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9. How are the participles formed, and what are they called in Arabic? 10. What is a verb called whose second radical is (,) a

nied by; and what form does it take when preterite?

( و )

11. What form does of a verb weak in the

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is dropped in the

[blocks in formation]

12 فعال استفعال the conjugation

12. A verb weak in the (J),

or the last radical, what form does it

take in the of the following conjugations :

مفاعلة تفاعل تفعيل

13. What are the verbs of praise, abuse, and astonishment, in Arabic?

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16. What term is used for the latter in Arabic?

17. On what measure is the intensive adjective formed, and in what


? used افعل sense is

18. Decline an active participle, weak in the last, with and without

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Translate the following passage into Arabic:

A miser said to a friend, I have one thousand dinars which I intend to bury out of the city, and I will not tell this secret to any one besides yourself. They both went and buried the money under a tree. Some days after the miser went alone, and found that his money was gone: he knew at once who took it. The next day the miser went and said to his friend, to-morrow I will go with you to bury some more money which I received to-day. That foolish fellow, by the avarice of this money, replaced the first. The miser alone went next day and dug the earth, found his money, and never saw his friend again.

Translate the following passage into English :


قيل ان في قرية من قرى الجش امرأة بيضاء زوجت


برجل اسود و كان عمرها خمس عشرة سنة انها اولدت اربعة اطفال بطنة واحدة وأن الاطفال الاربعة مازالوا في قيد الحيواة والاغرب في هذا الحادث هو

[blocks in formation]

الحادث وكيف والاطباء الى تفسير هذا الحكمة

و ولدان مثل الاب وماجا مثل الام و ولدان كان ولدان مثل

الاربعة مثل ابيهم أو أمهم





Illustrate by parallel passages of Scripture the words, "And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord."-Acts, xxii. 16.


1. How does Archbishop Magee answer those who represent the doctrine of the Atonement as founded on the Divine implacability?

The greater part of this Examination is conducted vivâ voce.

2. How, the objection founded on the assertion that the means are inefficacious?

3. How does he meet the assertion, that it is nowhere said in Scripture that God is reconciled to us by Christ's death, but that we are everywhere said to be reconciled to God?

4. This reply is unsatisfactory; how may the assertion be directly set aside?

5. What theories as to the origin of sacrifice have been proposed by Spencer, Sykes, and Warburton, respectively?

6. What considerations does Archbishop Magee urge in refutation of the general idea of the human invention of Sacrifice?

7. What is Archbishop Magee's opinion as to the nature of Abel's faith?

8. His interpretation of Gen. iv. 7 is attended with serious difficulties? 9. Sykes and Priestley argue that if the guilt of the offerer was laid upon the victim, men must have offered to God what was polluted. How does Archbishop Magee reply?

10. Can you give a more satisfactory reply?


1. In what respect is Natural Theology at a disadvantage as compared with other sciences?

2. How are the arguments for the existence of God classified by Kant? Explain his nomenclature.

3. What is the practical answer to Kant's sceptical conclusions?

4. What chimæra has modern speculation been pursuing since the time of Fichte? account for this.

5. Explain Spinoza's phrases, "Natura naturans," and "Natura naturata."

6. What is the common-sense reply to the different forms of Pantheism? 7. The mystery of evil is but an aspect of a more general problem. 8. Under what head does Lord Bacon reduce miracles? Illustrate this view from Scripture.

9. The progress of science tends continually to strengthen our conviction of the truth of the miraculous history of the Bible?

10. State the fallacy in Hume's argument against miracles.

II. One of the Gospel narratives entirely sets aside M. E. Rénan's assertion, that the miracles of the New Testament have been accepted blindly without any serious examination.

12. State the heads of the argument which proves that Greek was the vernacular language of Palestine in our Lord's days.

13. What modern assault on Christianity is overturned by showing that the Books of the New Testament were written by the persons whose names they bear?

14. Answer the evasion of modern sceptics who deny Messianic Prophecy.

15. How would you meet the objection that the command to Abraham to sacrifice his son was a command to commit an immoral act?

16. In laying down the doctrine of the Eternal Generation of Christ, three kinds of Generation have been distinguished.

17. Our Lord himself distinguishes between His Divine and His human Sonship.

18. State, in chronological order, the various heresies which reflect the Ebionite and Docetic tendencies, respectively.

19. What reading does criticism accept as the correct one in the text 1 S. Pet. iii. 15? Illustrate the passage as thus read, by a parallel verse in Isaiah.

20. What are the different explanations of the word Azazel, which the English version translates " scape-goat?"

21. The Levitical offerings may conveniently be divided into three classes?

22. Express the meaning of Lev. xvii. 11 more fully than it is given in our English Version.




Subject for Composition.

Discuss the questions, "What is the point of S. Paul's argument in Rom. vii., and who is the person intended by the yú of this passage”?


1. Discuss with a Pantheist the question of Creation.

2. Discuss with a Pantheist the question of Personality.

3. What is the equivocation of the Pantheists on the subject of the Immortality of the Soul?

4. Whence the doctrine of the Metempsychosis? State its two prob


5. How does Müller classify the theories as to the origin of evil?

6. What is Archbishop King's theory as to the efficacy of prayer? 7. Show the importance of the question as to the authorship of the different Books of Scripture with reference to modern controversies.

8. Define accurately the words, "improbable," "impossible," "inconceivable;" and show how necessary it is, in arguing with those who call in question the truth of miracles, to keep these definitions in view.

9. What miracle does Strauss leave unnoticed?

10. What philosophical system lies at the basis of the speculations of M. E. Rénan? Prove this.

II. State the three principles which M. E. Rénan lays down in his Introduction; and show what his theory consequently amounts to.

12. M. E. Rénan, to all appearance unconsciously, extends the chronology of our Lord's life to between four and five years?

13. What is the nearest approach in the Old Testament to a disclosure of that relation between the Divine Essence and the Universe which the Incarnation subsequently revealed? How does this conception appear in the Apocryphal Books?

14. At what point in the history of doctrine does the doctrine of the Trinity pursue a different path from what is properly called Christology?


15. Illustrate from Scripture the theological principle entitled " municatio idiomatum." This rule illustrates the proper use of the title "God-Man"?

16. State the objection to the use of the term Oɛavdpikós. What are its Latin equivalents?

17. Give some remarkable instances illustrative of the principle that a new word suitably expressing an ancient doctrine has always been welcomed by the Church.

18. The theological history of the term "subordination" illustrates the entire progress of the evolution of doctrine?

19. Point out the preparatory character of the religions of the old world. An historical fact proves that the Hellenic idea is wholly alien to the Christian sentiment?

20. How did the belief in angelic intervention affect the popular religion of the Hebrews after the close of the Canon of Scripture? The fundamental idea of Christianity cannot be derived from the Logos of Philo Judæus ?

21. The Monothelete heresy passed through three stages?

22. In what sense is S. Anselm's view of the Atonement open to criticism? What advantage has this theory conferred upon Theology?

23. By what different terms is the redemptive agency of Christ expressed in the New Testament? Distinguish between them.

24. Account for the mysticism of the middle ages. What corruption of Catholic doctrine has arisen from the same tendency?

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