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a. The accents give a different construction to verse 2, from that adopted by the LXX., the Vulgate, and the English Version.

b. Gesenius, and other German critics, contend for a new sense of pr

in this passage.

- יקראהו c. There have also been different versions proposed for

d. Mention the principal interpretations that have been given to this passage.

2. Translate into Hebrew :—

In die illa germen Domini erit in magnificentia et gloria, et fructus terræ sublimis, et exultatio his qui salvati fuerint de Israel. Et erit, omnis qui relictus fuerit in Sion et residuus in Jerusalem, sanctus vocabitur, omnis qui scriptus est in vita in Jerusalem, si abluerit Dominus sordes filiarum Sion et sanguinem Jerusalem laverit de medio ejus in spiritu judicii et spiritu ardoris.


3. Translate the following passage (Is. ii. 22):

הדלו לכם מן האדם אשר נשמת באפו

כי במה נחשב הוא :

a. What is the Latin Vulgate version of this verse? Explain the ancient interpretation of it as given by St. Jerome and other Fathers. b. How does St. Jerome explain the omission of this verse by the LXX. ? c. Give a summary of the principal arguments (1) for and (2) against the ancient interpretation.

d. The biblical use of followed by and, and also of the word

are important in this question. Does this make for or against the נשמת

ancient interpretation ?

e. The Vulgate Version requires a variation in the points ?


Translate the following passage of the Vulgate into Hebrew :—

Surge, illuminare, Jerusalem, quia venit lumen tuum, et gloria Domini super te orta est.

Quia ecce tenebræ operient terram, et caligo populos, super te autem orietur Dominus, et gloria ejus in te videbitur.

Et ambulabunt gentes in lumine tuo, et reges in splendore ortus tui. Leva in circuitu oculos tuos et vide: Omnes isti congregati sunt, venerunt tibi. Filii tui de longe venient, et filiæ tuæ de latere surgent.

Tunc videbis et afflues, mirabitur et dilatabitur cor tuum, quando conversa fuerit ad te multitudo maris, fortitudo gentium venerit tibi. Qui sunt isti qui ut nubes volant, et quasi columbæ ad fenestras suas? Me enim insulæ expectant, et naves maris in principio, ut adducam filios tuo de longe, argentum eorum et aurum eorum cum eis, nomini Domini Dei tui, et Sancto Israel, quia glorificavit te.

Et ædificabunt filii peregrinorum mures tuos, et reges eorum ministrabunt tibi; in indignatione enim mea percussi te, et in reconciliatione mea misertus sum tui.

Et aperientur portæ tuæ jugiter; die ac nocte non claudentur; ut afferatur ad te fortitudo gentium, et reges earum adducantur.

Gens enim et regnum quod non servierit tibi, peribit; et gentes solitudine vastabuntur

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b. Give an account of the tradition preserved in the Chaldee paraphrase on Gen. xi. 7, supposed to be alluded to in this passage.

c. The LXX. seem to have sanctioned it in their version of Deut. xxxii. 8?

d. Mention the various interpretations of the word.

2. In Num. xxi. 14, 15, the following verses are quoted from the

-: ספר מלחמות יהוה

[blocks in formation]

a. Translate this, with notes explaining the difficulties of the passage. b. Give the variations from the Hebrew text in the version of the LXX.

c. What are the authorities for the English authorized version of

? and what are the various readings collected by Kennicott את והב בסופה

3. Mention the various passages in which the Book of Jasher is mentioned, and the passages apparently quoted from it. Bishop Lowth's opinion as to the origin of its name is scarcely tenable?

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Translate this, with notes pointing out such difficulties as occur.

5. Refute the argument of Morinus and other Romanist divines drawn from lost Books quoted in the Old Testament.




A.-I. Translate and explain the following title-page, which is prefixed to the ordinary Editions of the Hebrew Bible :

ספר תורה נביאים וכתובים כפי מהדורא בתרא ליוסף עטיאש עם הנקודות והטעמים קרי וכתיב כתיב ולא קרי וקרי ולא כתיב ואותיות גדולות וקטנות תלויות והפוכות הכל בכתב אמת חכמי המסרה ודבר דבר על מקומו רשום בסוף דף ודף גם לוח הפטרות שבת בשבתו ומועדי בני ישראל אשר ימצא בסוף ספרי

הקדש :

Give some examples of the peculiarities referred to in the words

. אותיות גדולות וקטנות תלויות והפוכות

2. Explain the meaning of the following Masoretic and other notes, which appear in the first book of the Psalms :

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3. Write a note on the following passage in Mendlessohn's preface to his edition of the Psalms :

אמרו מה משה רבינו חלק ספר תורה לחמשה ספרים כן דוד חלק ספר תהלים לחמשה ספרים :

4. Mention some of the passages in the sixteenth, twenty-second, and fortieth Psalms, in which the LXX. differs from the present Masoretic text.

5. Translate the following tradition of the Talmud with reference to the interpretation of the second Psalm :

משיח בן דוד שעתיד להגלות במהרה בימינו אומר לו הקבה שאל ממני דבר ואתן לך שנ' אספרה אל חק וגומר אני היום ילדתיך שאל ממני ואתן גויס


6. State fully the evidence of the Masora with regard to the word " (Ps. xxii. 17), and show that it supports the LXX. rendering, and not the present Jewish interpretation.

B.-I. Ps. ii. 6.

ואני נסכתי מלכי על ציון הר קדשי :

a. Translate, and give the primary meaning of . In what other passage of Scripture is this word said to be applied to the Messiah?

5. The LXX. translate as follows: 8yo de careerden Bartlets airou &rt Step opog to adytov avrov. How must the Hebrew text and pointing be altered in order to admit of this rendering of the verse? c. The New Testament supports the present Masoretic text?


Ps. iii. 8.

קומה יהוה הושיעני אלהי כי הכית את כל איבי לחי

שני רשעים שברת :

a. Affix the points to this verse, and translate.

b. Different explanations have been given of the meaning and grammatical construction of A passage of the first Book of Kings has been referred to in illustration?

c. The LXX. translate this word by paraíws; this may be explained in two ways?

3. Ps. vii. 14.


ולו הכין כלי מות חציו לדלקים יפעל :

; לדלקים Three interpretations have been proposed for

what is Jerome's rendering of the word ?

ויט שמים וירד וערפל תחת רגליו :

וירכב על כרוב ויעף וידא על כנפי רוח

ישת חשך סתרו סביבותיו סכתו

חשכת מים עבי שחקים :


4. Ps. xviii. Io.

ערפל and שחקים,כרוב b. Give the derivations of

a. Affix the points, and translate accurately.

c. The different readings found in 2 Sam. xxii. for NT and n


sist, in each case, in the alteration of a single letter? Explain the meanings of the words in both readings.

5. Ps. xxii. 21.

הצילה מחרב נפשי מיד כלב יחידתי :

Explain Kimchi's interpretation of the word 'n in this verse:

6. Ps. xxiii. 5.

היא הנשמה שהיא יחידה שוכנת בבתי חומר :


תערך לפני שלחן נגד צררי דשנת בשמן ראשי כוסי רויה

a. Translate. The verb occurs in a remarkable narrative in the Book of Genesis?

b. Give the meaning and grammatical form of . This word occurs in only one other passage of the Bible? How is it rendered by the LXX. ?

7. Ps. xxviii. 8.

יהוה עז למו ומעוז ישועות משיחו הוא :

a. Translate. The LXX. rendering (Kúpos кparaíwμa тov Xaov avrov) may be explained in two ways.

b. "Affixum i ubique est collectivum" (Rosenmüller). There are some remarkable exceptions to this statement, according to Ewald?

8. Ps. xxxv. 5, 6.

יהיו כמץ לפני רוח ומלאך יהוה דחה : יהי דרכם חשך וחלקלקת ומלאך יהוה רדפם :

a. Affix the points, and translate. Is the word used in any other passage of the Psalms?

b. Write a note on the meaning and scriptural usage of the title

מלאך יהוה

9. Ps. xxxviii. 2, 3, 6.

יהוה אל בקצפך תוכיחני ובחמתך תיסרני :

כי חציך נחתו בי ותנחת עלי ידך : הבאישו נמקו חבורתי מפני אולתי :

נעויתי שחותי עד מאד כל הים קדר הלכתי :

a. Affix the points, translate, and explain the unusual verbal forms. b. The verb nn has been adduced to explain a difficult grammatical construction in a verse of the thirty-fifth Psalm ?

The ? חבורתי and קדר e. What is the LXX. rendering of the words

latter word occurs in a remarkable passage of the prophet Isaiah ?

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