Vorgeschichte des Kreiges der Vereinigten Staaten gegen Spanien. Baron Hengelmüller. Deutsche R., 42:(2)93. April.

Economic influence of the war on the United States. E. K. A. Seligman. Economic J., 26:145. June.

Influence de la guerre sur les traités d'enquête et d'arbitrage conclus par les Etats-Unis et sur les rapports entre ces pays et les puissanees européennes belligérantes. P. Clunet, 43:482.

Our foreign policy and this war. Secretary of State, Robert Lansing. Speech before the New York Bar Association, Watertown, N. Y., June 3, 1916. N. Y. Times Current History, 4:739. July.

[Pesmo in Amerika.] (Russian text). A. Tverkogo. Vestnik Evrop, 1916: 250. April.

Washington and entangling alliances. Roland G. Usher. N. Amer. R., 204: 1. July.

Venezuela. Grandes (Los) juristas europeos ante el conflicto internacional de Venezuela. Manuel Clemente Urbaneja. R. de Ciencias Politicas. 7:71. Feb.-Mch. Propiedad (La) intelectual en la legislación venezolana y ante el derecho internacional. Diego Bautista Urbaneja. R. de Ciencias Politicas, 7:1, 33, 77. Jan.-May.

War. Application du droit penal aux faits de guerre. André Weiss, Louis Renault et autres. R. pen. et de dr. penal, 40:104, 197. March-June.

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Fonctionnement (Le) et la compétence des tribuneaux militaires en temps de guerre. Etienne Flandin, Commandant Julien et autres. R. pen. et de dr. penal, 40:114. March-April.

Right (The) to bombard. T. M. Spaulding. American L. R., 50:445. May. War and the law of contracts. W. V. Ball. Canadian L. J., 52:161. May. War, partnership, alien enemy partners, condemnation of captured partnership property. Harvard L. R., 29:795. May.



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