The American Annual Cyclopædia and Register of Important Events ...: Embracing Political, Civil, Military, and Social Affairs; Public Documents; Biography, Statistics, Commerce, Finance, Literature, Science, Agriculture, and Mechanical IndustryD. Appleton, 1869 |
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Стр. 1
... inhabitants , soil , cultivation , etc. , these two regions are totally opposite , the highlands being salubrious , temperate , generally well watered and traversed by paths in every di- rection ; while the low country is arid , water ...
... inhabitants , soil , cultivation , etc. , these two regions are totally opposite , the highlands being salubrious , temperate , generally well watered and traversed by paths in every di- rection ; while the low country is arid , water ...
Стр. 2
... inhabitants . Aliya Amba . - This is a large market town in Shoa , and is said by D'Héricourt to contain from two thousand to three thousand inhabit- ants . Political anarchy , which for centuries has been the normal condition of ...
... inhabitants . Aliya Amba . - This is a large market town in Shoa , and is said by D'Héricourt to contain from two thousand to three thousand inhabit- ants . Political anarchy , which for centuries has been the normal condition of ...
Стр. 7
... inhabitants of Magdala were collected at Arogie , where great vigilance was necessary to protect them from the Gallas , who were lying in wait both day and night for opportunities of plundering and destroying them . Notwith- standing ...
... inhabitants of Magdala were collected at Arogie , where great vigilance was necessary to protect them from the Gallas , who were lying in wait both day and night for opportunities of plundering and destroying them . Notwith- standing ...
Стр. 8
... inhabitants , leaving many of them , frequently , without seed to sow . " ADLER , GEORGE J. , Ph . D. , a German scholar and philologist , born in Germany , in 1821 ; died at the Bloomingdale Insane Asy- lum , August 24 , 1868. He came ...
... inhabitants , leaving many of them , frequently , without seed to sow . " ADLER , GEORGE J. , Ph . D. , a German scholar and philologist , born in Germany , in 1821 ; died at the Bloomingdale Insane Asy- lum , August 24 , 1868. He came ...
Стр. 10
... inhabitants ; the Orange Free State , 48.049 square miles , 50.000 inhabitants ; the Transvaal Republic , 77.964 square miles , 120 , - 000 inhabitants ; Madagascar , 232,315 square miles 5,000,000 inhabitants , Christianity is steadily ...
... inhabitants ; the Orange Free State , 48.049 square miles , 50.000 inhabitants ; the Transvaal Republic , 77.964 square miles , 120 , - 000 inhabitants ; Madagascar , 232,315 square miles 5,000,000 inhabitants , Christianity is steadily ...
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acid act of Congress adopted Alabama amendment American amount Andrew Johnson appointed Arkansas army Asahel W authority Baptist bill Bishop British Burt Van Horn cent China Church citizens civil color command committee Constitution convention Crete debt December declared district duty election England ernment execution exports favor February feet Florida foreign France Georgia Government Governor House hundred impeachment important inches inhabitants island issued January July June Legislature Liberal majority March ment miles military milreis Minister mission missionaries negro North North Carolina organization Paraguay Parliament party passed persons political population port present President provinces Prussia question Reader W republic republican resolution revenue Secretary Senate Sidney Clarke South square miles stitution Supreme Court Thaddeus Stevens THIRD MILITARY DISTRICT tion Treasury treaty Union United Van Aernam vessels vote voters Washburn William York