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The Standing Committee of the College Department held a meeting in the parlor of the Schenley Hotel at 8:30 p. m. Very Rev. M. A. Hehir, C. S. Sp., presided. The following members were present: Rev. John A. Van Heertum, O. Pr., Rev. James J. Dean, O. S. A., Rev. P. F. O'Brien, M. A., Rev. M. A. Schumacher, C. S. C., Brother Maurice, F. S. C., Brother Bede, C. F. X. The question of the title of the Department came up for consideration and it was again recommended that the name "The Department of Colleges and Secondary Schools" be presented to the Executive Committee of the Association for adoption. The question of the Sisters' Section in the College Department was presented and it was decided that the Sisters hold meetings each year and report the doings of their meetings to the general meeting of the College Department. The members were also reminded that both the president and secretary had completed their terms of office and new men had to be elected. The three Sections decided upon a year ago were found, after proper discussion, to be adequate. It seemed to be the general opinion that all colleges that are members of the Association should take a healthy interest in the proceedings of the Department and make the College Department meet the importance of its name. It was likewise suggested that the Nominating Committee be made up from representatives of different colleges so that a full hearing may be had in each case. Round table discussions were endorsed as contributing largely to practical results and it was strongly urged that these become a feature at our meetings. Atter discussion of certain other matters of interest to the members, the meeting adjourned.


At 1:30 the Standing Committee of the College Department met in the parlor of the Schenley Hotel. The Secretary General, Rev. Francis W. Howard, was present at this meeting and certain matters regarding the relation of the College Department to the general Association were discussed. The question of making out the program was then taken up and it seemed to be the opinion of the members that a special meeting for this purpose would not be required. A committee, however, was appointed to handle the program of which Rev. M. A. Schumacher was appointed chairman. The other members are Very Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., Rev. D. J. McHugh, C. M., Rev. J. Dean, O. S. A., and Rev. P. F. O'Brien, M. A. The President is ex officio a member of this committee. It was moved and seconded that the President of the Department, Rev. J. F. Green, O. S. A., be put in communication with the Sisters' colleges and inform them that on request of any Sisters' college some member of the College Department will be detailed to go over college matters with them and particularly to consider the relation of Sisters' colleges to the College Department of the Association. Again it was suggested that the name of the Department be "The Department of Colleges and Secondary Schools" and that the Executive Committee of the Association accept this suggestion. The meeting then adjourned.





TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1912, 2:30 P. M.

The College Department held its first regular session at 2:30 p. m. The prayer was said by the Right Rev. Regis F. Canevin, Bishop of Pittsburgh. A short address of welcome was made by the President of the Department, Very Rev. M. A. He

hir, C. S. Sp. The following committees were appointed by the chair: Committee on Resolutions-Rev. Timothy Brosnahan, S. J., chairman; Rev. P. McDermott, C. S. Sp., Very Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., Rev. B. P. O'Reilly, S. M., Prof. Lennox. Committee on Nominations-Rev. F. Cassilly, S. J, chairman; Rev. P. F. O'Brien, M. A., Rev. Daniel J. McHugh, C. M., Rev. James J. Dean, O. S. A., and Rev. M. A. Schumacher, C. S. C. An interesting paper on "Educational Legislation as It Affects Catholic Interests" was then read by Walter George Smith, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Right Rev. Bishop Schrembs of Toledo, Rev. J. Mullin, S. J., Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., and also Rev. J. F. Green, O. S. A., took part in the discussion of this paper. Before adjourning, a vote of thanks on the part of the Department was extended to Very Rev. D. M. Gorman for the splendid service he rendered the Department during the four years he served as secretary.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912, 9 A. M.

Prayer was said by the President of the Department. The Rev. Francis J. Heiermann, S. J., St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio, in the absence of the paper scheduled for this session, kindly consented to handle the question, "How to Deal with Public Legislation." Rev. F. Cassilly, S. J., Rev. Francis T. Moran, D. D., Rev, J. A. Van Heertum, O. Pr., Rev. P. Cummins, O. S. B. and Mr. Monahan of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C., took part in the discussion. The meeting adjourned to give place to the joint session of the College and Parish School Departments which took place at II a. m.


A joint meeting of the College and Parish School Departments was held in the Lecture Hall of Carnegie Institute at II a. m., Wednesday, June 26. Rev. Joseph F. Smith, President of the Parish School Department, presided, and Very Rev. D. M. Gorman, Secretary of the College Department, acted as secretary. The paper presented was the "Relation of the Pastor to Our Educational Work" by the Rev. Joseph H. McMahon, Ph. D.,

pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes church, New York City. This very excellent paper brought forth an interesting discussion in which the following took part: Rev. G. Bridge, O. S. B., Rev. W. F. Poland, S. J., Rev. J. J. Dean, O. S. A., Rev. Francis W. Howard, Rev T. V. Tobin, Rev. M. P. Dowling, Bishop Schrembs, Rev. D. J. McHugh, C. M., Rev. Francis T. Moran and Bishop Canevin. Dr. McMahon closed the discussion and the meeting adjourned.


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2:30 P. M. The Department met again at 2:30 when the topic of entrance requirements to college was taken up by Rev. M. A. Schumacher, C. S. C. of the University of Notre Dame. A discussion followed this paper in which Very Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., Rev. J. Mullin, S. J., Rev. W. F. Poland, S. J. and Rev. M. A. Schumacher, C. S. C., took part.


THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1912. Prayer was said by the Rev. President. The paper of this session, "Libraries and Student Reading" was presented by the Rev. R. A. Fleming, S. J., Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland. The paper was discussed by Rev. T. F. Coakley, D. D., Prof. Lennox, Rev. J. A. Van Heertum, O. Pr. At the suggestion of Professor Lennox it was thought well to name a committee whose purpose would be to gather a list of readings and literature that would meet the need of Catholic readers. The following members were appointed on that committee: Prof. Lennox, Rev. P. J. Carroll, C. S. C., Rev. R. A. Fleming, S. J. and Rev. T. F. Coakley, D. D. The Committee on Nominations then made the following report:


President-Very Rev. J. F. Green, O. S. A., Chicago.
Vice President-Rev. Patrick F. O'Brien, M. A., Chicago.
Secretary-Rev. M. A. Schumacher, C. S. C., Notre Dame.
Members of General Executive Board-Rev. James J. Dean,

O. S. A., Villanova; Rev. David W. Hearn, S. J., New York. Members of the College Executive Committee-Rev. Daniel J. McHugh, C. M., Chicago, Ill.; Rev. John A. Van Heertum, O. Pr., West de Pere, Wis.; Very Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., Bourbonnais, Ill.; Very Rev. B. P. O'Reilly, S. M., Dayton, Ohio; Very Rev. M. A. Hehir, C. S. Sp., LL. D., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rev. Francis Heiermann, S. J., Cincinnati, Ohio; Rev. Theo. Saurer, C. PP. S., Collegeville, Ind.; Bro. Maurice, F. S. C., Ellicott City, Md.; Bro. Bede, C. F. X., Mt. St. Joseph's College, Baltimore, Md.; Rev. Patrick Cummins, O. S. B., Conception, Mo. The nominees presented by the Committee were duly elected as officers of the Department for the ensuing year.

There was some discussion as to procuring greater attendance at the sectional meetings and also as to securing such quarters as to make it convenient for members to attend. Fathers McHugh, Dean, Gorman, O'Brien and O'Reilly took part in this discussion. At the end it seemed advisable to let the Sections go on as they have been up to the present. The Committee on Resolutions presented the following statements:


Resolved, That it is the judgment of this Association that the progress of higher Catholic education will be more effectively promoted by the harmonious and cordial cooperation of pastors and heads of Catholic colleges.

Resolved, That the principles and training provided by at study of the philosophy so highly commended by Leo XIII. are of the utmost importance to Catholic youth who are to enter the professions or who are by their position likely to be men of prominence and influence in the community.

Resolved, That this Association take steps to devise a method or system whereby a more careful guardianship may. be exercised over our Catholic youth in their use of the public libraries.

Resolved, That we regard with the highest approval any association, the purpose of which is to study and keep in touch with legislation, whether State or federal, which may have a bearing on Catholic education.

The new President, Rev. J. F. Green, O. S. A., and the new Secretary, Rev. M. A. Schumacher, C. S. C., were then installed,

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