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The following table shows the area and population of each of the independent American states, and of the possessions of the European powers in 1868.

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21,495 135,000

11,182,277 78,996,069

four years he was engaged, most of the time, in hunting, and exploring the region lying north of the Orange River, in South Africa, and made many valuable contributions to our knowledge of that country. For the first two years he was accompanied by his friend Galton, but for the last two his only companions were his servants and the savages. He 826,828 1,465,000 535,769 1,987,852 visited Lake Ngami, which no European, ex3,231,047 11,780,000 cept Livingstone, had then explored; reaching 132,624 2,084,960 it by a new route, and ascending the Tioge, its 357,179 2,920,473 principal northern affluent, for a considerable 218,984 1,300,000 distance. In 1855, he returned to England, 44,778 1,180,000 and published his "Lake Ngami; or, Discov10,205 572,000 eries in Southwestern Africa," which was 47,092 350,000 eagerly sought after. But the love of adven773,144 8,137,853 58,169 ture was a ruling passion with him, and he 400,000 126,352 1,337,431 presently returned to South Africa, revisited 510,107 2,500,000 Lake Ngami, in 1858; ascended the Tioge 17,826 136,500 River to a higher point than before, and then, 7,335 600,000 in company with an English elephant-hunter, 3,578,392 34,560,000 66,716 350,000 Mr. Green, who still survives, made his way 368,235 2,200,000 up the Okavango, the principal tributary of the Tioge, from the northwest, to about lat. 18° S., and long. 18° E. from Greenwich. Here they left the river, and moving first southwest, and then south-southeast, traversed the province of the Ovambo, one of the principal red tribes of Herero-Land. At this time no European, except the German missionary Hugo Hahn, had visited this country. The region visited by Andersson was only the northeastern portion of the country; but he was very favorably impressed by it. While here he was severely injured by a wounded elephant, and at first reported dead. He recovered, however, and published an account of his discoveries, with the title "The Okavango River, a Narrative of Travel." He returned to Herero-Land again, we believe, in 1861, by way of Walfisch Bay, and ascended the Zwachaub, a considerable distance. After exploring, with Mr. Hahn, various portions of the country, he purchased from Tjikongo, the King of Herero-Land, a large tract of land near the capital, Ondonga, and commenced breeding cattle on a large scale. The Namaquas made a raid upon his herds and drove off a great number of cattle, and in his pursuit and battle with the marauders, to recover his stolen property, he was severely wounded, his thigh bone being shattered so badly as to make him a cripple for life. He was removed to Cape Town for surgical aid; but, after his partial recovery, returned to Ondonga, and undertook to furnish the materials for

3,636,375 4,835,541
36,177 315,677
52,085 1,979,838
63,115 92,521
759,983 48,231


4,547,701 7,274,706

ANDERSSON, CHARLES JOHN, an eminent African explorer and author, born in Sweden, about 1812; died in or near Ondonga, one of the towns of the Ovambo, in Herero-Land, Southwestern Africa, in January, 1868. From his childhood, Andersson was fond of adventure, and delighted in field-sports, hunting, and the study of natural history in the field. He had achieved considerable reputation in his own country as a naturalist, when, in 1849, he visited England, of which country his mother was a native, bringing with him a fine collection of living animals and birds, as well as many prepared specimens, illustrating very fully the fauna of Sweden. He had long cherished the hope of being able to visit Africa, and then to explore new regions, and make collections in natural history, which should be unrivalled in their extent and perfection; but the expenses incident to such an expedition had deterred him; and he now desired to dispose, if possible, of his collections on such terms as to be able to explore Iceland, and study the habits of its rare birds. While making arrangements for this purpose, he fell in with an Englishman, named Galton, who was about to go to South Africa, on a hunting expedition, and invited Andersson to accompany him, offering to bear all the expenses of the journey. Andersson eagerly embraced this offer, and, sailing from England, in the early spring of 1850, reached Cape Town on the 24th of June in that year. For the next


"Illustrated Fauna of Southwestern Africa." He had made considerable progress on this at the time of his death.

ANGLICAN CHURCHES. The following table, from the Church Almanac for 1869, exhibits the number of clergymen, parishes, communicants, teachers and scholars of Sunday-schools, and the amount of church, missionary and charitable contributions for each diocese:

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The general statistical summary was as follows:

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Stations, 28; missionaries, foreign, 17; native, 14; assistants, 42; teachers and catechists, 35; candidates for orders, 10; day-scholars, 1,300; Sunday-school scholars, 900; baptisms, 97; confirmations, 117; communicants, 628. The 2,687 missions of the Board are in Liberia, China, 2,736 2,472 Japan, and Hayti. The American Church Mis108 sionary Society reported, in 1868, an income of 98 $89,406, being an increase of $7,081 from the 206 previous year. This society employs 109 missionaries in the United States, and 1 in South 26,835 America. The receipts of the Evangelical 7,067 Education Society amounted to $34,837, and 1,800 had, at the end of the financial year (the sec85,702 ond of its existence), 130 students dependent 21,958 it for means to enable them to prepare 14,365 for the ministry. The Society for the Increase 194,692 of the Ministry had an income of about $26,9,945 000; the Evangelical Knowledge Society, of 15,346 $44,635. 21,711 194,046 $4,457,888 28

The receipts of the Board of Missions, in its domestic department, during the years 1867 and 1868, were $138,367: from legacies, $9,005; in the foreign department, $63,369; from legacies, $3,558. The domestic department employs 162 missionaries. The statistics of the foreign department are as follows:

* Taken from the Convention Journal of 1867. + Estimated.


In Ireland there are two archbishops and ten bishops, divided among the two provinces as follows: Armagh.-Armagh, Derry, Down, Kilmore, Meath, Tuam. Dublin. - Dublin, Cashel, Cloyne, Killaloe, Limerick, Ossory. Outside of the United Kingdom the following dioceses are in connection with the Church of England:

In Europe.-Gibraltar.

In Asia.-Calcutta (metropolitan), Bombay, Labuan and Sarawack, Madras, Colombo, Victoria; Jerusalem.

In Africa.-Cape Town (metropolitan), Mauritius, Grahamstown, St. Helena, Orange River State, Central Africa, Natal, Sierra Leone, Niger region.

In Australia and Polynesia.-Sydney (metropolitan), Adelaide, Melbourne, New Castle, Perth, Brisbane; Goulburn, Tasmania, New Zealand (metropolitan), Christ Church, Nelson, Wellington, Waiaku, Dunedin, Melanesia, Honolulu, Grafton, and Armidale.

In America.-Montreal (metropolitan), Toronto, Newfoundland, Fredericton, Nova Scotia, Huron, Columbia, Quebec, Ontario, Rupert's Land, New Westminster, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Antigua, Nassau, Guiana.

The following table gives the names of the dioceses of the Church of England, the (total, not Anglican) population of the territory over which the diocese extends, and the number of the clergy and parishes in each:

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No. of parishes.























of New York, north of the southerly boundaries of Columbia, Greene, and Delaware Counties), and one from the Diocese of Western New York. The election of the Rev. C. F. Robertson, as Bishop of the Diocese of Missouri, was confirmed, and two missionary bishops, the Rev. B. W. Morris for Oregon and Washington Territories, and the Rev. O. W. Whitaker for Nevada, were appointed. A canon was passed in regard to the formation of new dioceses, the main provisions of which are as follows: 1. Satisfactory evidence is to be submitted to the General Convention that adequate provision has been made for the support of the episcopate. 2. There must be within the limits of the new diocese at least six parishes and as many presbyters who have been canonically resident in the diocese at least one year. 3. There must be left in the old diocese at least twelve parishes and twelve presbyters. 4. There shall be but one bishop in any city. Dioceses existing within the bounds of any State were authorized to establish for themselves a federate council or convention, to decide and deliberate upon the common interests of the Church within the limits of their State, provided the powers they propose to exercise are approved by the General Convention before determinate action is taken. The canon on parochial boundaries was amended by adding to the second clause of the sixth section the following words: "But nothing in this clause shall be construed to prevent any clergyman of this Church from officiating in any parish church, or in any place of public worship used by any congregation of this Church, or elsewhere within the parochial cure of the minister of said congregation, with the consent of 529 the clergyman in charge of such congregation, 694 or, in his absence, of the churchwardens and 459 vestrymen or trustees of such congregation, or a majority of them." The eleventh canon was repealed, and the following substituted in its place: No minister in charge of any con908 gregation of this Church, or in case of vacancy or absence, no churchwardens, vestrymen, or trustees of the congregation, shall permit any person to officiate therein without sufficient evidence of his being duly licensed or ordained to minister in this Church. Provided that nothing herein shall be so construed as to forbid communicants of the Church to act as lay readers." The clergymen of the Church of England in Canada were recognized as admissible to all the rights and privileges of their brethren of the Church in the United States. With reference to propositions for union with other branches of the Church, the House of Bishops were authorized to appoint a committee from among their own number, which shall be an organ of communication with the other branches of the Church, and with the different other Christian bodies who may desire information or conference on the subject; the said committee to be entitled "The commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the






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20,209,671 17,667 12,539

The Triennial General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States met in the city of New York, on the 7th of October. The new Diocese of Nebraska was admitted after considerable debate on the use of the word "council" instead of convention in the journal of its diocesan convention. The resolution of admission was, however, unconditional, making no reference to these terms. Four new dioceses were erected, one from the Diocese of Maryland (embracing the Eastern Shore of Maryland), two from the Diocese of New York (the one embracing Long Island, and the other the nineteen counties

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United States of America on Church Unity." The House of Bishops subsequently appointed Bishops Mellvaine, Whittingham, Atkinson, Clark, and Coxe, the committee upon Church Unity. The joint committee on intercommunion with the Eastern Churches reported favorable progress for the project, and the committee were continued, with the power to correspond with the authorities of the Russian and other branches of the Oriental Church, for the acquisition of further authentic information, and to report the result to the next General Convention. A committee of bishops was appointed to confer with the Metropolitan and Patriarch of the Russian Church in regard to the Russo-Greek Diocese of Alaska and its proposed intercommunion with this Church, and also with the Anglican Bishop of Rupert's Land in regard to the transfer of the communicants of the Church of England in Alaska to the jurisdiction of this Church. The convention continues the recognition of the Protestant Church of Sweden. The following canon on divorce was adopted: "No minister of this Church shall solemnize matrimony in any case where there is a divorced wife or husband of either party still living; but this canon shall not be held to apply to the innocent party in a divorce for the cause of adultery, or to parties once divorced seeking to be united again." A new canon, similar to that for the trial of bishops, was adopted on the trial of ministers. Provision was made for the correction of typographical errors in the Prayer Book. A new canon on assistant bishops was adopted. They may be elected in case of disability of the bishop, and succeed him if they survive him, and may vote in his stead in the General Convention, but can have no additional vote if he is present. A commission of laymen, presbyters, and bishops was authorized to revise the version of the psalms and hymns, and report to the next General Convention. The preparation of Prayer Books in German, French, and Swedish was directed. Increased solicitude was expressed respecting the missionary work among the freedmen, and practical measures were recommended to advance it. The convention declined to act definitely on the subject of ritualism. The subject was referred to the House of Bishops, who were requested to set forth, for consideration and adoption by the next General Convention, such additional rubrics to the book of Common Prayer as in their judgment may be deemed necessary. It was resolved that, meanwhile, in all matters doubtful, reference should be made to the Ordinary, and no changes should be male against the counsel and judgment of the bishop.

The most important event in the history of the Church of England was the resolution of the House of Commons in favor of disestabshing the Anglican Church in Ireland and its appointment of a Liberal Ministry pledged to carry out this policy. The House of Com

mons adopted, on April 28th, the resolution prepared by Mr. Gladstone, by a majority of sixtyfive votes. The proposition was rejected by the House of Lords. The Bishops of the Established Church were unanimous and the Anglican clergy almost unanimous in their opposition. The Presbyterian Church of Scotland, which is the state church of Scotland, and the Irish Presbyterian Church, which annually receives from the state government a regium donum (a royal present) of £30,000, likewise passed resolutions against Mr. Gladstone's bill. The Wesleyan Connection were non-committal. All the other religious denominations of Great Britain strongly supported Mr. Gladstone and the Liberal party. At the election of a new House of Commons, in November, the Liberal party had a majority of over 110. The Conservative Ministry resigned, and Mr. Gladstone formed a new Liberal Ministry, which is pledged to carry through the disestablishment. Previously the report of the royal commissioners on the revenues and condition of the Church of Ireland had appeared (the report is dated July 27, 1868), and recommended important reductions as to the benefices of the Irish Church. The report is signed by the Earl of Meath, as chairman, by Earl Stanhope, Lord de Vesci, Sir Joseph Napier, and Messrs. Shafto Adair, John T. Ball, Evelyn Shirley, George Clive, and Edward Howes; and it forms, with summary, tables, and schedules, a bulky volume of more than six hundred pages. The report is replete with interesting information on the Irish Church. It states that the total revenue of the Irish Church from all sources is £613,984; 1,319 benefices have a church population of over forty, and extending to 5,000 and upward. The bishoprics suggested for abolition are Meath, Killaloe, Cashel, and Kilmore. The majority of the commissioners are in favor of leaving one archbishopric only, that of Armagh. All bishops are to receive £3,000 a year income, and an additional £500 when attending Parliament. The Primate is to get £6,000, and the Archbishop of Dublin, if continued, £5,000. The abolition is recommended of all cathedrals and deaneries, except eight. With a view to a rearrangement of benefices, it is proposed that ecclesiastical commissioners shall have extended powers to suppress or unite benefices. All benefices, not having a Protestant population of forty, to be abolished. The estates of all capitular bodies and of the bishoprics abolished are to be vested in ecclesiastical commissioners, and the surplus of all property vested in them to be applicable at their discretion to augmentation of benefices. The Ecclesiastical Commission is to be modified by the introduction of three unpaid laymen and two paid commissioners, one appointed by the Crown, the other by the Primate. The management of all lands is to be taken out of the hands of ecclesiastical persons and placed in those of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The commissioners expressly state that they

have conducted their inquiry, and that they report, on the assumption that the Irish Church will continue by law established and endowed. The question of effecting a union between the Anglican and other divisions of the Christian world continued to be the subject of an earnest discussion. As regards the Eastern Churches, public opinion both in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States and in the Church of England, clearly favors the project of, at least, intercommunion. The action of the Triennial Convention of the American Church has already been referred to. In England the subject was debated at considerable length, in the Convocation of Canterbury, on the 4th of July, at which the difference in the creed of the two churches, and the former and present relations to each other, received a thorough review. A committee had submitted a report, declaring the object sought by the movement to be not a fusion of the two bodies or a submission of either to the superior authority of the other, or a modification of the services of one to correspond with those of the other, but "simply the mutual acknowledgment that all churches which are one in the possession of a true episcopate, one in sacraments, and one in their creed, are, by their union in their common Lord, bound to receive one another to full communion in prayers and sacraments as members of the same household of faith."

A new project of this kind was brought forward in England, in the early part of the year, having for its object a union between the Anglicans and the Wesleyans. The plan was briefly advocated by an Anglican paper of High-Church tendencies, the Guardian, which proposed to the Wesleyans an adhesion to the established order of the Church of England, Episcopal supervision, confinement of the administration of the sacraments to persons Episcopally ordained, with ordination of such Wesleyan ministers as might desire it, who might retain their itinerancy, and minister in their churches as licensed chapels-of-ease, subordinate to the jurisdiction of the parish in which they are situated, other Wesleyans to be licensed as lay readers. The Anglicans would make no alterations in their services and Prayer Book, but would allow the Wesleyans the use of a set of subsidiary services. The attention of the Convocation of York, on the 6th of February, was directed to the subject, and the bishops resolved that they would cordially welcome any practical attempt to effect a brotherly reconciliation between the Wesleyan body and the Church of England. As this plan proposed to treat with the Wesleyans as an inferior body, the latter were not able to consider it with a view to adopting it. The same plan was the subject of considerable discussion in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. A number of Anglican clergymen signed a memorial to the Quadrennial General Conference of the Methodist

Episcopal Church to appoint a commission, with a view to a reunion of the two churches. The Methodist Conference complied with this request; but the House of Bishops of the Triennial General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, to which a numerouslysigned petition for the appointment of a similar commission was presented, contented itself with the appointment of a General Committee on Christian Unity, without instructing the committee as to negotiations with any particular religious denomination. For the object of promoting a union between the Anglican, the Eastern, and the Roman Catholic Churches, the "Association for promoting the Unity of Christendom was founded in 1857. In September of 1858-a year after the formation of the society-675 members had been enrolled, and the following numbers were added to the lists in the years enumerated below respectively: In 1859, 833 members; in 1860, 1,060; in 1861, 1,007; in 1862, 1,393; in 1863, 1,202; in 1864, 1,340; in 1865, 1,317; in 1866, 1,401; in 1867, 1,647; in September, 1868, 803; making a total of 12,684. The division of these, as given by the Rev. George F. Lee, D. C. L., who in 1868 retired from the office of general secretary, is interesting. Of the 12,684 members of the society, 1,881 belong to the Roman Catholic Church in various countries; 685 are Orientals; 92 are attached to such uncertain or miscellaneous communities, whose names the secretary was unwilling to take upon himself to decline; and 10,026 belong to the Church of England and other churches in communion with the same. The names have been obtained by a systematic circulation of the formal prospectus of the association in English, Latin, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. The following paragraph from Dr. Lee's report is indicative of the objects of the Association: "It has been the secretary's honor and privilege to correspond with a large number of distinguished Catholics of many rites, whose private letters to himself officially have been carefully preserved, as they may in future throw considerable light on the great movement for effecting corporate reunion, which the late Cardinal Wiseman theoretically inaugurated in 1841, and which the Association for promoting the Unity of Christendom first put in practical shape in 1857."

The ritualistic controversy continues to occupy a prominent place in all the branches of the Anglican Church. The action taken with regard to it, by the Triennial General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, has already been stated. It was regarded, by both parties in the Church, as favorable to the hopes of the ritualists. In England, the Royal Commission on Ritualism* presented their second

*On the appointment of this commission and their first Report, see ANNUAL AMERICAN CYCLOPÆDIA for 1867. The recommendations of the commissioners with respect to the rubrics, orders, and directions contained in the Prayer Book will form the subject of the next report.

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