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Vice President General; Rev. Walter J. Shanley, LL. D., Second Vice President General; Very Rev. Henry T. Drumgoole, LL. D., Third Vice President General; Rev. Francis T. Moran, D. D., Treasurer General.

Other nominations were called for, and there being none the nominations were closed. A separate ballot was cast for each nominee, the Secretary having been instructed to cast one ballot for the Association.

Those nominated by the Committee were declared the elected officers for the ensuing year.

Monsignor Shahan on taking the chair expressed his thanks to the members for the honor of his election, and promised to do all in his power to advance the interests of the Association. The meeting then adjourned.


THURSDAY, JULY 7, 11:30 A. M. The last general meeting of the Association was held in College Hall, Detroit College. Prayer was said by the President General. His Excellency, Most Rev. Diomede Falconio, D. D., Apostolic Delegate, honored the Association by his presence at the meeting.

The Secretary General announced that the following members had been elected to the Executive Board: From the College Department-Very Rev. M. A. Hehir, C. S. Sp., LL. D.; Rev. Chas. Macksey, S. J.; Rev. James J. Dean, O. S. A.; from the Seminary Department-Very Rev. E. R. Walsh, C. M.; Very Rev. E. R. Dyer, S. S., D. D.; Rev. Walter Stehle, O. S. B.; from the Parish School Department--Rev. Joseph F. Smith; Very Rev. J. A. Connolly, V. G.; Brother John Waldron, S. M.

The resolutions were read by Rev. Charles Macksey, S. J., and unanimously adopted by the Association:


WHEREAS, The Catholic Educational Association deeply appreciates the counsel, encouragement and blessing extended to it by our Holy Father, Pope Pius X, the supreme teacher of Christian truth, in his apostolic letter to our President General read at this convention; be it

Resolved, That we hereby pledge His Holiness our fullest cooperation, in our station and measure, with his glorious efforts "to renew all things in Christ."

2. WHEREAS, His Excellency, Most Rev. Diomede Falconio, Delegate Apostolic of the Holy See, has honored and stimulated our labors by his presence, counsel and benediction;

Resolved, That the Association tender to him our warmest gratitude.

3. WHEREAS, The Association is beholden to Rt. Rev. John S. Foley, D. D., Bishop of Detroit, for his invitation and wel


Resolved, That the sincere thanks of this Association be expressed to the Rt. Rev. Bishop and his clergy, to the Rev. E. D Kelly, chairman of the Committee on Arrangements, and to all the members of the committee and the laity cooperating with them for their cordial reception and their generous hospitality in defraying the expenses of the convention.

4. Resolved, That the Association record its due recognition. of the great indebtedness it owes to the Rev. President and Fathers of Detroit College for their gracious hospitality so freely. extended, and for their substantial aid in making our convention

a success.

5. Resolved, That we tender the thanks of the convention to the Most Rev. John J. Glennon, D. D., Archbishop of St. Louis, for his inspiring address; to Rt. Rev. James J. Hartley, D. D., Bishop of Columbus; to Rt. Rev. Thomas Hickey, D. D.. Bishop of Rochester; to Rt. Rev. Louis S. Walsh, Bishop of Portland, for their deep interest and encouragement.

6. WHEREAS, The betterment of our splendid system of Catholic education now depends on the correlation of the parish schools with our institutions of secondary and higher education, and upon greater Catholic patronage of these institutions; be it

Resolved, That it is the wish and request of the Catholic Educational Association that the pastors of the Catholic Church in the United States interest themselves more and more seriously and actively and constantly in the Catholic institutions of secondary and higher education.

7. WHEREAS, We view with concern the encroachment upon liberty of education by any private board of trustees, suggestive of an educational "trust," and notably what is called "The Carnegie Foundation." acting without mandate from the people, without warrant of present conditions and without responsibility to any tribunal save themselves; and

WHEREAS, We conceive liberty of education, owing to the inseparability of religious principles from moral training, to be involved in our constitutional right of freedom of conscience;

Resolved, That we look to the saving sense of the American people to preserve our freedom of education as one of the safeguards of a popular government by a free people.

8. WHEREAS, The conditions of our times particularly call for a full appreciation of the basic principles of truth, right and duty in the remoulding of our civic and social life;

Resolved, That the Association endorse the efforts of our Catholic educators for a fuller and wider propagation of the lessons of Scholastic philosophy.

THE PRESIDENT GENERAL: I have in my hands an Apostolic Letter from our Holy Father, Pope Pius X. It is a document of much importance to our Association, for although we have every year been favored by the blessing of the Holy Father, this is the first time we have received a document of this character, which recognizes and commends our work. The Secretary General will read the letter.


Dilecto filio Thomas Joseph Shahan, Antistiti Urbano, Associationis Catholicae provehendae disciplinae praesidi, Washingtoniam.


Dilecto Filii, salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem. Quae ad nos perferuntur de inita paucis abhinc annis in Foederatis Americae statibus, societate ad Catholicam provehendam popularem institutionem, ita sane ut Christianae sapientiae principia latius obtineant in populo et uberiores laetioresque afferant fructus, singulari nos afficiunt laetitia et in spem erigunt suavissimam fore ut religiosa res majora in dies penes vos capiat incrementa. Optabilia haec portendunt cum tua, dilecte Fili, tum caeterorum navitas, quos socios habes optimi propositi et alacres laborum consortes, tum haud exiguae quas huc usque perspectas scimus ex actuosa caritate vestra utilitates. Nihil est igitur cur currentes urgeamus. Hoc unum libet monere vos in annuum conventum congressuros quod sane quum agitur de Christianae dis

ciplinae suscipienda cura, caput est et summa; ut videlicet quisque vestrum tunc tantum se utilem sciat persequendo proposito operam navaturum, quum Christum sequutus, qui caelesti sua doctrina gentes exculturus "coepit facere et docere," et suo exemplo Catholicam provehat disciplinam et ceteris socialibus adjumentis. Habent enim exempla vim suadendi maximam et ad permovendum ad virtutem animos media sunt prae omnibus aptissima. Idque tunc maxime quum res est de pueris instituen- * dis, qui, quo infirmiore judicio, eo proniores sunt ad imitandum quae oculis subjecta habeant. Ceterum studia vestra majore cum efficacitate procedent si, reliquis Catholicae vitae, tuendae fovendaeque mediis minime neglectis, illud potius habeatis quod communia tempora ac mores indigitant peropportunum veritati pervulgandae errorique refellendo; ephemerides dicimus similiaque ex intervallo scripta. His nimirum proh dolor! abutuntur impii ad perversas serendas opiniones et mores labefactandos: eadem Catholicis insistendum via iisdemque utendum rationibus. En ea habetis in quibus communis vestra elaboret oportet industria; nihil vero dubitamus quin optatis Nostris cumulate respondeatis. Sed ne vobis auxilia desint divinae gratiae, cujus est humanae alacritati incrementum dare, Apostolicam Benedictionem, coelestium munerum conciliatricem, tibi, Dilecte Fili, et omnibus praefatae Consociationis sodalibus peramanter in Domino impertimus.

Datum Romae apud S. Petrum die X Junii MCMX, Pontificatus Nostri anno Septimo. PIUS PP. X.


To our Beloved Son, Thomas Joseph Shahan, Roman prelate, President of the Catholic Educational Association.


We have heard with especial pleasure of the society known as the Catholic Educational Association, recently established in the United States of America, for the purpose of promoting the Catholic training of youth, and of diffusing more widely the principles of Christian wisdom with its rich and felicitous consequences for the popular welfare. These efforts, We hope, will daily redound to the interest and growth of religion. Your own

diligence, Beloved Son, and that of your earnest associates in this excellent work-no less than the good results which We know have been already obtained through your active zeal, foreshadow the realization of the aforesaid desirable ends. There is, therefore, no need to urge on those who are already pushing steadily forward. To one principal and supreme point We would call your attention as you meet in your annual convention to discuss the perfecting of Christian training; each of you should be persuaded that he renders to this enterprise a real service only in as far as he imitates Christ, who, when about to deliver to the world His heavenly doctrine, "began to do and to teach." Hence, it is by personal example, no less than by other social agencies, that each one of you should further the cause of Catholic education. Example, indeed, is mighty to persuade, nor is there any better means of moving mankind to the practice of virtue. Quite particularly is this true in the education of children, who are all the readier to imitate what they behold in proportion as their judgment is weak.

We may add that your efforts will have greater success, if in addition to all other means of preserving and increasing Catholic life, you devote special attention to that means of spreading the truth and refuting error which is so well fitted to our own time and conditions, i. e., newspapers, reviews and similar periodical publications which the enemies of religion, alas! abuse for the dissemination of their perverse teaching and for the ruin of morality.

Having thus set before you the path along which your common efforts ought to proceed, We do not doubt you will abundantly correspond to our desires. But lest you lack the aid of divine grace, which quickens all human energies, We very lovingly in the Lord, and as an assurance of all divine help, confer upon you, Beloved Son, and upon all the members of the aforesaid Association the Apostolic Benediction.

Given at St. Peter's Rome, June 10, 1910, in the seventh year of our pontificate.


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