INTRODUCTION THE HE SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES was held at Detroit, Mich., on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 4, 5, 6, 7, 1910. The sessions were well attended, and the general success of the convention was greater than that of any previous meeting of the Association. The convention was honored in a signal way by the presence of His Excellency, the Apostolic Delegate, Most Rev. Diomede Falconio, D. D., and by the reading of an Apostolic Letter from His Holiness, Pope Pius X. The importance of the work of Catholic education in the American Republic was brought before the minds of all who attended the seventh annual convention in an impressive manner. The educational conditions of the country are constantly undergoing change, and our Catholic educational work is affected to a greater or less extent by these changes. It is necessary for us to understand the various problems that confront us, in order that we may be able to provide properly for our children and eare for our interests. The papers read at the Detroit Convention dealt principally with subjects of a practical nature. The Association is doing much by its annual meetings to direct the attention of all Catholic educators to their common interests. MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C., NOVEMBER 10, 1909. A meeting of the Executive Board was held at the Catholic University of America, and was called to order by President General Rt. Rev. T. J. Shahan, D. D., at 10 a. m. The following members were present: Rt. Rev. T. J. Shahan, D. D.,; Very Rev. James A. Burns, C. S. C.; Rev. Walter J. Shanley, LL. D.; Very Rev. H. T. Drumgoole, D. D.; Rev. F. W. Howard, LL. D.; Rev. F. T. Moran, D. D.; Rev. C. B. Moulinier, S. J.; Very Rev. M. A. Hehir, C. S. Sp., LL. D.; Very Rev. J. A. Connolly, V. G.; Very Rev. F. P. Havey, S. S., D. D.; Very Rev. E. R. Dyer, S. S., D. D.; Very Rev. Walter Stehle, O. S. B.; Brother John Waldron, S. M. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Secretary reported that the papers read at the Boston meeting were printed, and that the annual volume would be ready for distribution in November. He stated that many favorable letters had been received from the Rt. Rev. Bishops of the country in regard to the work of the Association. He gave an account of the preparations that were in progress for the Detroit meeting. The report of the Secretary was accepted. The Treasurer General reported that the financial condition of the Association was improving, and that there was enough money on hand to pay all bills that would be presented before the next meeting. The report was approved. The Publication Committee recommended that the list of books prepared by the Library Committee of the. School Department be printed as the February Bulletin, and that the August Bulletin contain a list of members of the Association, and be made a yearbook of the organization. The report was accepted, and the recommendations were adopted. A general discussion of the program for the next annual meeting was held, and there was an exchange of opinion on impor tant problems of Catholic education. It was decided to hold a convention of three days, and to follow the experience of the past in making the arrangements. The topics proposed were, "The Pastor and Education," and "The Character of Secondary Education." The topic for the public meeting was not selected. The President General called Very Rev. J. A. Burns, C. S. C., to the chair. The Committee on Program was authorized to make all necessary arrangements in regard to papers and speakers for the general meeting of the next convention. On motion, duly seconded and carried, Dr. Burns was elected a member of the Committee on Program. The Committee on High Schools was authorized to arrange the program for the first evening of the convention. The Board directed that the nominating committee, to be appointed at the next annual meeting, should decide the order of precedence of the Vice Presidents General to be elected, without reference to the departments from which they were to be selected. A recess was taken until 2:30 p. m. On reconvening, the President General in the chair, a short discussion was held on the work of the High School Committee. No action was taken. The Secretary was directed to express to the President and Faculty of Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, the sincere and deep regret felt on account of the death of Rev. E. F. X. McSweeney, D. D., who had always taken an important and helpful part in the work of the Catholic Educational Association. The meeting adjourned to meet at 3 p. m., July 4, 1910, in Detroit. DETROIT, MICH., July 4, 1910. A meeting of the Executive Board was held at the Hotel Pontchartrain at 3 p. m. The following members were present: Rt. Rev. T. J. Shahan, D. D.; Rev. W. J. Shanley, LL. D.; Rev. F. W. Howard, LL. D.; Rev. F. T. Moran, D. D.; Very Rev. F. P. Havey, S. S., D. D.; Very Rev. Walter Stehle, O. S. B.; Rev. C. B. Moulinier, S. J.; Very Rev. M. A. Hehir, C. S. Sp.. |